Today, I went into university to do the coursework which is worth 50% of my module for "Computing for Accounting" which is weird, as I don't know what Computing stands for anymore O.o?!?? I thought it was based on like computers and nothing about using basic softwares like Word and Spreadsheet but apparently it does ... O.o.
During the time when I was doing my work on my laptop, you wouldn't believe, it sudden kept making a loud beeping noise. I thought something was wrong with my laptop, but then I realised that it was trying the say "low battery" ... I was with my 3 undecisive amigos, lol!
It was so boiling during this day, I can't believe that we have to work indoors whilst it's super hot outside. But after a few hours of trying to do our coursework, we decided to call it for the day, as we had to go get a present for one of the friends in the undecisive group (L) ^_^". Well, E knew what we could get her straight away, a music book to play on her piano since she's a high grade pianoist (I think a grade 7 but she can play grade 8 stuff but doesn't go for the test as you need to sing or something?). :) And that was settled on the gift lmao!!!
I could never decide on what to get people for their birthdays, as I always try to get them something useful if I like them. Otherwise, I would use gifts that were giving to me but never used to someone else. Who cares if I am mean, it's not like I'm giving them used stuff. I'm just giving them gifts that I think are useless to me personally.
So anyway after we found the gift for L, I had to come back home trying the heavy bag with the laptop inside. I didn't use a laptop bag, since that would attracted unwanted eyes on my laptop, I used my trusty 'Kipling' backpack bag and some scarfs to keep my laptop safe lol!
When I came home, just realised that my grandparents were coming for the evening to eat at our home, I thought it was odd because they hardly come. But after dinner, whilst I was sorta making good, old, english tea, I over heard them talking about what type of gravestones they are going to get for my grandpa. Man, awful to prepare but good to be prepare so instead of doing at when the time happens (as that would be even worst).
But I wonder, would be wise to make our will in advance? Well incase something happens to you, but how would a will work as? A list of stuff of who gets what, then sign it at the bottom to confirm it is you? I watched somewhere that this person died and didn't make a will, so his son doesn't get any of his father's money and the money is given to government thing. What a cruel faith, but not all father would like their sons... but still... bad move dead man.
Prepare for death
Monday, 30 April 2007
Posted by didi at 23:25 0 comments
Courseworks are worth that much?
Sunday, 29 April 2007
As you remember yesterday, my sister said about me liking to "Argue", today I'm keeping the talking to the minimum to her by only giving her one word answer, "yes" or "no". She should not have said that to me as that's just so wrong and so untrue! Hopefully she would know what she had said and apologises to me eventually, or it's going to be a change in relationship with my sister. Now it's night-time and still no sorry to me at all from her!
All day for today, I have just been doing my "Computing for Accounting" coursework which is worth 50% of my module of 10credits!!! Unbelievable how much a coursework can affect your modules so much. But I guess it would be like that, like my coursework for Alevels ICT which was worth 25% and boi, I'm glad there was a coursework there since my theory exam ... urm, didn't go so good... ^_^" .
I know my blogs are dull but who cares, since I'm only mainly keeping it to make myself do something and also to remember things happening as days goes pass quick.
Posted by didi at 22:14 0 comments
Saturday, 28 April 2007
I'm so flipping frustrated today! I was there talking to my brother about why he didn't bring my parents' clothes downstairs to the washing machine, when he brought his own downstairs. Then my sister says to me:
"you like to argue".
That was just flipping lie! Do I heck like to argue all the time! I don't like to argue at all! That just frustrated me to the max! So I didn't talk at all during lunchtime, as all I do is ARGUE tsk! When I just closed the cupboard door, my sister said "Wow, angry". Flipping hell! I can't even close doors anymore as that would mean that "I'm angry". My sister is just such an arse for saying that! I know I can get easily angry but I do not flipping ARGUE all the time!
Now, I have to not let too much wind gust into my room because if it slams that means I'm angry. Stupid arse flipping cow!
I would usually use swear words but I try not to, so the word "flipping" would be another word.
I really dislike my sister lately, all she has done is eat less and ignore everyone's suggestions. Well if she's going to be like that, there's no point of her talking to me. All she comes to me is for advice for stuff. But if I give advice that would mean there's no point of that if she just ignores them all.
I have calmed down about the whole situation but I don't think I'm going to forgive her that easily unless she apologises to me, as that was just uncalled for.
I am addicted to Sudoku now, I was before too during 6th form, as we got the Metro newspaper to play with. But now it's online, much easier to play :)
I can only play Medium as Hard and Fiendish is way too difficult for me XD
I'll give you a tip on this game:
1. The sudoku game.

2. I find a 3 (9square box) in a row, and find 2 boxes of those 3 with the same number.
Such as "1", they are in different 9square box.

4. So in those column "?" follow across and find if there are any other "1" values.
a value for 1 is ignored since it's not in the column of the "?"s.
b value for 1 allows us to cross off the "?"

Argh! Aiya! Who the eck would phone me at 4am? I was fast asleep! So many random phone numbers been ringing my number lately =S The number who's call I missed at 4am is: 07879494098
Call them and haunt them!I hope it's not my friend who's number I haven't got... but why the eck would they phone at 4am anyway? They all know that I am never awake at that time XD.
That number from yesterday rang again today which is from Burnley Lancashire D: The odd thing about it, whilst looking on the internet to just try and find out what number this is ... I did find a site with the number.
This site is something about register cars? To find the details, press find and copy this number in: 01282 606397
Posted by didi at 22:10 0 comments
Random phone number
Friday, 27 April 2007
Today, nothing really happened except some random phone number kept ringing me on my mobile number. They left a voicemail onto my phone saying to pick up the phone, they also said the person's name who they think they were calling to. It was sorta weird, as they rang twice and a voicemail. But I think they realised that they got the wrong phone number eventually. I got their number in the missed calls and it's from somewhere in Burnley with local area number of "01282". This site is probably the only website which tells me about local area code for phone numbers in United Kingdom.
Ha! I was so right about my old friend (lets call him Z), Z doesn't want to be in our 6th form gang anymore!!! It was so obvious that he doesn't want to be part of the gang anymore! As recently my other friend D, got a text message from Z saying if wanting to meet to hang out and catch up on stuff. So D texted me if I wanted to go and I said something like:
"Hmm nah, don't think he wants to be our friends anymore". D asked what I meant by that and I had to tell him what I thought about Z.
Anyway, D met up with Z a couple of weeks back and don't you would think if you were asking someone if they want to meet up that you would be spending a while hanging with them. But no, not Z he only hung out with D for an hour and left! What the eck?!? Fucking arsewipe, what's the point of texting to hang out for just an hour, you might as well just said, "I'm going to get lunch, you want to come?". Even lunch with someone would spend more than an hour with the person! I would rate him a friend who uses people and moans about stupid things! That's all he did in 6th form! He used me to get music!!! Aiya, stupid Z, that's all I am to him, a software to get certain music.
Posted by didi at 23:11 0 comments
Who's closer to you?
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Today, I only had to be at university for a 2hour lecture at 3pm. So I stayed at home doing to Computing for Accouting module coursework. My sister was doing the gardening and I asked her that isn't my cousin going to come to our house soon, as I do not want to be looking after her whilst my sister does the gardening. As she just started about 11ish when my cousin comes about 11.30ish, I don't think she knows when good timing is.
As several occasions this has happened, she said she wants to ride her bike to job centre (the job centre is quite a distant away from home, probably about 15-20mins in car). I asked her, what time does she think she would be back by and who would look after my cousin. She said, dad would look after her and I was just shocked that she said that. Wow, it's not like he's got anything better to do than to look after kids. Stupid girl, I told her, about what if dad is busy and has to leave early to work. She then realised not to go by bike.
I know most of my blogs are about my sister and moaning about her, but she is my sister and she does so many mistakes that she doesn't ever realise nor listens to. I think she's just frustrated about listening that she totally blocks every suggestions that I make to her.
Today, when I was about to leave the house to go to my lecture, my cousin goes to me:
"I'm going to go to school with you". I was just laughing and asked her:
"Really? Aren't you scared of everyone there? I would be coming back very, very late though." She said:
"I am not scared. I want to come back very, very, very late". This was funny, how she wanted to come with me. She was putting her shoes on too. So sweet yet I just told her that my sister would take her outside instead ;)
When I was at lecture for an hour and then we usually have a little 5minutes break since it was 2hours lecture. But my friends left after just been at university for an hour. I thought it was pointless of going home after just an hour of lecture, so I stayed for 2hours.
Which parent are you closer to? I think I'm closer to my dad than to my mum, since I hardly see my mum at all. The only time I see her is on Monday afternoon and Saturday/Sunday morning. My dad, I usually see him slightly longer (including those times of Monday,Saturday and Sunday), like during the mornings when I don't have to be at university so early.
I use to be closer to my mum but now she's hardly here, I just gotten distant with her. I hope the shop gets sold soon. As I remember a couple of years back, my mum didn't have to be at work so early until like 1pm and my dad didn't go until 3pm. It was good in a way of communication and interaction. Aww, I miss those days :'(
Posted by didi at 23:59 0 comments
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Today, it was my day off university since I had no lectures, but I did go to university to go to a talk about Industrial & International placement for 3rd year. I decided that I am definately going to go for Industrial Placement for my 3rd year if I pass this year. I have decided this because this would help me and my future course in final year. Also I get paid so the tuition fee would be gone sooner or later and a bonus point of could also get a future permanent job at the same company too :) That's a big bonus though, rare!!!
Oh my gosh, Desperate Housewives excellento! Gabby with Lang & the elevator, that was just so sweet what Gabby did for him. But I haven't heard much about the relationship between Lynette and her new addition to the family (that girl). But their business now, sweet! However, I am still wondering about Mike the chef ( ... or whatever he's called), would he use cocaine in the food? I guessing some day he will :O
Aww, poor Lynette's oldest child though, to see that horrible scary thing inside the fridge.
But oh my gosh! That was just so hilarious with Susan and the 2wedding cakes:
British - rich and elegant OR American - down to earth and sweet
That just made me laugh when it was compared to something similar ;D
I think I know why my sister doesn't tell me anything anymore, because I'm a sucker to my parents. But it's not like I'm telling them totally secretive talk, I only tell my parents because I am scared for her health and worried about what this does to my parents. I asked her today:
"what are you stressed about?" because she looked stressed. She replies:
"about mum". I asked her:
"what about mum?". My sister goes:
I think I'm losing in touch with my sister, I can't do anything now as what's done is done.
When she was stratching her legs (as she has eczema), I told her to put cream on to make it stop, but she ignored me. So is ignoring the new thing? I have suggested answers to her several times about stuff such as toliets, my cousins, kitchen, relaxing and so many more, but yet she still ignores all my suggestions. Is it because I'm giving bad suggestions or does she just wants to ignore me?
Posted by didi at 22:21 0 comments
Skinny bones
Friday, 20 April 2007
My last lecture of programming today, wasn't all that bad today I guess. There was only like a few people compared to its usual amount of students. But shame on them because the lecturer went through past exam paper answers with us, mwahahaha!!!
I was watching "Skinny Celebrities III on Living TV, and boi, it was scarying me to death! It was scary because it showed a picture of a girl who was dead skinny with just bones, it was like getting a skeleton from science labs and just wrap it in a layer of skin over the bones.
But I wonder, if someone is that skinny, would you be able to see their organs? I know the organs are made out of tissue and are soft & squishy, but you could be that skinny to be able to see them, right?
Posted by didi at 22:25 0 comments
Virginia Tech gunman
Thursday, 19 April 2007
I decided that 4hours of break from 11am to 3pm I would go home. As it's not like had coursework due on that day ;)
Virginia Tech gunman
I'll tell you what I think about this dude; who killed people then killed himself. I think it's because of his social life with the other students, as if you had friends who you like to hang out with, you wouldn't really think about killing others and such. If only they had accepted for who he was and not judged him so much. As if I was in his situation, I think I would have done the same; if I was lonely and depressed with school life. However, I am not him and I would not dare to kill others as that would just make others suffer even more.
Posted by didi at 22:04 0 comments
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Today, I just stayed home instead of going into university on my day off; as I'm just too lazy prepare myself up. I don't mean like make-up and such, just eating and finding clean clothes which isn't white; why not white? Because sweat marks might show since I usually power-walk to university which is about 15minutes away from my bus stop ^_^".
Anyway, my cousin came to ours today as usual. It wasn't that bad today, since my sister was entertaining my cousin whilst I did some revision :)
Guess what I realised lately, well I always knew this but just really, really saw what I looked like... I am bald!!! :'( Wahh, I got such a large bald forehead! Anyone got any tips on what I should do to cover this shiny bald forehead? I guess the best thing to do is to get a fringe (or some people say: "bangs").
Posted by didi at 22:58 0 comments
Conversation topics?
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Man, I thought I was going to be late for my lecture at 10am today. Since the bus had just gone before I had arrived near to the bus stop, and also the bus stopped for a while because of rest stop. But weird enough, I arrived earlier than the rest of my friends lol!
During the 2hour lecture in the morning, we were to put our names onto a small sheet of paper and fold it up. It was for an evening lecture meeting with the lecturer with free meal. The names were put into each gender hat (to make it even amount of sex) and lecturer had to pick 4 of each gender name out from the 2hats. This was scary since no one wanted to get picked at all, but lucky enough I didn't, phew! It was formal dress code too, eew. HaHaHa lucky 8people get to go though.
I hate when it gets so quiet with no-one talking during lunchtime. It was so quiet during today's, I was just there staring at blank space with no-one else talking. What can you talk about? Hobbies? done. Events? done. Course? done. ... what else?!???
Posted by didi at 22:37 0 comments
Once again
Monday, 16 April 2007
During the time where my sister's eating disorder happened, we went abroad to Hong Kong for my older cousin's wedding and that's when things went wrong for her. My sister's foot went all the sudden large of liquid water, so my dad and my uncle took her to hospital whilst the rest of us went to visit my mum's old place where my mum grew up. Man, that was some "luxury" bus.
Anyway, when we came back from Hong Kong and China holiday, my sister's foot was still very large and suddenly both foot were at large status later on. The point of this rambling on crap because today my sister applied to join Marthon run. I told her to tell our parents about what she's doing, as for one reason I am concern for her health and also because she doesn't ever communicate with our parents anymore.
She told my parents and boy they shouted at her. They were shouting about this because during the time of her eating disorder, they were both very stressed in pain mentally. My mum was in tears about her leg, as she doesn't want her to die at a young age like her brother.
That's why this is once again as just happened. She became all stressed, so did my dad but he doesn't show it out as much as my mum does. Yes, this situation starts all over again. The routine of how it was when her eating disorder happened.
Posted by didi at 21:42 0 comments
Would you feed something they are not allowed to eat?
Sunday, 15 April 2007
If one is not allow to eat certain food because their parents said that they aren't allow to eat it because of their condition status ... would you feed them something they aren't allowed to eat?
Stupidly, one relative did that to my cousin, I mean if they are not allowed to eat it, you could distract them so they don't have the urge for it. But not my aunt, she gives it to my cousin to eat and says "don't tell your parents" ... That is just wrong! I was just gobsmacked when she said this, but I didn't say anything as I do not want to get involved if it doesn't cause any problem just yet.
Well I'm just dum at doing quizzes, try it yourself, I keep getting low low scores on these questions but they are American types of questions like the money problem (lets blame it on that ;P )
Try finishing the 20levels, and then try to get them all green :) Still working on it, too hard some levels.
Man, my sister is going to be the death of me. She has so many problems, it makes me sick to the stomach just listening to it now. I know it's harsh to say about my own sister but it's true.
Ever since she had a problem with her eating disorder last year. My parents would nag to her about her problem, and she would constantly cries non-stop everytime. I think that was when it all started when I got annoyed with my sister's problems. So during that time, everytime my sister would talk to me, I would give her a suggestion of what to do, but she keeps asking me about the same dang questions - so I would give her the same answer as before ... every single time! WHY don't you listen to me and stop asking the same dang question!!!
Now, when my sister tells me her problems, I just can't deal with it as I could before the whole eating disorder problem. So every problem she has, I just always say, "So? What do you want me to do about it?". I think it's obvious that I don't give a crap about her problems anymore. But also I think this because she doesn't tell me anything anymore anyway. Like her condom last week, or having sex with both boys before knowing them abit more. I think this the the problem that is driving me apart from her, ripping the relationship that I have with her further away.
Posted by didi at 22:53 0 comments
Remember F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Episodes
Saturday, 14 April 2007
Okay, cheeky me for looking at the internet for the final episodes of America's Next Top Model Cycle 7 since in UK they don't show the final on Living TV until later on ;) So found out that Caridee wins wohooo!!! But don't really like her over excited side of her, too much for me I think ;)
But wowee she won, however would have liked Michelle to win since oh my gosh total talented or what! I think she did sacrifice herself for her twin, Amanda ;) Even if that's predicting such a thing, but me myself, I'm going to believe that is true :)
I didn't really see all of Cycle 5 of Next Top Model, but Nicole won! I so wanted her to win such a live bubbly girl! Okay I'm not mean but when I look at those episodes of ANTM they all do not look like 19-24 and so, they looked more older! I thought Nicole was like at least 22 or so ... oops my bad ^_^" and I thought Lisa was much older ... wah... ^_^U. Caridee looks about 24 ... oops insulting but I just don't know how to age people. Sometimes I age them way too young looking, as my cousin who is in her 40s and I thought she was in her 30s and my mum, always think she's in her 30s but she's in her 40s now ^_^"
Today, during lunchtime me, my sister and brother were just wondering about "Friends" comedy tv sitcoms , if you have watched Friends try and think of episodes with...
Rachel and Ross
Rachel and Joey
Rachel and Monica
Rachel and Phoebe
Rachel and Chandler
Ross and Joey
Ross and Monica
Ross and Phoebe
Ross and Chandler
Joey and Monica
Joey and Phoebe
Joey and Chandler
Monica and Phoebe
Monica and Chandler
Phoebe and Chandler
Also without looking on the internet! ¬_¬
This is episodes that I thought of:
Rachel and Ross - well duh, when they went out together and baby Emma;)
Rachel and Joey - when they went out together
Rachel and Monica - well they lived together duh! When Rachel was moving out of house to live at Phoebe's because Monica and Chandler was moving in together
Rachel and Phoebe - when Rachel went to move in at Phoebe's, when went out together after long time after having baby Emma
Rachel and Chandler - when Chandler went out with Rachel's boss
Ross and Joey - when Joey punched Ross and had to go to hospital for his thumb ;)
Ross and Monica - well siblings, the epi where they fought over the troll trophy?
Ross and Phoebe - they kissed in the old bar pool table, or Ross was mugged by Phoebe childhood
Ross and Chandler - where they went on internet and supposely chandler was gay and ross was dead
Joey and Monica - they went to learn cooking for the "first" time, joey worked at monica's resturant to help monica gain loyality from the other workers
Joey and Phoebe - set blind dates for each other and that's when phoebe meets Mike
Joey and Chandler - looking after Ben when they lost him on the Bus
Monica and Phoebe - betting on when Rachel's baby is going to be born, they look after this dude in the hospital because they caused it or something
Monica and Chandler - well, they are married now.
Phoebe and Chandler - when phoebe helps chandler with finding the perfect ring :)
Now, you know the pair's episode, what about triple's episode: (I don't know them all, so got any you know of?). I got:
Ross, Chandler, Joey - when Ross lives with the Chandler and Joey, and they get annoyed with him especially with the hand meaning "quieter"
Rachel, Monica, Phoebe - when they tried on wedding gowns, when Rachel was moving out from Monica's to Phoebe's.
Joey, Monica, Chandler - that's obvious ;) when keeping their secret of dating, and Joey goes something along the lines of, "what can I say, I'm Joey".Also peeing on Monica ;)
Ross, Phoebe, Rachel - the japan fish name, of protecting themselves or something
Ross, Rachel, Joey - when Ross finds out about Rachel and Joey and invites them to Ross' with Charlie there too
Ross, Monica, Chandler - telling secrets about each other
Cant' think of no more, that's how much I know about Friends T_T ...
Have you played Spider on Microsoft Games? What's your highest score? I haven't played recently, last time was probably last year during 6th Form ^_^" But just played it now, and won the game :D Score: "1043" with moves of "257" what do you except it to be low? How can it be when you can use undo button ;)
Posted by didi at 23:58 0 comments
Ooo Friday the 13th
Friday, 13 April 2007
What do you expect if you live above a chinese takeaway?
Ya, noise. Even after midnight, as it's called customers comes just comes seconds after midnight for a meal. If you were the manager, you wouldn't really turn down a customer who comes in a second after midnight, would you? I know I wouldn't but only if it's like 5mins after midnight then I would consider to the customers "closed for the day".
If you had a long day at work and goes straight to bed, doubt you would hear noise since you are totally tired. But if you are bored out of your mind, it's obvious that you would keep complaining about the noise. As this is true no matter what.
As compare my dad to my aunt (dad's slightly older sister), they have different lifestyles. My dad works in a chinese takeaway and my aunt well ... she babysitting weekends only. My dad doesn't complain about arm pains and such, whilst my aunt does complain about it and tries different methods of cureing it. If you are totally busy with stuff, you would forget about the pain but if you have nothing to do, most likely you would complain because you have time to think about it.
Like for me, sometimes when I'm doing something important I forget about any pain until when I have finished the something that's when I realise that I have a pain somewhere. I bet you have had the same situation as me.
Man, I had to do more on the photoshop family picture again... takes forever to do!
Also revision too!!! Wah! my cousin just emailed me that she's done loads of revision ... T_T poo...
Lol nothing too bad happened today, well except for the fact that I had those big green fly in my room window and I had a slight panick attack about it. My brother decided to act all panick attack as well to make fun of me ¬_¬. Found out that there is a spider somewhere in my room because my brother found a nasty spider's web on window in my room T_T help!
Posted by didi at 22:39 0 comments
Attention Seeker
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Kids can be such attention seekers if they want to.
Okay, my sister was teaching my cousin the way to write the alphabet properly and so my cousin's younger sister was getting my dad's keys to play with, so ya, didn't want her to lose them since it is keys to everything ;)
So I was stuck with her because she wanted to follow me to my room where I was revising; ya, did try to say, "you stay downstairs and play with your toys" but then since she can walk upstairs ... ya.
Whilst my cousin was in my room, I gave her some Take a Break Magazines to look at herself while I did some revision. She kept going what's this and what's that, so I ignored her. Then another attempt was that my cousin goes screaming and shouts out:
"I'm scared" in cantonese... of a picture of a cat... O.o? Man, what kids do to grab people's attention on them. So after a while (aka 5minutes) I grabbed her downstairs to play as it's hard to concentrate with her yapping on and on ^_^" Ah, peace and quite and time to buckle down to do some revision ... "Time to eat!!!" ... T_T
Wow, just totally pleased with my cousin (who was in my room)when lunchtime came. At first, it was slowly eating... then just to encourage them to eat, I said "if you finish all your rice, you are able to see the bear on the bowl". So my cousin started to eat more, and then she goes how she's full when there's only two bites left; so I go "Okay, just eat one more bite and you are done". So she eats one more bite and so I congratulate her for eating her food. More surprisingly, she goes and finishes off the last bite when she didn't need to. Okay, perhaps this just for the attention she seeks but at least she totally finished her bowl so only bits of rice at the side was left... totally proud of my youngest cousin for eating all her rice. My cousin's older sister almost finished her bowl but I think I might have given her tad too much rice ... oops.
I wonder why would one want to text someone all the sudden out of the blue?
Maybe because ...
1. they have no-one else to text
2. want something off you
3. want to mend friendship
4. want to keep a friendship alive
These are the mainly reasons I think one would want to text me.
You know that watercolour I'm painting of myself, my cousin (who was in my room) recognised it was me :) success so far!
Posted by didi at 21:05 0 comments
Can't cope it!
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
2 of my cousins came again today, they would always be here no matter what. But the worst is when my exams are about to start and when I get study leave for all the modules' exams. I'm definately not staying home to revise only during the weekend. I'm not trying to be mean to them, but when they get bored they comes upstairs and disturb me >:(
Today, my sister had to go to job centre to get something signed and talk about her job etc, so I was stuck looking after 2 of them. They weren't so bad at first, but when lunchtime came ... ARGH!
They just drived me nuts into the wall! At first, they would eat a tiny bit which was okay (slow eaters) and then the older of the 2cousins goes wondering off and you know what happens; sisters always copies each other no matter what.
Dang, the younger cousin didn't eat either. But then my dad to the rescue! He told them to eat and boi, they listened to him ... probably because he was scary (the younger cousin almost cried when my dad told her to eat lol), but eventually they finished their bowl of food (up to the amount they can eat up to I mean). Phew, that was over but it was suppose to be my sister to look after them not me. Took my sister two hours to come back home! Stupid girl took the wrong bus to town.
Gladly enough, I didn't have to look after them anymore since my sister arrived home after they had eaten. So just washed it all up with anger built up inside because of the fact that I had to look after them and also my brother wouldn't help me during lunchtime with them! Argh! Yes, alot of anger but I'm a easily frustrated person ... especially when someone doesn't do nothing to help!
I wonder, if there is something I can do to control this anger of mine, as I tried not yelling at them when siblings do things wrong; but usually only last for a day only until they try and tick me off on purpose (especially my brother).
Man, so lazy me even though I'm aware of exams coming up soon too.
What an arse! Okay, I like Avril Lavigne's songs as I like any songs except classics and RnB since I can't listen to all the words they are rapping out (aka I'm a slow listener :3 ). Anyway, as I was saying that I like Avril's songs but this interview she had; just totally gobsmacked myself!
Avril had an interview with Popworld interviewer Alex.
When Alex was interviewing her, she just looked totally bored out of her mind, she kept looking the other way from Alex (how rude of her!). Also when Alex was just joking around about stuff, she was like "no", trying to act as she knows all the answers.
But it looked as if she had something on her mind but next time Avril shouldn't take it out on other people by acting stuck up. Before at high school, something had happened at home with family issue, but I don't act like an stuck-up arse with my friends about it. I just tried to act as I usually do but do not let it show.
Posted by didi at 16:10 0 comments
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
Today, I was supposely to go out with all my friends from sixth form to catch up on stuff. Well, even if me and a friend S just gave the others' last minute text about meeting up the next day, lol!
Well, if you want to stay friends everyone should pitch in not just one or two people! Anyway, it shouldn't always be me and S to sort out a gathering out together events, flipping lazy friends, we have.
Anyway, we were suppose to go to a park to meet everyone. But since everyone was "busy", we decided to just to hang out at S's place. Well I can't blame one of our friends since she had to work, but she said she would tell us when she's free on Sunday (I guess she thought that there's no point in telling us as we would somehow find out =S ).
So I went to S's house, had a nice time to just hang out there talking, bitching about the others (not too harsh though ... Hahaha! what a lie is that!), messing around with exercise bike and etc. Supposely someone else said that they would come too, but in the end, nah they didn't come.
So I spent like 5hours there, just chilling out with S and her sister. I just hope I never lose in touch with her, as we know we are not that close friends but not too far of a distant friends who's conversation would be just as: "hi, how are you" bullcrap; but it's a nice relationship I got with her now, and we have known each other for 10years now. There are some you will never lose in touch with, as they are the ones who will make an effort with you. Even if we aren't at same university, (in a way 5hours drive difference) we still email each other. And even msn messenger each other, but that's rare now since stupid msn messenger introduced offline talking; so you are able to talk to other people even if you are offline ... dum idea, MSN people.
Dang, I so want to show you what I did with PhotoPlus program (photoshop type), as I told you that I had to combine all my relatives together and now I'm finished! But can't show since I don't want to show pics of actual me nor my family. Lol!
Man, everyone keeps on going on facebook now. It was addictive to me before, but now as I think about it ... it's just plain creepy, since you can spy on other people's activity (lazer glares at you) and therefore you can spy on them too (wink wink). So therefore, I only go on facebook when I can be arsed to go on. I just mainly just use the good old fashionable gmail to email others instead :P
Posted by didi at 19:44 0 comments
Monday, 9 April 2007
The 2cousins came back again, it wasn't all that bad since my older cousin was here too. She was here because to use the internet and as well as get songs off me ha ha ha. I think the youngest cousin likes my older cousin more than me, wohoo!!! I did quite abit of revision notes, so lucky me that my older cousin was here.
You know, I wonder why the youngest cousin doesn't like my sister, as she's always running away from my sister ... did my sister do something wrong to her? Perhaps, my sister probably most likely shouted at the youngest cousin and she has always remembered that. Or it could be because my sister is always playing with the other cousin , that the youngest cousin doesn't like that so she decides to get someone else? I tried asking her so many times but no answer from her.
Today, the youngest cousin was staying in my sister's room since my older cousin was there looking on the internet on my sister's laptop and my sister was downstairs with older cousin; the youngest cousin was just there searching through my sister's bag. Whilst, I was getting the items that the youngest cousin poured out from my sister's bag, I was shocked to see what was inside, as it's no surprise but Ugh! But the worst is that my older cousin knows about it, and most likely she would tell people about it =/ Which is kinda bad since it's not really about her and just about my sister.
The thing the youngest cousin found whilst searching through my sister's bag was a couple of condoms... gross! The weird thing about this, is that shouldn't the male keep that, if it's her boyfriend she's having sex with ... or is she wanting it just incase she does it with someone else? I just felt so grossed out, since she went to see her boyfriend yesterday, which is quite far but not too far; but it was quite clear what she was doing whilst seeing her boyfriend anyway.
It was obvious that she was doing that, as before since I was totally creeped, fucking out about seeing something that she should have just bookmarked that internet site. As quite a while before, I was helping her with her work, so I went into her room to show her something on the computer ... and fuck what did I see, two people having sex in a very odd position... GROSS!!! Something that my sister probably wants to try with her boyfriend, it's called “my gosh, don't let me see what you want to do when you are fucking your boyfriend!”.
So therefore, I knew what she wanted to do all the time when she goes sees him at his place, since they haven't seen each other for over 3months now. But I don't really like her boyfriend, he hardly comes sees her here and she has to travel there instead. Hello, isn't the boyfriend suppose to try and come for the girl not vice versa!!? (not trying to be sexist).
Argh! This just brings back memories not too long ago ... lol, about last year only.
Okay, give you the basic of the story, my sister met a dude in April then becomes her boyfriend (lets just call him "Charlie" to stop confusion for later on). My mum not happy since he's from a different area of China which she believes that he would just use her and so my mum goes setting up another dude for my sister with my “aunt”. My sister goes meet this dude to just say "hi" to make mum happy in May (by the way he's a chef, so lets call him Chef). Been together for a while, 5months having two boyfriends, my sister chooses Charlie over Chef boyfriend in October. Now, still with Charlie.
Okay, she met Charlie like in April or so, then he goes to China for the summer to visit his parents for abit. Whilst he went back to China, Chef boyfriend comes along in May.
Anyway, whilst going out with two boyfriends, who you have not met that long ago; less than a year for both, you wouldn't really do anything much with any of the boyfriends until you know which one to choose and know them abit more, wouldn't you?
But noooooo, not for my sister ... she knew Charlie for less than 2months and she had sex with him. Then when he went to China for summer, she knew Chef boyfriend for less than 2months and she had sex with him too!
So she had sex with both boyfriends, when only knowing them both less than a year! What a sick sister I got! Some would say she's a whore, I would too since she did that!
Myself, I would rather know the person abit longer before having sex with them. But I guess, it depends if I was in a relationship with a dude. As never been out with a dude before, so ya virgin 19 year old lol! That must be a surprise a virgin at age 19 in England! Since most people had sex by that age hahaha! Sorry being all tight arse against england but it's true, otherwise I wouldn't have said it.
The worst thing about all this crap going on about my own sister, is that I had to hear it from someone else and not straight from her. My own sister keeps way too much stuff from me, I'm her bloody sister hello? Doesn't that mean anything, am I the sister who's so eeky about things that you can't tell me anything anymore?!?
Okay, I know I'm telling out to the world abit tad much about my sister's relationship and gross-ness. But it's not like she will ever know it's her anyway :P and doubt you will know who I am, until you try searching for my IP address and try to link back to me or something random. I just had to let it out about all this crap, because I can't really tell anyone that I know ... as my brother well he's just way too like me about "Ugh! Argh! Don't want to hear this la la la!" and all. Can't tell my parents, since it's a situation that they would make worst for mt sister, especially my mum. My aunt, well she's well... sometimes just can't seem to say stuff to her ... not saying that I don't trust her, awkward that's all. My older cousins,, well don't really want to tell them stuff as it's awkward too. I don't really trust them either.
Man, look at how long the dang post is, well this is what happens when you got too much time and too much stuff cooping up inside the brain.
Today, just before my aunt comes to pick her kids up and my sister to babysit them at my my aunt's home; the youngest cousin was searching through my sister's room, then when my sister comes up she sees that the youngest cousin had opened something sharp; a blade for penknife. When she saw the wrapper with no blade inside, you should have seen her. My sister goes telling my older cousin:
"You were suppose to be looking after her".
I was just gobsmacked when she said this, so I told her off for not telling my older cousin off when she didn't do anything wrong. It's my sister's own fault for not putting blades away properly, she knew that the youngest cousin can walk upstairs and wander around.
So just now at midnight, she given her a right told off for doing what she did wrong today. She was trying to defend herself against me, when she knew I was right about putting away her stuff properly. This is what she tried to say to defend herself:
"So you are saying to protect the youngest cousin away from everything dangerous".
How dum is that! So reply to my sister was:
"She's only a child, you would rather protect her at this age of 2 only. Then when she's older, you can allow her to do her own stuff when she goes to school since she would be wiser and she would have her sister to help and etc ... (blah blah blah yap yap yap there I go la la la about stuff)".
She should know better, I always just put my stuff away into high places where the 2kids can't reach whenever I go out as just incase something might happen.
Happy Birthday to my dad! who is now umm.. so and so age :)
Posted by didi at 18:11 0 comments
Happy Chocolate Bunny Easter
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Don't you ever wonder that your notes you make in lectures doesn't really help and it's just there because you have to stay awake in lectures and thought you just had to make notes? Well, this is how I felt but I just used my notes to help me answer some questions that I had to do :)
So think twice when not writing anything during lectures, just write it and then you shall be able to use it later on when starting to revise for exams.
I remember how me and my brother use to be in a routine of always eating fruits every night, a bowl of fruit with some nice juice too.
But now, I think I'm being way too lazy and busy to be able to make a bowl of fruities; I peel the skin off the fruits too so it taste even better as no worry of getting fruit skin stuck in between your teeth :)
But I totally need to get back to that sweet routine, as I felt so healthy back then too; but now a piece of crap laying around in a dirty t-shirt, not dirty but messy t-shirt from stains from chocolate, tea and coke.
Hahaha! Guess what I realised, I haven't bought any new clothes since August when I went to China and Hong Kong for my cousin's wedding. As well as I just bought one t-shirt when I went back too!!!! NOooooo! How disappointing since China is way much cheaper than expensive England. But I haven't bought any clothes in England for ages now, the last clothes that my mum got for me was probably 2years ago. (I don't tend to go shopping for clothes, as I'm a lazy moo as well as I don't like shopping takes too long ... lol I sound like a dude (no offense to them ;) as I like dudes ............. I think ;) ).
Posted by didi at 21:19 0 comments
Saturday, 7 April 2007
I wouldn't ever remember my dreams, but for some reason today I did. It was some weird dream, I shall now describe what the story was about to my knowledge of remembering.
Firstly, I was at home packing some clothes and then my family goes to me:
"where you going?"
and I replied back:
"I'm off to help find something to solve this case".
Suddenly, I was in a lorry car feeling a tad worried because of the situation me and some no face people are in. (I didn't look at them as I was looking at the scenery). As it looks as though the area we are arriving in a strict war zone, there was alot of dark clouds and no sun in sight.
I was getting scared already, but then me and some other people were on the dull grass area. I was just asking them:
"How are we suppose to look for a finger in these long grass?"
Then one of them said:
"You just have to try as we are trying to solve this case for this woman".
Then there was a flashback, of a tv screen with the news on. It was on about a killer, which probably killed this woman, and they couldn't convict this person until they had the finally part of this case, which was a finger somehow it had some clue on it.
Back in the search for the finger.
I was walking on this dry, mud path with the others searching for the finger. But I was always thinking how the eck are we suppose to see the dang finger in this dark grass! However I don't think we are suppose to use a light as that would attract the "evil" to us. So we kept searching for the finger in the dark, and we arrived to this little cottage house.
One of the search group person, goes to the keeper of the house:
"Have you seen something suspicious around here?".
The keeper says in a creepy voice:
"No, now get off my turf!".
I figured out that, that the person did know something somehow. We didn't go off their turf, and just searched around that area. Then that keeper was mowing the long grass near his cottage, and I was just thinking what if he mowed and chopped up the finger so there's no evidence. I told the rest and they go to me:
"We have to just assume that he hasn't and still find the finger for the girl". (woman before and now girl dunno i guess it's a female that's all we know about this missing person).
Then I had bumped into these 2 people who was also trying to find finger but only to destroy the evidence.
Then there was a flash back again, of a old lady sinking into something like quicksand, and said:
"I must give her some evidence".
Before she was drowned into the sand, she stuck up her finger above the quicksand. Then this younger looking person comes into the scene and says:
"Oh no, what have they done to her! This finger is the only clue that would solve the problem".
As she was about to grab the finger, the old woman's head pops up and says:
"It sure is!".
Then her head goes back under the quicksand. (weird isn't it). Anyway, then this female lady and a little girl comes into the scene and just stares at the younger looking person on the floor near the finger still attached to the old lady.
Back to present again, whilst I was trying to find the finger as the female and the little girl who wanted the finger too was trying to find it too and following me wherever I searched. I was getting frustrated and worried about if the finger was going to get in the wrong hands.
Anyway, then someone cries out:
"I found the finger!!!"
(I know it could be someone else's finger but in this story it is definately). We were all totally gasped in surprise in finding it. But the problem was that we had to run back to the campsite where we were staying before the 2 people tried to capture the finger and destroy the evidence.
The finger was stored in a plastic container, I was holding it and running back to the campsite with the other people beside us and the evil lady tried to grab it off me, so I passed it to the other person and we eventually won by reaching the campsite whilst the 2evil people went away. The FBI looking person comes up to us, and says:
"Well done and now we can convict this person for this evil deeds".
But I was so tired of searching for one finger, I didn't want the finger to get into the wrong hands again whilst it was going to the police; so I followed the man. The man passes it to another woman, and whilst I was walking next to this person, I was just talking to her about this whole situation and how it's going to be solved and how glad I was that it is over. Then she goes to me, that she needs to go to her car, and I whispered to her do not go by this certain cottage as that's where the 2evil females who want to destroy the finger. Shes goes to me:
"Okay and now you can rest".
Haha! What a weird dream. Yea, the dream was quite long in my head. Surprised that I still remember it even at the time of 12pm... la la la when I woke up at 10ish.
Posted by didi at 12:23 0 comments
Birthday present solution
Friday, 6 April 2007
Ah, well yesterday my dad got some developed photos that I was told to select certain pictures from our trip to China and Hong Kong. The good thing about these prints was that it was only £2.20 for 20prints but still, we could have got it free if we got them developed next week since my dad got a token to get 20free developed photos, Wohoo!
But the thing I was on about is that, good thing about selecting photos online is that you can alter your pictures then get them developed with photo quality. As I was only testing to see if changing certain pictures from our trip that looked a tad dark would work, and wa la! it works perfectly; my sister had a shiny nose so I altered the picture and got that developed and no more shiny nose!
So now my task from my dad is to alter several pictures together to make a big family picture of all relatives of mainly my dad's family side. Now that's going to be very difficult, since I'm no expert at all those photoshop. I only know how to mess around alter bits and bots but not a whole big family! Oh well, I can always try ... even if I don't succeed it all that great, at least it's a family photo of everyone that we will always remember on our home living wall some day.
Today, my older cousin came to our house and not the two little ones since they are at my older cousin's house as her mother is babysitting them instead of my sister.
Anyway, she came to our's because she wanted to get some download of the ipod thing since my family is the only family that has the internet broadband, at my older cousin's house doesn't have it, nor my aunt's, since it's pointless of getting it unless you are constantly using it like our house people - right now there are two people on the internet (my brother and I).
My older cousin got such a good idea with her friends about what to get each other presents; by combining all the money you going to give the person together and then giving the person to spend it with you guys there too.
This way, you don't just always just keep it into your bank account as you are suppose to spend it on your birthday. Oh, it was her birthday on 2nd April, but we as cousins don't give each other presents as we are cheap arses and we know we would only give each other stuff that we don't really need... so ya. She got "from" her friends an Ipod Shuffle the new tiny ones with the clip thing, some trousers and other stuff (from her friends she got £100 to spend with them there).
I'm going to suggest that idea with my friends when I see them next week, as they are all fucking lazy gits like me. So it's good to have a solution to our lazy present giving, and so we shall know what they get for their birthday too ;)
Is it just growing bones pains when your chest bones hurt? No, not the breast just the bones under the breast. It's painful when I press on it, no where else hurts only the part where the ribs almost connects together in the middle of the chest.
Posted by didi at 19:40 0 comments
Retrieve a skill
Thursday, 5 April 2007
Escape away from the 2kids, Wohoo! Okay, they aren't all that bad, but it's just tiring looking after them. As they are over active kids, but the oldest cousinbetter than the youngest cousin since she doesn't mind watching cartoons ;)
I know, I know, television is not great for kids to watch at young ages as it damages their eyes much earlier (in my opinion I believe). As that's what I think happened to me, my sister and brother, since we were left to watch television and be productive on our own; whilst parents and grandparents were working downstairs. What we mainly did was watch television, as nothing much to do after you explore around.
Whilst me and my sister was exploring around at young age, I think there was like a secret entrance to an attic ... or was it at someone else's house? Anyway, that was way too long ago, don't remember much anymore ^_^". But I do remember that whilst exploring with my sister (since my brother wasn't born yet I don't think), at the upstairs of grandparent's takeaway, I found a backscratcher which was a green creepy hand. The hand looked as though it was made out of gemstone or something. That was so cool, didn't know what it was at the time, but I did use it to tap my sister ;)
Today, was suppose to meet A at 10.30am at university, but got to the bus stop for like 9.50ish (only takes about 20mins or so depending on amount of people coming on). My sister went with me to the bus stop and then to the doctors.
You would not guess what happened, still waiting and waiting, and my sister already comes back from the doctors and she sees me at the bus stop still! Not to be harsh to the bus company Metro First (well it's the main one only), but if the bus timetable say "every 10mins", should it take like 30+mins waiting for the bus?
So I was late meeting A but just told her to meet at computer room instead ;) Did quite abit of database work when I was there, but I think with A playing BubbleTrouble game online after a while we were there, it made me cut from the mode of working =/ I can't really blame her since it was me who looked across to see what she was doing though. But we left there quite early, as when I came back it was 2ish ... so I had to look after the kidsfor 2hours. Yea, my sister was there but they mainly just came to me, hmm yea.
The only problem with the youngest cousin, is that she needs to learn how to use more of the potty and less of nappy, as I always tell her to tell us when she needs to use the toliet instead of using her nappy. As I had to clean her again and eeww.. it was lumps of poo! and since it was pull-up nappies ... yes some of the poo roll onto the nappy mat. Gladly that there is a nappy mat as it would have just gone onto our floor ... eeeeeeewwww! That would have just been just gross!
I was so hungry when coming home and guess what the kids wanted my sandwich too :( But I didn't mind so, it was healthy sandwich with no flavours really added to it.
It was made out of: 2 slices of bread with a piece of cooked ham and lettuce and done. Yea, no butter but I was rushing making the sandwich and anyway it taste the same with butter or none ;P except that it's less calories without the butter :) But I think the 2kids only ate it because I was eating it... typical.
Guess what, I decided to do instead of spending all my free time just wondering around on the internet ... start painting again :D
Okay, I'm no best painter and such but it's good to keep some of my painting skills alive. (I did A'level Art and did mainly watercolour for the whole 2 years).
I have just started on a self portrait picture that I took of myself looking quite smirkly at the camera. (I wasn't intentionally trying to do a pose like that). I shall take pictures of my development and hopefully it would come out A.OK.As I would so like to make lots of portraits of my family and friends and give it as a present to them when their birthday comes that is ;) Yes, it has to be a special occasion to give it since otherwise what would I get them for their birthday? I was wondering for next year's Chinese New Year, do my family portrait with a kool background, but it would be a natural pose not those all smiling with perfect pose and shit like that. As that's just dull picture then, might as well tell them to get a professional to do it then :P
Posted by didi at 17:21 0 comments
Same each day?
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Man, is it going to be like this every week? Looking after the 2cousins from 11 until 4pm ... I do not like this at all.
This takes way too much energy from me. I need this energy to do my revision ... even if I use only about quarter of that energy :) Hmm, I guess I am spending my energy productively by looking after them.
Today, the 2cousins wasn't that bad, since they were sort of like watching tv with me (making the kids watch tv... how convenient is that for me;) ). However, the youngest cousin doesn't like to watch tv, all she did was watch like 1min then she gets bored. Probably because she doesn't really speak much english and therefore she doesn't really get it.
The annoying age of 2 is that they always say "Why?" to everything, even if I do explain certain things she still says why so I just random on about crap and she just goes away from the topic ;) I'm glad I do not have to be the one who has to tell them about babies ;) >>now that I would totally avoid by distracting them with an item or something ... if they do ask me that is :D teeheehee
Oh my gosh! Desperate Housewives good or what!
That was a close call to Bree! So relieved about that didn't happen to her as I was actually jumping off the sofa when watching, but then I was wondering in my head; would they really cut one of the main characters?
As I just totally love her head ... so smooth and shiny :)
And what happened to Gabrielle and sneeky Zack! I was just laughing my head off when Carlos found out about that problem with Zack XD I guess they meant it was tiny?
Nothing much happened with Susan did it? Just about the rest of her family/boyfriend.
But oh my gosh! Poor Lynette in the cold tee hee hee.
Yes, I'm not really telling the full story of what happened as that would just spoil the whole story for those who hasn't seen it. But those who have on Channel4 and E4, you would know what I'm on about, in which episode :D
Posted by didi at 17:46 0 comments
Joys of little kids liking you
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Not really, it's a pain in the backside.
I had to spend most of the day looking after the 2cousins) when it wasn't even my task to do that. Sounds harsh but I don't want to look after them unless I really, really had to. Anyway, my sister had made a commitment with my aunt couple days before, saying that she would look after them, but nooo I had to look after them too, today.
After waking up about 12pm; (from staying awake playing some computer game with my borther until 3am), and that's when they came over. That is when the long day of suffering starts. I had to look after mainly one of them, but I had to get the one which is crazy active.
All of us were just there playing with colour pencils, la la la (that is the only thing I can deal with), and then the youngest cousin goes to me that she's done a poo. This can just go worst for me; I had to clean her up since she wanted me only to clean her up and not my sister. Ugh, I felt so sick when I saw all that poo in the nappy, the first reaction I did was to pick that nasty nappy and throw it away. But one thing I forgot, was the nappy binbag so I carried dirty nappy across the room with that stench and back D: Gross!
How active can kids be?
VERY active! I had left the youngest cousin with my sister to play with instead, and when I went upstairs to my room where I can finally start on revision ... Knock Knock Knock " my name being called out " Nooooo!!! She had come all the way upstairs to find me.
So I had to look after her as I don't her to come into my room where she can mess up my mess. Half an hour of going back and forth between 2toliet rooms ... don't ask me why, as I have no idea why she wanted to do that. I had to play with the youngest cousin for like 2hours straight ... felt like 10hours plus more likely. I was so tired after that, wanted to go sleep instead.
But this is a wonder, how does one look after them for a whole day then? I guess one thing they wouldn't do is spend every minute of their time playing games with them ... well I guess you could then you could wear them out faster so more time to yourself after they fall asleep :) But I don't know what to do if one keeps sticking to me to the hip ... I told her that I needed to revise too =/ I guess I need to be more firmer when talking to the 2year old. ... Argh! I can still smell nasty poo! Taking a shower asap now ... arghhhh!
What's wrong with my friends?
I try to keep in touch with them since I haven't seen them much since September, you know just emailing everyone to see how they are doing ... wow, only a few replies from the bunch of friends I got. Also I have seen them online on msn messenger too, with me being offline since I was doing revision and still they didn't reply to my email that I sent them all.
Fucking 'ell, I should just forget about all my friends except the ones that reply to me, I guess. My guess is that they want to forget about me and move on their lives.
How does one keep their relationship with their friends? Email? Phone calls? I mean, I would go try meet up with them, but if they are all at different university, should I go to their university at certain times to see them if I have time? Send them special birthday presents on their birthday? I think most of my friends are just lazy ... I know I can be lazy but they are extra lazy then. I'm glad I got real friends who doesn't ignore me.
How many friends does one should have about?
Yeah, they can have like loads but are they truely your good friends? As I got lots of those who are "hey, how are you" and end of conversation, I guess those are friends.
I meant to have questioned "How many close friends does one should have about?" As I think I only have 3close friends then... I just hope I don't ever lose them as a friend, I need to do something to keep me close to them. (No, don't even think that! Nothing nasty please!).
Okay, doesn't Mature Cheddar & Onion Chutney sounds abit off putting you ... well perhaps not, but it does to me. I don't think I have ever eaten Chutney before so I shouldn't really guess how it would taste. Anyway, I tried McCoy's Specials Mature Cheddar & Onion Chutney flavour and guess what it's tasty :) But the bad thing about it, is that it's addictive to keep munching through the whole bag of chips/crisps (I don't know which I use anymore since sometimes I mix my words with American way ... nooooooo). I finished the whole bag and now I am not hungry for dinner, my dinner isn't made for me so I have to make my "own" dinner aka microwave leftovers. (The leftover tonight is delicious spicy chicken which is so tender with rich flavours that made my cousins want to eat it, when they came over). The crisps package says "This bag contains approximately 3 servings", what does that mean? That I eat too much of 3times more than what people eat ... T_T".
Posted by didi at 15:45 0 comments
Little kids can be so mean
Monday, 2 April 2007
Do you always get suspicious when someone uses your name in conversation?
I know I always do, but the worst is when you try and find out why your name was in the conversation and you find out that it's nothing much. Something like:
"Oh, I just said that you and your brother are going to be making your own meal since I don't have time" ...
Unpredictable weather
Argh! Don't you just hate it when you are indoors revising for exams, it becomes all sunny outside. There is some curse to prevent us from getting the lovely rays of sun ... Okay, okay, I do not like the sun but at least it's not pouring down with rain.
The rain is evil, especially with the wind, when they combine their powers, makes it worst for us to walk in whilst walking to the bus stop. Also you can't use your umbrella since the wind would just keep flip around making you embarrassed about the umbrella. That's only happened to me once and it's the umbrella with a button to auto flip open itself. But I do love laughing at the people who's umbrella flips inside out, hahaha!
Don't you think it's pointless of going out shopping when you got someone else to go get you the stuff instead?
Yeah, it's good to go outside for just to relax and have fresh air ... but I have my window opened, isn't that good enough of fresh air? I guess I'm lazy to walk around and I do need to revise for my accouting modules for May.
But bad thing about getting someone else to get your stuff is that, there are so many different types of one item. Since dad, my brother and sister was going out shopping for the day, I just told my sister to go get me some highlighters from Staples and thought it's simple enough as it is just highlighters. Then when she's at Staplers, she goes ringing me up saying:
"what type of highlighter do you want?".
There are way too many different choices in the world, I mean it's just highlighters!
I think there should be strict rules on stuff when buying, why can't the world be strict on rules? It would make life easier, as when I was choosing the course for university to do... man, there are way too many different Accounting courses to choose. Come on, it's accounting! not brain surgery, is it?
I guess if the world was based on strict rules especially when buying items, it would be tad expensive since the companies would own a particular item and they would be monopoly of that market. Then they would be able to bring up the selling price onto the customers and therefore we would have to pay up since wouldn't have that choice to buy cheaper ones.
But still that is the problem with this world, too many choices to choose from; How would this affect on the people who can't decide on stuff? This affects me very much, thank you very much! I got a bunch of friends who is just like me undecisive, takes us forever to choose a row to sit on in lectures, hahaha!
Sometimes when I look over at some people's houses, how perfect does a house needs to be, to be perfect? It just seems like some people just spend way too much time cleaning their homes including the gardens too - back and front! I mean, don't you have anything else to do?
It is good to clean your house, but to always have it like a model house, how creepy is that?
I know, for a fact, that my family's house is not like that at all. It's a tip ... no that doesn't sound great but it's not a tip tip where it smells really bad nor where you have to jump across certain spots to go across the room. (But sometimes my room is that messy where I have to jump across certain spots to get to my computer ^-^" ) It's just average mess, like people is living in it mess, hohoho!
Ah, mum has ploughed some new fresh soil onto the garden to grow some vegetables most likely. I wonder how long it would survive, who would get it first - mum or the bugs. I guess, have to wait a while and see if it shall be eaten first by us or bugs.
But my bet is on the bugs as this has happened way too many times now and mum hasn't ever gotten any live vegetables for us to munch on before the bugs has.
Wow, little kids can be so mean at times even if they don't know that themselves.
I was just there with one of my little cousins, the youngest cousin and I said to her:
"what are you doing?" as a general type of voice, not those which goes yelling "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!". Anyway, when I said that, then the youngest cousin goes using her hand wacking me ... wacking with her hand into the air but not hard just a gentle telling you to shuu away type of gesture but how mean is that! Then she goes running to her dad, I was just shocked that the youngest cousin keeps doing that instead of using her voice to talk to us. It's not like we are strangers to her, she always comes everyone Monday to our home to eat. But perhaps the youngest cousin just doesn't want to be there with her relatives O.o?
Man, the harshest thing happened when the older cousin drew a picture of her family (my aunt, uncle, her and her sister, the hand-wacking cousin). I was seeing the picture as it was so cute, then after a while she goes cutting her sister out of the picture. I was just shocked out of my guts, so I told her mother, she told my cousin who cut out her sister from the picture. She told her off as "it's wrong because even if you don't like her do not ever cut her out of the picture as she's family". Aww, I wonder why she did that, even if she didn't think it was wrong to cut someone out of a picture.
My aunt said that they always fight even when sleeping.
I think it was probably because of jealously of the parents. As they aren't always there with them; they get left with my relative to be babysat each day. The only time the kids get to specifically see their parents is only on Monday (because that's the only day of rest from working) and my aunt always seems to be looking after the youngest cousin since she's younger and they can be such a mess :)
I think the best thing to do is that each parent spends certain amount of time with each child by themselves, as it's not like they are always busy on Monday after meals or a time way before meal time. This way the child would not be felt left out, but I guess I'll just leave it to my aunt and her hubby to work this out. As some people can feel totally wahhhh!! against others helping them to how to raise their children.
But when I said to my aunt:
"why don't you ask my mum about how she dealed with me and my sister?".
She said:
"there wasn't any problem between you two since my sister was all innocent".
She also said that once my aunt gave my sister sweeties and my sister tells my aunt to give it to her friends and hands them back to my aunt. HAHAAAHAAA!!! I just thought of this in the top of my head and blurted it out ...
"*My sister's name*, You were just a baby geek!!!!"
Okay, geek came out wrong but they get what I meant ^-^ So, I was always the troubling kid I guess and my sister was the "stay by the rules" kid XD
Well what do you expect with me being the middle child out of the 3, as they say "middle children are crazy" :)
Posted by didi at 20:14 0 comments
Healthy or not?
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Okay, I'm not particularly a sweet tooth person; who loves to eat all those nice chocolates and sweets. I do like eating chocolate, but I don't like to keep consuming on those food types. As it's just way too sweet for me and I would feel all like ... urgh!
Well since I have to revise for my exams in May, I decided to give chocolate a go to help me revise; since I always have to do something whilst revising as I can't keep still for a minute. But I can't just eat it alone, I always have to drink water to umm... neutralise the sweetiness of chocolate :)
Anyway, I realised something very weird today whilst revising for accounting module, everytime I ate a Kitkat bar, I have drunk 1 litre of water. Aka every Kitkat stick, I have to drink a whole bottle of water (which says 500ml on it).
Oh no, I don't drink just bottled water as that would just be wasting my money more. I just refill my bottle with tap water.
Ya, why don't I use my mug since I'm at home revising? Well it's because it's a habit of drinking only water in my bottle and only drinking tea in my mug. Weird but it works.
Therefore my question is: Is that healthy to eat kitkat bar per 1 litre of water?
It should somehow even out... even with all those calories in the chocolate, right?
Posted by didi at 11:37 0 comments