
Monday, 9 April 2007

The 2cousins came back again, it wasn't all that bad since my older cousin was here too. She was here because to use the internet and as well as get songs off me ha ha ha. I think the youngest cousin likes my older cousin more than me, wohoo!!! I did quite abit of revision notes, so lucky me that my older cousin was here.

You know, I wonder why the youngest cousin doesn't like my sister, as she's always running away from my sister ... did my sister do something wrong to her? Perhaps, my sister probably most likely shouted at the youngest cousin and she has always remembered that. Or it could be because my sister is always playing with the other cousin , that the youngest cousin doesn't like that so she decides to get someone else? I tried asking her so many times but no answer from her.

Today, the youngest cousin was staying in my sister's room since my older cousin was there looking on the internet on my sister's laptop and my sister was downstairs with older cousin; the youngest cousin was just there searching through my sister's bag. Whilst, I was getting the items that the youngest cousin poured out from my sister's bag, I was shocked to see what was inside, as it's no surprise but Ugh! But the worst is that my older cousin knows about it, and most likely she would tell people about it =/ Which is kinda bad since it's not really about her and just about my sister.

The thing the youngest cousin found whilst searching through my sister's bag was a couple of condoms... gross! The weird thing about this, is that shouldn't the male keep that, if it's her boyfriend she's having sex with ... or is she wanting it just incase she does it with someone else? I just felt so grossed out, since she went to see her boyfriend yesterday, which is quite far but not too far; but it was quite clear what she was doing whilst seeing her boyfriend anyway.

It was obvious that she was doing that, as before since I was totally creeped, fucking out about seeing something that she should have just bookmarked that internet site. As quite a while before, I was helping her with her work, so I went into her room to show her something on the computer ... and fuck what did I see, two people having sex in a very odd position... GROSS!!! Something that my sister probably wants to try with her boyfriend, it's called “my gosh, don't let me see what you want to do when you are fucking your boyfriend!”.

So therefore, I knew what she wanted to do all the time when she goes sees him at his place, since they haven't seen each other for over 3months now. But I don't really like her boyfriend, he hardly comes sees her here and she has to travel there instead. Hello, isn't the boyfriend suppose to try and come for the girl not vice versa!!? (not trying to be sexist).
Argh! This just brings back memories not too long ago ... lol, about last year only.

Okay, give you the basic of the story, my sister met a dude in April then becomes her boyfriend (lets just call him "Charlie" to stop confusion for later on). My mum not happy since he's from a different area of China which she believes that he would just use her and so my mum goes setting up another dude for my sister with my “aunt”. My sister goes meet this dude to just say "hi" to make mum happy in May (by the way he's a chef, so lets call him Chef). Been together for a while, 5months having two boyfriends, my sister chooses Charlie over Chef boyfriend in October. Now, still with Charlie.

Okay, she met Charlie like in April or so, then he goes to China for the summer to visit his parents for abit. Whilst he went back to China, Chef boyfriend comes along in May.
Anyway, whilst going out with two boyfriends, who you have not met that long ago; less than a year for both, you wouldn't really do anything much with any of the boyfriends until you know which one to choose and know them abit more, wouldn't you?

But noooooo, not for my sister ... she knew Charlie for less than 2months and she had sex with him. Then when he went to China for summer, she knew Chef boyfriend for less than 2months and she had sex with him too!

So she had sex with both boyfriends, when only knowing them both less than a year! What a sick sister I got! Some would say she's a whore, I would too since she did that!

Myself, I would rather know the person abit longer before having sex with them. But I guess, it depends if I was in a relationship with a dude. As never been out with a dude before, so ya virgin 19 year old lol! That must be a surprise a virgin at age 19 in England! Since most people had sex by that age hahaha! Sorry being all tight arse against england but it's true, otherwise I wouldn't have said it.

The worst thing about all this crap going on about my own sister, is that I had to hear it from someone else and not straight from her. My own sister keeps way too much stuff from me, I'm her bloody sister hello? Doesn't that mean anything, am I the sister who's so eeky about things that you can't tell me anything anymore?!?

Okay, I know I'm telling out to the world abit tad much about my sister's relationship and gross-ness. But it's not like she will ever know it's her anyway :P and doubt you will know who I am, until you try searching for my IP address and try to link back to me or something random. I just had to let it out about all this crap, because I can't really tell anyone that I know ... as my brother well he's just way too like me about "Ugh! Argh! Don't want to hear this la la la!" and all. Can't tell my parents, since it's a situation that they would make worst for mt sister, especially my mum. My aunt, well she's well... sometimes just can't seem to say stuff to her ... not saying that I don't trust her, awkward that's all. My older cousins,, well don't really want to tell them stuff as it's awkward too. I don't really trust them either.

Man, look at how long the dang post is, well this is what happens when you got too much time and too much stuff cooping up inside the brain.

Today, just before my aunt comes to pick her kids up and my sister to babysit them at my my aunt's home; the youngest cousin was searching through my sister's room, then when my sister comes up she sees that the youngest cousin had opened something sharp; a blade for penknife. When she saw the wrapper with no blade inside, you should have seen her. My sister goes telling my older cousin:
"You were suppose to be looking after her".

I was just gobsmacked when she said this, so I told her off for not telling my older cousin off when she didn't do anything wrong. It's my sister's own fault for not putting blades away properly, she knew that the youngest cousin can walk upstairs and wander around.

So just now at midnight, she given her a right told off for doing what she did wrong today. She was trying to defend herself against me, when she knew I was right about putting away her stuff properly. This is what she tried to say to defend herself:
"So you are saying to protect the youngest cousin away from everything dangerous".

How dum is that! So reply to my sister was:
"She's only a child, you would rather protect her at this age of 2 only. Then when she's older, you can allow her to do her own stuff when she goes to school since she would be wiser and she would have her sister to help and etc ... (blah blah blah yap yap yap there I go la la la about stuff)".

She should know better, I always just put my stuff away into high places where the 2kids can't reach whenever I go out as just incase something might happen.

Happy Birthday to my dad! who is now umm.. so and so age :)