Do you always get suspicious when someone uses your name in conversation?
I know I always do, but the worst is when you try and find out why your name was in the conversation and you find out that it's nothing much. Something like:
"Oh, I just said that you and your brother are going to be making your own meal since I don't have time" ...
Unpredictable weather
Argh! Don't you just hate it when you are indoors revising for exams, it becomes all sunny outside. There is some curse to prevent us from getting the lovely rays of sun ... Okay, okay, I do not like the sun but at least it's not pouring down with rain.
The rain is evil, especially with the wind, when they combine their powers, makes it worst for us to walk in whilst walking to the bus stop. Also you can't use your umbrella since the wind would just keep flip around making you embarrassed about the umbrella. That's only happened to me once and it's the umbrella with a button to auto flip open itself. But I do love laughing at the people who's umbrella flips inside out, hahaha!
Don't you think it's pointless of going out shopping when you got someone else to go get you the stuff instead?
Yeah, it's good to go outside for just to relax and have fresh air ... but I have my window opened, isn't that good enough of fresh air? I guess I'm lazy to walk around and I do need to revise for my accouting modules for May.
But bad thing about getting someone else to get your stuff is that, there are so many different types of one item. Since dad, my brother and sister was going out shopping for the day, I just told my sister to go get me some highlighters from Staples and thought it's simple enough as it is just highlighters. Then when she's at Staplers, she goes ringing me up saying:
"what type of highlighter do you want?".
There are way too many different choices in the world, I mean it's just highlighters!
I think there should be strict rules on stuff when buying, why can't the world be strict on rules? It would make life easier, as when I was choosing the course for university to do... man, there are way too many different Accounting courses to choose. Come on, it's accounting! not brain surgery, is it?
I guess if the world was based on strict rules especially when buying items, it would be tad expensive since the companies would own a particular item and they would be monopoly of that market. Then they would be able to bring up the selling price onto the customers and therefore we would have to pay up since wouldn't have that choice to buy cheaper ones.
But still that is the problem with this world, too many choices to choose from; How would this affect on the people who can't decide on stuff? This affects me very much, thank you very much! I got a bunch of friends who is just like me undecisive, takes us forever to choose a row to sit on in lectures, hahaha!
Sometimes when I look over at some people's houses, how perfect does a house needs to be, to be perfect? It just seems like some people just spend way too much time cleaning their homes including the gardens too - back and front! I mean, don't you have anything else to do?
It is good to clean your house, but to always have it like a model house, how creepy is that?
I know, for a fact, that my family's house is not like that at all. It's a tip ... no that doesn't sound great but it's not a tip tip where it smells really bad nor where you have to jump across certain spots to go across the room. (But sometimes my room is that messy where I have to jump across certain spots to get to my computer ^-^" ) It's just average mess, like people is living in it mess, hohoho!
Ah, mum has ploughed some new fresh soil onto the garden to grow some vegetables most likely. I wonder how long it would survive, who would get it first - mum or the bugs. I guess, have to wait a while and see if it shall be eaten first by us or bugs.
But my bet is on the bugs as this has happened way too many times now and mum hasn't ever gotten any live vegetables for us to munch on before the bugs has.
Wow, little kids can be so mean at times even if they don't know that themselves.
I was just there with one of my little cousins, the youngest cousin and I said to her:
"what are you doing?" as a general type of voice, not those which goes yelling "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!". Anyway, when I said that, then the youngest cousin goes using her hand wacking me ... wacking with her hand into the air but not hard just a gentle telling you to shuu away type of gesture but how mean is that! Then she goes running to her dad, I was just shocked that the youngest cousin keeps doing that instead of using her voice to talk to us. It's not like we are strangers to her, she always comes everyone Monday to our home to eat. But perhaps the youngest cousin just doesn't want to be there with her relatives O.o?
Man, the harshest thing happened when the older cousin drew a picture of her family (my aunt, uncle, her and her sister, the hand-wacking cousin). I was seeing the picture as it was so cute, then after a while she goes cutting her sister out of the picture. I was just shocked out of my guts, so I told her mother, she told my cousin who cut out her sister from the picture. She told her off as "it's wrong because even if you don't like her do not ever cut her out of the picture as she's family". Aww, I wonder why she did that, even if she didn't think it was wrong to cut someone out of a picture.
My aunt said that they always fight even when sleeping.
I think it was probably because of jealously of the parents. As they aren't always there with them; they get left with my relative to be babysat each day. The only time the kids get to specifically see their parents is only on Monday (because that's the only day of rest from working) and my aunt always seems to be looking after the youngest cousin since she's younger and they can be such a mess :)
I think the best thing to do is that each parent spends certain amount of time with each child by themselves, as it's not like they are always busy on Monday after meals or a time way before meal time. This way the child would not be felt left out, but I guess I'll just leave it to my aunt and her hubby to work this out. As some people can feel totally wahhhh!! against others helping them to how to raise their children.
But when I said to my aunt:
"why don't you ask my mum about how she dealed with me and my sister?".
She said:
"there wasn't any problem between you two since my sister was all innocent".
She also said that once my aunt gave my sister sweeties and my sister tells my aunt to give it to her friends and hands them back to my aunt. HAHAAAHAAA!!! I just thought of this in the top of my head and blurted it out ...
"*My sister's name*, You were just a baby geek!!!!"
Okay, geek came out wrong but they get what I meant ^-^ So, I was always the troubling kid I guess and my sister was the "stay by the rules" kid XD
Well what do you expect with me being the middle child out of the 3, as they say "middle children are crazy" :)
Little kids can be so mean
Monday, 2 April 2007
Posted by didi at 20:14
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