I'm so flipping frustrated today! I was there talking to my brother about why he didn't bring my parents' clothes downstairs to the washing machine, when he brought his own downstairs. Then my sister says to me:
"you like to argue".
That was just flipping lie! Do I heck like to argue all the time! I don't like to argue at all! That just frustrated me to the max! So I didn't talk at all during lunchtime, as all I do is ARGUE tsk! When I just closed the cupboard door, my sister said "Wow, angry". Flipping hell! I can't even close doors anymore as that would mean that "I'm angry". My sister is just such an arse for saying that! I know I can get easily angry but I do not flipping ARGUE all the time!
Now, I have to not let too much wind gust into my room because if it slams that means I'm angry. Stupid arse flipping cow!
I would usually use swear words but I try not to, so the word "flipping" would be another word.
I really dislike my sister lately, all she has done is eat less and ignore everyone's suggestions. Well if she's going to be like that, there's no point of her talking to me. All she comes to me is for advice for stuff. But if I give advice that would mean there's no point of that if she just ignores them all.
I have calmed down about the whole situation but I don't think I'm going to forgive her that easily unless she apologises to me, as that was just uncalled for.
I am addicted to Sudoku now, I was before too during 6th form, as we got the Metro newspaper to play with. But now it's online, much easier to play :)
I can only play Medium as Hard and Fiendish is way too difficult for me XD
I'll give you a tip on this game:
1. The sudoku game.

2. I find a 3 (9square box) in a row, and find 2 boxes of those 3 with the same number.
Such as "1", they are in different 9square box.

4. So in those column "?" follow across and find if there are any other "1" values.
a value for 1 is ignored since it's not in the column of the "?"s.
b value for 1 allows us to cross off the "?"

Argh! Aiya! Who the eck would phone me at 4am? I was fast asleep! So many random phone numbers been ringing my number lately =S The number who's call I missed at 4am is: 07879494098
Call them and haunt them!I hope it's not my friend who's number I haven't got... but why the eck would they phone at 4am anyway? They all know that I am never awake at that time XD.
That number from yesterday rang again today which is from Burnley Lancashire D: The odd thing about it, whilst looking on the internet to just try and find out what number this is ... I did find a site with the number.
This site is something about register cars? To find the details, press find and copy this number in: 01282 606397
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