
Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Today, I just stayed home instead of going into university on my day off; as I'm just too lazy prepare myself up. I don't mean like make-up and such, just eating and finding clean clothes which isn't white; why not white? Because sweat marks might show since I usually power-walk to university which is about 15minutes away from my bus stop ^_^".

Anyway, my cousin came to ours today as usual. It wasn't that bad today, since my sister was entertaining my cousin whilst I did some revision :)

Guess what I realised lately, well I always knew this but just really, really saw what I looked like... I am bald!!! :'( Wahh, I got such a large bald forehead! Anyone got any tips on what I should do to cover this shiny bald forehead? I guess the best thing to do is to get a fringe (or some people say: "bangs").