Ooo Friday the 13th

Friday, 13 April 2007

What do you expect if you live above a chinese takeaway?
Ya, noise. Even after midnight, as it's called customers comes just comes seconds after midnight for a meal. If you were the manager, you wouldn't really turn down a customer who comes in a second after midnight, would you? I know I wouldn't but only if it's like 5mins after midnight then I would consider to the customers "closed for the day".

If you had a long day at work and goes straight to bed, doubt you would hear noise since you are totally tired. But if you are bored out of your mind, it's obvious that you would keep complaining about the noise. As this is true no matter what.

As compare my dad to my aunt (dad's slightly older sister), they have different lifestyles. My dad works in a chinese takeaway and my aunt well ... she babysitting weekends only. My dad doesn't complain about arm pains and such, whilst my aunt does complain about it and tries different methods of cureing it. If you are totally busy with stuff, you would forget about the pain but if you have nothing to do, most likely you would complain because you have time to think about it.

Like for me, sometimes when I'm doing something important I forget about any pain until when I have finished the something that's when I realise that I have a pain somewhere. I bet you have had the same situation as me.

Man, I had to do more on the photoshop family picture again... takes forever to do!
Also revision too!!! Wah! my cousin just emailed me that she's done loads of revision ... T_T poo...

Lol nothing too bad happened today, well except for the fact that I had those big green fly in my room window and I had a slight panick attack about it. My brother decided to act all panick attack as well to make fun of me ¬_¬. Found out that there is a spider somewhere in my room because my brother found a nasty spider's web on window in my room T_T help!