Joys of little kids liking you

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Not really, it's a pain in the backside.
I had to spend most of the day looking after the 2cousins) when it wasn't even my task to do that. Sounds harsh but I don't want to look after them unless I really, really had to. Anyway, my sister had made a commitment with my aunt couple days before, saying that she would look after them, but nooo I had to look after them too, today.

After waking up about 12pm; (from staying awake playing some computer game with my borther until 3am), and that's when they came over. That is when the long day of suffering starts. I had to look after mainly one of them, but I had to get the one which is crazy active.

All of us were just there playing with colour pencils, la la la (that is the only thing I can deal with), and then the youngest cousin goes to me that she's done a poo. This can just go worst for me; I had to clean her up since she wanted me only to clean her up and not my sister. Ugh, I felt so sick when I saw all that poo in the nappy, the first reaction I did was to pick that nasty nappy and throw it away. But one thing I forgot, was the nappy binbag so I carried dirty nappy across the room with that stench and back D: Gross!

How active can kids be?
VERY active! I had left the youngest cousin with my sister to play with instead, and when I went upstairs to my room where I can finally start on revision ... Knock Knock Knock " my name being called out " Nooooo!!! She had come all the way upstairs to find me.

So I had to look after her as I don't her to come into my room where she can mess up my mess. Half an hour of going back and forth between 2toliet rooms ... don't ask me why, as I have no idea why she wanted to do that. I had to play with the youngest cousin for like 2hours straight ... felt like 10hours plus more likely. I was so tired after that, wanted to go sleep instead.

But this is a wonder, how does one look after them for a whole day then? I guess one thing they wouldn't do is spend every minute of their time playing games with them ... well I guess you could then you could wear them out faster so more time to yourself after they fall asleep :) But I don't know what to do if one keeps sticking to me to the hip ... I told her that I needed to revise too =/ I guess I need to be more firmer when talking to the 2year old. ... Argh! I can still smell nasty poo! Taking a shower asap now ... arghhhh!

What's wrong with my friends?
I try to keep in touch with them since I haven't seen them much since September, you know just emailing everyone to see how they are doing ... wow, only a few replies from the bunch of friends I got. Also I have seen them online on msn messenger too, with me being offline since I was doing revision and still they didn't reply to my email that I sent them all.

Fucking 'ell, I should just forget about all my friends except the ones that reply to me, I guess. My guess is that they want to forget about me and move on their lives.

How does one keep their relationship with their friends? Email? Phone calls? I mean, I would go try meet up with them, but if they are all at different university, should I go to their university at certain times to see them if I have time? Send them special birthday presents on their birthday? I think most of my friends are just lazy ... I know I can be lazy but they are extra lazy then. I'm glad I got real friends who doesn't ignore me.

How many friends does one should have about?
Yeah, they can have like loads but are they truely your good friends? As I got lots of those who are "hey, how are you" and end of conversation, I guess those are friends.
I meant to have questioned "How many close friends does one should have about?" As I think I only have 3close friends then... I just hope I don't ever lose them as a friend, I need to do something to keep me close to them. (No, don't even think that! Nothing nasty please!).

Okay, doesn't Mature Cheddar & Onion Chutney sounds abit off putting you ... well perhaps not, but it does to me. I don't think I have ever eaten Chutney before so I shouldn't really guess how it would taste. Anyway, I tried McCoy's Specials Mature Cheddar & Onion Chutney flavour and guess what it's tasty :) But the bad thing about it, is that it's addictive to keep munching through the whole bag of chips/crisps (I don't know which I use anymore since sometimes I mix my words with American way ... nooooooo). I finished the whole bag and now I am not hungry for dinner, my dinner isn't made for me so I have to make my "own" dinner aka microwave leftovers. (The leftover tonight is delicious spicy chicken which is so tender with rich flavours that made my cousins want to eat it, when they came over). The crisps package says "This bag contains approximately 3 servings", what does that mean? That I eat too much of 3times more than what people eat ... T_T".