Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!!!

Tuesday 13 May 2008

My urm... distant related cousin (knew him before he became sort of part of the family) came to our house with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!!! Oooh, all the way from Manchester since he works all over this country ^^. My mum says that I tried these doughnuts before but I think I would have remembered if I ate it right? Anyway, so many different choices to munch on. Picture was taken after 2 doughnuts been munched on.

I shall describe what I thought of each doughnut tasted like to me:

1. I can just taste the flavour of the sugar icing, chocolate icing and sprinkles

2. The doughnut itself had enough flavours on it's own. This tasted like sugar doughnuts but with more icing on it D: Ugh! Too sweet!

3. A chocolate sauce in the middle with a tint of medicine cough syrup taste ... its strawberry! With a flavour of chocolates XD

4. A blueberry with tint of cherry, my type of plain yet nice tasty doughnut!

5. A full chocolate icing with sugar icing, ugh!

6. A chocolate doughnut hard with icing as usual, yack!

7. A icing coated doughnut D:

8.A jammy raspberry, yummy!

9. A lemon flavoured with icing on top - too sweet but love how the bun rised flavour :)

10. Well my mum made that, some type of dim sum with a full blast of banana flavour, too much too much!