Finally the exams over!

Thursday 21 August 2008

The final exam ended at 12.30 so I thought I would treat myself to some facial treatment for myself :)

Okay, usually people would treat themselves to something like a night out with friends but I'm not a clubbing type of person and also I am already planning to do something with my friends soon (I hope).

I went to Boots to get BOGOF on certain facial products. Every time I write facial or say facial, it sounds like people with beards or some hair on their face :S

Spent £20 on facial today. I know! Crazy spending but meh, might as well get it whilst it's on a deal.

I flipping spent £15 on Neutrogena products and £5 on face/nose strips XD

I know so many products bought of Neutrogena. It so darn better work on my face!

Clinique wasn't helpful to my skin *sigh*. Thought Clinique products would do wonders to my face, but I guess not... poo.