2nd Induction day

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Second induction day at Sainsbury's was similar to first day. In the training room, where we learn more about Sainsbury's security, Think25 policy, pests, different replenishment tickets. We had a go at replenishment at Fresh department which is where I would be at. It was pretty cold especially with no gloves. I had customers coming up to me asking me where items where which I had no idea.

I got extra stuff with my uniform due to which department I shall be working at; includes knife (to cut boxes open not very sharp for obvious reasons), gloves and an extra jacket as it tends to get cold in the Fresh food department.

During the evening when I am back home, my "aunt and uncle" came to help look after my nephew whilst I was at the induction. Since my sister has to work from 4pm onwards, I would not be back from induction by that time as the induction took from 9-5pm.