I didn't think my brother would be a tight-arse (not literally!) about me wanting to have one of his chips! I mean, I would share all that I have if I got any. But not my brother, eesh! But what can you do? I don't think it's possible to change him at all, if someone gave him a whole World full of chips he would not share it with me. That's how addicted to chips my brother is. I know I can be such a tight-arse with my stuff at times, but it's just one chip I wanted to try. Oh well. Thought I'll write something on this blog of mine and there it is dull as the World changes around me.
Shoe the Bush?
Monday, 15 December 2008
“The Cairo-based al-Baghdadiya TV channel said Mr Zaidi should be freed because he had been exercising freedom of expression - something which the Americans had promised to Iraqis on the ousting of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.” – Now this has to be the dumbest reason to express their freedom! It’s saying as though I can punch anyone as part of my freedom of expression! I am not just saying this as it is Bush as I couldn’t care less who the heck is in Bush’s position. I care for the fact that someone would throw a shoe at anyone! That’s just wrong, what if someone in their 80’s was in Bush’s position would you still throw it? Don’t think so! Unless it’s an extremist or something like those people.
As you wouldn’t like it if someone threw a shoe at you! So don’t do it first! Doped in the head!
Since this happened, would we be able to wear shoes in these conferences?
Next time at these conferences, someone would throw their pants at him. Ugh! Gross feel sorry for the person whoever that lands on. *shudders*.
Posted by didi at 17:12 0 comments
I'm sad :'(
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Well I am not sure if this is true but I certainly hope not that this is true... my friend A told me that someone in my course likes me :( I know other people are like oooo I want to go out with them since they like me la la la... well apart from if they are butt ugly. This dude looks abit like a crazy man? Well he looks scary that's for sure. But I think he's only "thinking" that he likes me because it's probably final year of uni and they probably want to think ahead about future girlfriends and etc.
Well I hope he gets over this crush as I am never going to go out with anyone during uni period. I would rather pass my course than find my true love! You know, I think I might be one of those people who doesn't want to get married ever. Nor date. I don't think I am into all that, but probably because I'm at university at the moment so don't really think much about that. You all probably thinking you would probably think about wanting to get married after age of 30 etc. Meh, we'll see in 9 years time. Lol! I know I am 21! I forgot I was 21 until I was thinking about my age and I thought I was 20 lol!!!!
Just found out that some chinese accountancy firm would hire me if I was good enough there but if it doesn't work out he's got friends who would hire me mwahahaaaaa (found out as my mum asked them lol!!!!).
Posted by didi at 18:54 0 comments
Financial Crisis situation
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
The Government wants the banks to help loan the money out to the public/businesses, to ride out this "to be" recession soon. With B&B and NR are nationalised, this wouldn't do as they are mortgage lenders or something (read it from the FT). They want Lloyds TSB, HBOS and Barclays to help with this. ONE SOLUTION! Bail out HBOS without getting taken over by Lloyds TSB! So they can use HBOS to loan the money to businesses.
I can't wait to see this event ride off and see how it would affect us.
I just recently bought 2ATMT Xseven MP3/radio/recorder for £23 and 5 2GB SD cards for £16, (these are including delivery). I am definately going to keep one for future use even though I have got a 2GB Ipod XD, since my sister doesn't want the other one (as I gave her the other one), might just give it to my mum to give it as a gift.
My mum just recently had a head on collision with a 4by4 car against her mini car (not the "mini"), stupid driver didn't see that the road was a give way road, arse! I'm glad my mum isn't hurt at all! Fucking idiot though, doesn't even slow down as he's not from here, he's from Nottingham. The teenagers saw the fucking driver speeding fast on the road! So so so so glad my mum is not hurt! As he would be so sorry if he did hurt my mum! IN JAIL!
Did you hear about Woolworths share price in the market this morning? It went to 16p per share! 94% worse off! (heard from BBC News). They closed the shares of theirs to be stopped today morning in London. Something about BBC merge or bail out? Who knew it would happen to Woolies out of the blue. That's just a big drop in their shares in this fortnight.
I hope regulators would have some sort of tighter regulation on the banks soon.
I don't know if I'm happy or sad about the tax cut to 15% supposely. Good for time being bad for 2011.
Posted by didi at 20:25 0 comments
Baby P situation
Thursday, 20 November 2008
The 3 people who made Baby P suffer should have their eternal life in prison, even though that wouldn't justify what they did to poor Baby P. May no-one is ever tortured like that ever! May you rest in peace, Baby P.
I know what the baby's name is, as well as the torturers' names. Abit crazy how easy it was found on google, even the pictures of them too. I would never post pictures of them as against the law as well as why the eck would I want to have pictures of them anywhere associated with me!
I know this news was a while back but still in the news. And how can anyone ever forget about such a news. I can't believe the whole situation how long the torturers got away with their crimes to Baby P. I'm actually glad that this has happened not for Baby P but for the fact that for him, tougher laws are placed on social workers etc.
I saw the news about Brown and Cameron in the Courts talking about Baby P. Cameron was "trying" to be a big shot saying we need to do something about Baby P situation etc. Why don't you state the obvious! I think everyone knows that! I think Cameron is just all talk. That's why I will never vote for them!
He was also talking about we need to reduce tax quick or something like that. When it was Brown who suggested it and needed to go through the process of doing it. Cameron just talks crap! Sorry to say this but it's true! I bet many people believe this too. I would rather vote for Brown as he's probably best person at this current crisis to do something about this. Cameron would probably just doze around, trying to just gain votes even in the Courts about Baby P! I watched and saw that is what happened.
Posted by didi at 22:37 0 comments
What's up with her?
Friday, 14 November 2008
SORRY There's swearing and alot of it in this post!!!!
I'm going to rant on about friend A so go away if you are bored of reading me ranting all the time!!!
Thursday when we were going to our last lecture, told A to sit in whilst I sit on the edge chair but she kept saying no so I forced her in. Then out of nowhere, she decided to sit away from me. What the heck?
She usually just goes in any lecture without a fuss. What an arse! Since there was A's friend F in the lecture. I was literally stuck in the middle after we moved down to sit next her, and I was shouting her name out to get the fucking notes! But she was just blanking me out! I so wanted to punch her! She's acting worst than a 4year old not getting her way!
I hate people who thinks they can get their way! Well fuck it! I can't be bothered with her fucking same attitude anymore! I'm not even going to say hi if I see her as she's not fucking making the effort! I'll just blank her out, it's not like she gives a fuck about anyone else!
I got alot of work done today at uni, as I had to go in before 9am to give in my coursework. But I had no lecture until 2pm, so alot of work done today in a way. It doesn't seem alot though to me but I tried :S
Posted by didi at 18:04 0 comments
Do you have a shorter way of spelling certain words?
Saturday, 1 November 2008
I do! I would list a few of them here as you might find it useful to use in lectures when writing notes.
Report = rpt
System = sys
shareholder(s) = shareh('s)
schedule = sched
manager(s) = mger(s)
decision making = DM
decision makers = DMers
decision = decis
high/large/more = ↑
low/small/less = ↓
higher/highest(same with larger/largest = ↑er/↑est
lower/lowest(same with smaller/smallest = ↓er/↓est
increase is similar to High but ...That is the way i draw increase
Decrease = the same as increase but upside down instead.
finance = fin
function = func
Words ending in "ment" = word with m at the end of the word ((e.g. statement = statem)).
Examples of lectures would be = (( whatever the example is ))
material = mat
account(s) = acct(s)
accountant(cy) = acctant/accty
evaluation = evalu
different = diff
difficult = diffi
liability = lia
economy = econ
method = meth
quality = qlty
quantity = qty (standard)
benefit = benef
problem = prob
company(s) = comp('s)
corporation = corp
balance = bal
knowledge = knowl
acknowledge = acknowl OR ack (something learnt in computing)
profit = prof
project = proj
customers = cust
activity = activ
control = ctrl
possible = poss
computers = comp (same as company as don't really use them both in the lectures, if so I would write the whole word)
lecture = lect
objective = obj
(re)present = (re)pres
figure = fig
work(er) = wrk(er)
damage = dmg
(re)place(d) = (re)plc('d)
technology = techno
point = pt
at = @
group = grp
flexible = flex
algorithm = alg
individual = individ
important = import.
establish = estab
people = ppl
technique = techniq
qualified = qlfied
answer = ans
If words include the past tense word of "ed" at the end of the word, usually just put it at the end of the abbrev's of my wrds.
I tend to miss out "the" as general knowl of knowing when to put it in.
dividend = divid
Firm Value = FV
Cash Flow = CF
True and Fair View = T&F View
Credit Rating Agent(s) = CRA(s)
Ernst and Young = EY (known)
Northern Rock = NR
Braford & Bingley = B&B
Will finish this when I have time.
Posted by didi at 19:50 0 comments
Friday, 31 October 2008
Yes, you can tell that I have been extremely busy by a over a whole month without a post. Nothing really interesting happening in the life except for the fact that studies has taken over my life. I now usually go to university on Saturday! I might go to university this Sunday as I don't really want to see my sister at the moment.
Something happened with my sister which I can not say much at the moment as it's the biggest thing ever happened with her since marrying K lol! I think it's quite obvious but still I shall not say what the situation is.
I haven't seen my family much except on a Monday evening but even if so, I don't get to see them much; as I am usually in my room doing my studies.
So crazy at the moment with the Banks, Credit Crunch and the Resession in Britain. I think everyone knew that the bail out money wouldn't help the economy with the future resession coming soon. When that time comes, I hope it wouldn't last long. But then again, it would be hard to come out of it.
To help me with my studies, my recording of the lectures are on my ipod... how sad is that! No, I don't listen to them when I am having a break from studies. I wish I had a bigger sizez of Ipod as 2GB is simply not enough storage space for music and recordings.
Halloween today, not one kid has knocked on the door. First time woot woot! Well I think it's because last year my sister was also at home with her studies and her room is at the front side of the house; so you could see her light in her room.
Oh about Boffer I was suppose to recieve the epilator but never received it :( So got money back instead of epilator boo hoo hoo :(
My university friend A, introduced me to her "friend" from high school and apparently I saw her recently but I didn't know that I did. Friend A said that she saw me in the corridors and I smiled at her. I didn't even see her when I walked, most likely that I was smiling about something else in my head; I usually come up with strange scenarios that could occur.
For example, if I saw someone walking on some rumbles etc, I would somehow think about what would happen differently, such as: what if they fell and how embarrassed they would feel. I don't know why I think of these things nor why I laugh as it's not funny but funny in a way of how embarrassed they would feel lol!
Okay, enough chit chat got to go do work now.. well at this time I am going to sleep for tomorrow I am off to university again T_T... at 8am on a Saturday.
Posted by didi at 22:48 0 comments
happy birthday to me
Thursday, 25 September 2008
I'm offically 21 years old.
I had to go to uni for a meeting about final year. Man, this year is going to be tough, tough, tough!
My friends at uni got me a necklace don't ask me why probably because they don't know what I like I guess. I don't usually tell people what I like and what I dislike, as it's not really a general question you would ask someone. Unless you were talking about an item, then you can only give your opinion on the item. I like the necklace, but I don't think I would really wear necklace at all.
We went bowling which was good, with my primary school friend, S. I thought A would come along but she had to go babysit for an hour. Even though, didn't win in bowling grrr. S won in two rounds! Totally shocker!
Posted by didi at 21:45 0 comments
Thursday, 18 September 2008
A load of good sales... most of the times.
I bought myself 5 earphones for £3.00, really it is £0.01 for the earphones and 2.99 for the delivery charge. It looks like the ipod earplugs but a cheaper look, I'll take a picture of it when I remember and have time.
I just finished buying another good deal, Philips HP6503 Satin Ice Premium Rechargeable Epilator @ £12.99! How good is that! So £16 total with delivery. My sister was always talking about wanting an epilator since shaver and waxing sucks big time for her; they don't clean her hairs away properly.
She tried waxing for her wedding and she did it a week before and her hairs grew 2days less! I thought waxing would remove hairs for at least a week! And You know shaving only last for a day less D:
So hopefully this epilator would do wonders for her but I hope it doesn't give her allergic reaction as this is probably the only option left basically.
Posted by didi at 02:44 0 comments
Results of resit
Monday, 8 September 2008
Eeeee!!!!! I was so wanting to know what I got but couldn't get them until 12pm :S But then again, I wasn't too too eager to know for sure.
I looked at my result at 12 dead on time, wasn't able to see the results. I was watching Gilmore Girls ^^ Checked again at 12.15... hmmm did I pass? Yes or is this something else? I better ring the university to make sure... after Gilmore Girls.
Rang the university,
"Hi, I just did some resit August exams and just want to make sure that I passed to my final year. I'm in year 2".
"What's your name?".
"Oh yes, you did pass I just saw yours just then".
"Really? You sure?".
"Yes". "Thank you! Thank you very much!!! That is just wanted to make sure that's all. Thank you :D ".
"Your welcome".
"Bye Bye".
Posted by didi at 13:46 0 comments
Wedding day
Monday, 1 September 2008
Well today my sister is going to be married at the age of 22 (almost).
I had to shave and wash my hair for her big day; so much hassle that why females can't have their armpit hair left alone when they wear a clothes which shows their armpit open. I don't even shave properly! So messy and cuts my skin D:
So my sister had to get her hair done at the hairdressers which costed her over £50!!!?!! For a try out before this day and for this day hair. I'll post up pictures of her hairstyle below. But this was just taken at night instead of when she got it done since we just remembered to take photos for something she would only do once ... get her hair styled.

She had her nails done at Debenhams with Nail inc (BOOOOO!!!!), there's no picture of that as they f***ed up her nails. She went there a couple of weeks before to ask the "supposely" nail expert if she can get fake nails on her nails done even though it had infection in them before; they said yes. She asked again to make sure before she made a £10 deposit to them to make an appointment a day before the wedding day; they said yes again.
What happens? This is what happened yesterday, she went to get her nails done. The nail expert who was doing her nails told her she CAN'T get her nails, as they are too thin nails! So they counter person who is supposely a NAIL EXPERT is someone who ISN'T a nail expert or SCAMS people for their money!
So all that girl did for my sister yesterday is to buffer her nails to make it less bumpy; however it started bleeding when the girl filed abit of my sister's nails and paint the nails pink. She paid another £7 for that!
When the girl finished painting my sister's nail, my sister asked if there was something to cover her nails from getting damage, the girl gave my sister white gloves to protect the nails. What happens when she comes back home... the painted nails ruined! So she basically wasted her petrol, time and money on Nails inc!
Don't think my sister didn't try to contact the manager of Debenhams Nails inc to ask for her money back because she tried! And all they told her was deposit money can't be returned! The flipping "NAIL EXPERT" said it was okay for her to get fake nails on her nails!
Only thing my sister learnt from this is NEVER get anything from NAILS INC!
Of course I'm flipping pissed off with NAILS INC! They took my sister's money, time and petrol to get nothing done for her WEDDING DAY!
ADVICE TO ALL: Go to your doctors to check what type of nails you have and ask if you are able to get fake nails done to your nails before you get them done!
Anyway, back to my sister's wedding day.
I got my make up done for the first time in my life by my aunt, I looked fake. 100% fake!
I did my hair curly with Argos Styling Tongs, it worked very good! You need to buy yourself a heat protection for your hair. My sister bought it from Tesco, it works well :)
I didn't take pictures of my hair since I wasn't really caring about my hair, only caring mainly for taking pictures and carrying everything for my sister and K's wedding day. You should have seen how much stuff I had to carry; about 3 big bags! My sister wanted my oldest cousin help carry something that her friend gave to her as a wedding gift, but my sister told me that she had a face on that she doesn't want to carry anything! But I told my sister that I'll carry it.
So we took very good pictures; all of us, with my dad's professional camera. This family's sort of friend took pictures too with his professional camera however didn't come out as great as I thought it was, very blurry and people blinking at the wrong time.
Wouldn't you take another picture again just incase that happens?
He didn't take it again though. I did though just incase that did happen to our photos, so I could edit it in Serif Photoshop; to make it so everyone's eyes is opened. No, I'm no expert at photoshop I don't even know that much about editting photos. I just know blur paintbrush and layers :D
I would show you pictures but I don't want all know who I am nor my family nor friends. Shame. Oh well.
We went to Manchester to eat afterwards, it was okay food. K found a screw-nail in one of our dishes! Ugh!
That's how the english wedding went. Stay tooned for the chinese wedding in February. Hahahaa!
Posted by didi at 23:17 0 comments
Hen Night for my sister
Monday, 25 August 2008
I'm glad it didn't rain, as me and my sister had to wait at the bus stop for over 45minutes and still it didn't come; so we ask dad to drive us to my cousin's house. As my dad was driving to my cousin's, we saw 2buses that we were going to catch late.
We went to our cousin's house because I asked my aunt if I could borrow some of her dresses as I don't own any :S
My cousin's are abit silly they live about 30minutes walk from town and they want to get a taxi instead. When the taxi didn't come for a bit, they wanted me to ring my dad to tell him to drive us to town instead. What the 'eck? We live about 1.5hours walk away! That's alot of petrol just to drive us to town! Me and my sister would have taken a bus but the cousins are very fussy.
When I went to my cousin's house, I thought their attitude towards their mum would change but apparently not. It seems the same as all those years back when we all use to live under the same roof. I know I have changed but I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I guess some people never change for the better only stay the same.
So we went to Bibis to eat with my sister's friends. Looks expensive and has expensive food for oven type of meal. Especially the main meal that I chose looks as though it was just oven cooked with salad at the side. The meal was chicken something. Don't recommend it, only if you want to eat oven food at the restaurant.
Abit pointless of having oven food at a restaurant but it filled me up. I think I am probably the only one out of 10 people who actually ate everything of the main meal. As you can see in the picture below, empty plate; everyone else's plate was collected before mine as I was trying to not waste food by eating it all eventually.
My hair was a mess when they took that picture but who cares, oh yeah I do especially when I got this ginormous forehead! Bah!
I saw someone who I didn't think I would see, since I haven't seen her since I was small small about 8 or so. So we got chatting in a way, but all I was thinking mainly was how her accent is so strong. I think her accent is Yorkshire but I am not too sure if that is right. Then again it probably is since she's a yorkshire person ^^ lol!
Well I didn't stay that long after eating as my dad was passing into town so I told him to pick me up; my sister stayed with the rest. As I didn't want to hassle my dad nor take a taxi home later as well as I couldn't be arsed to stay any longer.
Posted by didi at 23:38 0 comments
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Here comes the bride
All dressed in white ...
da da da da da
da daa da da daaa
Who's getting married?
No. My sister is!
It can't be me, as I still a virgin who hasn't been on her first date yet.
My sister is marring K. They are getting married on the 1st September 2008. But they are going to have a Chinese wedding next February.
I think it's abit soon to get married for them. But in their situation I guess they have to. It is costing them alot too :S My sister bought me bras and a dress for the wedding. Since:
1. I don't own any bra only kiddy bras :'(
2. I don't own any dresses at all. (Crazy? It's true though. Check in my wardrobe and all you will see is jeans and tops, no skirts and no dresses. Wait I do have 2 dresses. 1dress is from my cousin's wedding as I was sort of the bridesmaid there. 2nd dress is way too small and I was sort of the bridesmaid there too).
I'll show you the dress on the wedding day of my sisters as I can't be arsed to wear it now.
We are going to go to Manchester to eat after the registration at town hall. So driving all the way to Manchester to eat ... need my trusty ipod and a pack of cards to play with.
Posted by didi at 22:44 0 comments
Finally the exams over!
Thursday, 21 August 2008
The final exam ended at 12.30 so I thought I would treat myself to some facial treatment for myself :)
Okay, usually people would treat themselves to something like a night out with friends but I'm not a clubbing type of person and also I am already planning to do something with my friends soon (I hope).
I went to Boots to get BOGOF on certain facial products. Every time I write facial or say facial, it sounds like people with beards or some hair on their face :S
Spent £20 on facial today. I know! Crazy spending but meh, might as well get it whilst it's on a deal.
I flipping spent £15 on Neutrogena products and £5 on face/nose strips XD
I know so many products bought of Neutrogena. It so darn better work on my face!
Clinique wasn't helpful to my skin *sigh*. Thought Clinique products would do wonders to my face, but I guess not... poo.
Posted by didi at 21:52 0 comments
4 Exams
Well instead of writing about each exam, I decided to just write about what I thought in general of all the flipping exams I had to do.
I don't even know if I passed this time round. It was so much harder than the summer exam. I just hope I can carry on to 3rd year and get out of uni with a degree. (A decent degree grade).
I just hope I will pass. For my sake of spending 2whole years with no holiday. Yea, the family went on holiday without me whilst I was stuck at home revising. It also happened last year too, but for some strange reason my brother and sister didn't want to go to China. I know crazy!
I hope I will go on holiday next year to relax of arse off.
Posted by didi at 21:34 0 comments
back again
heya all, ya was away for a month or so, well my exams was ... unknown. I do not like to tell anyone about how I thought I did in the exam until the results are back. As when I did my summer exam this year, I thought I did okay in one exam and turns out that I failed that one.
I will update past post within the past month, when I have the chance or when I am not as lazy :)
Today was the last exam day :D I will post about what I thought about that exam in a different post; as I just want to rant on about anything now. As I am happy now, but I am worried also about what the results would be like. I would so love my heart out if I am able to stay on my course whooosh!
I bought some stuff to make me happy :D It was buy 2 for £5 at Boots, so I bought some stuff to help my spots. I know I haven't updated that spot post in a while but I have taken pictures every day or so; I will update it when I update my camera on my computer.
Posted by didi at 16:49 0 comments
Olympics Opening and also 8/8/8
Friday, 8 August 2008
Well nothing really happened today except for the fact that it's Olympics Opening day and that' 08/08/08 woot woot! Only really concern with Chinese that number is lucky mainly.
Just been revising again whilst watching abit of the Olympics. Don't really care much about the grand opening as it's just basically a parade of people doing a load of stuff. As well as exams very soon so can't really spend all my time watching Olympics :S
Posted by didi at 18:50 0 comments
Are you for real?
Thursday, 31 July 2008
On Tuesday my dad rang me to check up some stuff for his takeaway menus; as my dad decided to get a printing business to print out all the menus.
As my sister was doing the menu adjustments and such so she would print it out on our home printer to save money. But my dad just decided to go with a business as it's similar price to all the printer inks and paper cost.
So the printing business faxed me a copy to check if it's okay to be printed. I had to check it all through to each word and prices. I didn't think there would be any mistakes since my sister had already did the adjustments of price for them. All they had to do was set it up on a page and print.
However I was wrong about having no mistakes, as there were a couple of mistakes; one mistake that would totally make us lose money in my dad's takeaway. These were the mistakes made:
1. One of the price of the food was 10p lower than it should be.
2. A missing "&" sign between the words.
3. A missing ")" closing bracket.
I guess the business doesn't check for mistakes but only create more mistakes than it should. Okay, the 2nd and 3rd mistake can be made by accident but the 1st mistake is totally unacceptable.
So next time you go to print something off, check ever SINGLE detail!
Posted by didi at 20:12 0 comments
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Why couldn't I be on holiday instead of being at home revising :(
Suppose to be a picture of me poofing air out for a sigh - don't ask me why I drew the eyes on like that.
Posted by didi at 09:36 0 comments
What's with players wanting to be "gf" + "bf"?
Monday, 28 July 2008
I find it so annoying just because I am a person playing the game with players, doesn't mean I am going to want to be your gf?
I guess they want to have a gf/bf who has something in common but you don't even know the REAL details of the person, so how can you be gf/bf? They might be some old dude/lady wanting to just "do it" with random people they meet in games.
I was just recently asked as I was logging off a game so I didn't ahve to reply to this question to me. "gf?". I only went on the game to play and saw them and they already asked that question?
It is always asked in any game you play, I have been asked in all the games I have played so I always log off as I just want to be friends with people I play online with. Games such as Puzzle pirates, AsdaStory, Flyff and Dofus. These are (or use to be) the games I play for now.
I guess if you are that desperate you could hook up with them on an online game. But BEWARE could be PEDOPHILES! EEEEEEW! *throws up!*
I might be a girl but it's called chill you have your whole life ahead of you to get gf/bf. If you don't have your whole life ahead of you, you could always achieve being happy rather than want a bf/gf, all I hear is complains.
If you really that desperate to want a bf/gf, go on an online dating websites but not on a gaming websites to ask, especially when there are kids there playing the game.
Posted by didi at 22:01 2 comments
Family holiday
Minus me. sad icon.
I didn't go since I have to revise for my exams except I am on blogging now :S
I'm so bummed that I couldn't go on holiday with my family, I so wanted to go last year with my parents to China but noooo I had to do exams *pouts*.
They all went to Cornwall, whilst I am stuck at home revising supposely like a madman geek.
Posted by didi at 17:17 0 comments
Brown bins NOT for RUBBISH
Don't kids know that Brown bins are not for rubbish but only for garden waste?
Just this morning, I saw our brown bin had 2 ice-cream wrappers. I thought everyone knew that grey bins are for any waste NOT the brown bins.
Man, kids do not know how to respect the street property and people's properties. Yesterday, I saw outside our parkway, a flipping used chewing gum! Argh! LITTERING IS NOT GOOD TO THE ENVIRONMENT!
I am not all that environment type where I would go all hippy-style, but I do try recycle what I can and keep the streets clean. As you don't want to walk on someone's chewing gum.
I thought the kids on our street understands about littering and bin colours. I guess not, our street seems to be a clean street but yet if you look closer they dump their litter anywhere especially in our garden.
Posted by didi at 13:18 0 comments
Do I spot Creepy Crawlies Faster Than I spot People I know?
Just yesterday, I spotted a moth blending with my flowery curtains. I spotted instantly and quickly grabbed by trustly fan to swat it to death.
Another time a while back, whilst I was about to drift off to sleep in the dark. I felt a disturbance in my room, so I called my sister in to help something. It was a spider on my wall. Weird or what, a 6th sense for Creepy Crawlies, ugh!
Even thought I put a net on my window to prevent creepy crawlies from coming into my room, they seem to love my room by coming in from my door or something. Grr.
I know there is a way to prevent crawlies from coming into your room with an ultrasonic sound plug. But the only trouble with that when we tried it a while back was it gave me a flipping headache :( If only my ears couldn't hear the ultrasound I would be set for life to apply a ultrasound on my body ;)
Well I would really spot a creepy crawlies way faster than spot people on street or something - because I don't look around when I go anywhere. I find it distrubing, as what will I do when I spot them?
I don't speak to them as I hardly know anyone, sad I know. What a LONER! **** who cares! Boo hoo hoo!
Posted by didi at 10:52 0 comments
Oval VS Heart?
Sunday, 27 July 2008
I always thought I was a heart-shaped head. But just took a picture of my head when I was doing to the spot post and realised that I could be an oval shaped head? Really?
My forehead is excruciating large! My forehead it probably larger than Tyra Banks! I can fit 4fingers and half my thumb on my forehead alone.
So what am I? Oval VS Heart?
Yes, that is my real head and that's where my face features are about minus the hundreds of spots and scars.
Posted by didi at 17:27 0 comments
Ugh Gross!
Thursday, 17 July 2008
My posting a blog post about Spots - yes the acne spots. I am showing you what happens when you totally leave the big, fat acne spot alone without getting podded until the puss comes out. (Ok, that just sounds mighty gross and dirty ... eep).
Day 1 of big spot:
Of course it hurts when I even pressed it by accident. This shall be treated with my 3step of Clinique.
Day 2:
Yes, it's deflating onto itself abit like a deflated souffle.
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
[NOTE]The white fluff on my hair is not dandruff! It's from the cotton wool as I take a picture after I have used the 3step of Clinique[/NOTE]
If you don't dare to go anyway with a huge spot on your face, use a plaster on it. So it prevents looks on your big, fat, ugly spot and keeps you from squeezing it to death; so it will stain your face scars.
If you going to put a plaster over the spot, choose a plaster which isn't colour skin. As everytime I looked at myself in the mirror(vain!) I thought my plaster was my shine on my head. So yea, a different colour or a cartoon one :D
This was used for a different spot, as I didn't want my family to see the flipping big, fat, ugly spot that would stare at my family.
Posted by didi at 22:21 0 comments
Still kids?
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
My cousins came over to our home after they did some ticket selling at some school for a charity event my cousin is organising.
My mum made food for lunchtime for the whole family including for my cousins too. My mum also made some soup which had some greens which is suppose to "help your eyes".
So I grabbed the soup for my cousins to drink, they did drink the soup but one of them is so picky that one of them didn't want to eat the greens of it, she through it away into the bin. What a waste of food!
She did this yesterday too; my mum cut some papaya's for her to eat. So she ate one, didn't like it and guess what she did after that. Yes, correct. She threw away it all away! I asked her, why you throwing it away and she said "She's full". So don't eat it instead of wasting a perfect fresh papaya!
It's called, you could have waited for your stomach to feel less full so you don't have to WASTE FOOD! Food is expensive or don't you understand that food cost MONEY?
If you were at someone's house and they gave you food, would you have chucked it away or tried to eat it all for POLITENESS for the host of the event?
They lived with my family for over 12years in 2 different house (even when we moved houses), under the same roof. They do usually keep coming over to our house.
So they would know how to get their own cup if they want to drink and know where the toliets are etc.
So why don't they wash their own dishes nor cups after using them? All they did was leave the dirty dishes and cups by the sink today. Hello! We are not a flipping resturant or servants to you! ARGH!
I know for sure that if I was at someone's house, I would definately wash it even if I have lived there for over a decade. I think they are too use to their mum doing every little thing for them, that they(mainly the oldest one) wouldn't wash their own filth after themselves.
The younger of the two does wash up after herself usually, but for some reason today she didn't (I bet it's because of her sister).
Posted by didi at 22:36 0 comments
What? Second film of this?!??
As if HellBoy wasn't bad enough, they release a second film of HellBoy? Me and my friends watched it, boy it was probably one of the worst films we have ever, ever watched. One of my friends slept during the film as it was that boring.
So what's with a second film of Dullsville?
And what's more surprising is that it's number one film in US? How is that possible?
Or was Hellboy a good film but me and my friends are the only ones who thought it was crap?
I would like to kick the one who made the film Hellboy as what the 'eck were they thinking? What a waste of £4 and my time on this film.
If anyone is wanting to watch this film, you are the FOOL who wants to watch it. Period.
Posted by didi at 21:10 0 comments
3rd time lucky
Monday, 14 July 2008
My sister passed her driving licence 3rd time lucky. Congrats to her.
I didn't know this until she was about to catch the bus to town, whilst me and my friends were walking back home from a nice talk at Starbucks.
She only got one mistake too in the whole test.
Funny thing she told me was that during her driving test, she was told to reverse park in a parking spot but someone nicked the parking space from behind, what the 'eck?
[note]Don't mind me spacing my sentences quite large, as it makes it easier for my eyes to see it.[/note]
So my mum held a dinner thing at home to celebrate my sister's pass in driving test. It was quite crazy and we had to use 2 tables as we couldn't fit all on one table, what the 'eck? But then again there was 17people eating at our house. Yes, a chaotic situation.
It was good to see my friends again, it was suppose to be a big-ish event for me and my friends to see everyone again, but only 3people in the end.
Anyway, no point complaining as I don't really like so many people as hard to talk to them all and it would get divided up into smaller groups which I hate the most!
Gesh, my friends sure wants to meet up again that's why so many people came up to meet. That shows the real friends who actually turn up or text/ring if they can't with a real reason. Not those, who says "Hmmm I'll get back to you" or "It's this week not last week?"(when they wouldn't have turned up last week anyway).
What's with my friends and excuses? Perhaps they aren't my friends. Oh well, I don't care for those who doesn't even keep in contact with me when I try.
Posted by didi at 22:45 0 comments
Thursday, 10 July 2008
What is up with people who keep using "..." so often that it replaces "," commas?
I know I use it but not that often that is literally replaces commas full stop. I only use it when it's appropiate to use it.
For example, "Sigh ... blah blah blah and so" .
I do not use it so often that it is used like I'm taking a breather.
For example, "I went swimming ... with my friend ... it was so great ... however ... ".
I mean gesh! Hello? No-one taught you how to use "ellipsis" that you use it every single flipping second?!? Gesh! I think people only use it so often because they want to fill their blog pages so much that it looks like they had a flipping interesting day.
If you don't have anything to blog about, don't blog anything at that moment! As it's more annoying to see someone write " ... " every flipping 3words! You might as well have a whole blog post based on " ... " if you really obsessed about it!
ARGH! So frustrating how people destroy to nice use of ellipsis. Especially teens! Ugh!
Posted by didi at 21:39 0 comments
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Does one understand the other's words?
As some might understand what one is saying but not the true meaning of what the other is trying to say. Even in text message form it can be misinterpreted. When my friend A and I was at the end of our confusing quarreling for no apparent reason period, she text me this:
"Wateva u ass,nt my fault dnt txt me NYMRE!"
I think she forgot the u in "nt my fault u dnt...", as I thought she meant to not text her anymore now: "nt my fault, dnt txt me NYMRE!". So I didn't text back at that time, and she texted back saying "ignoring me nw". So at that time I had lecture, so ignored her text whilst concentrating to my lecturer talking about stuff I didn't even understand.
Another time when me and my sister was a wee little kids, I was listening to my sister talking about life: "... what if mum, dad, grandma, grandpa, everyone dies? and I die." At this point, she used a belt and tugged it to make it tighter around her waist. I didn't know that she was in a serious moment of looking into her life so I laughed and jumped on her, tickling her.
Posted by didi at 20:40 0 comments
Tres Depressed
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
I found out my results yesterday, which wasn't good at any sense at all. All it did was make me cry my eyes out literally. I couldn't stop crying until I talked with my dad about what I should do and he said to carry on to get your degree even if it takes you 2 more years. He also said it's a skill to just to know, as he was a engineer person but now he is a takeaway owner.
So I am going to have to resit half of my course. At my university we do modules by credits and we have to do 120credits. So I failed 60credits, crap isn't it.
But I'm going to prove to the world I can so make it so much higher even if it means going to university early and coming home late.
I am going to make it high! And no-one is going to stop me from achieving my goals!
Posted by didi at 17:27 0 comments
Happy Birthday
Monday, 16 June 2008
My cousin is now 6 years old. To celebrate her birthday, my aunt took us along with my grandparents and uncle to eat at Bella Italia. Very small nice atmosphere. The food were nice; pizza, garlic bread, pasta and many more my aunt ordered. Only thing I didn't really like was the lasagna abit too salty taste I think.
I would totally recommend it to anyone for a romantic or a social gathering event. It's just across M&S store.
Hope you don't see any chinese gathering there with their families as that would most likely be loud lol! As I think we were talking quite loud in the resturant but no-one told us off so all goes well. But probably because we ordered alot of meals to feed ... urm ... 1, 2, 3 ... 14mouths hahaha.
I made a card for my cousin, which took abit of time since I didn't really know what design to do. I had a totally different idea from what I actually made which is very weird. I was going to make a glittery girly card since she's at the age of 6 which is all girly-fied.
So this card turned out totally different in the end, which in my opinion is okay except for the stain which you can see of the superglue.
Equipments used: card, beads, needle, thread, watercolour paint, kitchen tissue, font style.
From a distant:
Close up of how I did the flower:
Posted by didi at 23:19 0 comments
Disappointing day
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
I went to university to find out my result and it was not a happy day.
My results were terrible, I passed one with 62 (I think) and failed 2 modules.
One module was almost a pass(40 is the pass mark) with 36 and other one is 30. But the 30mark module wasn't something I didn't really revise for since I had 2exams on that day. But still that was poor effort of result.
So ... I am very sad today crawling into the corner now.
Posted by didi at 18:00 0 comments
Monday, 9 June 2008
Okay, the thing with my grandpa was that he was sent to the hospital by the doctor on 2nd June. As he had some clogged up intestine somewhere where I shall not say.
So he had to have an operation to cut off some intestines. My mum stayed at the hospital with some other people and probably with my grandma until he came out of the operation safety. Which was "VERY successful" commented by the doctor who did the procedure on him.
So I went to see him on 5th and was told by person in charge of my grandpa in the hospital that he could eat soft liquified stuff at that time.
I had arrived there about 2pm and I had to stay there until my grandma came with the food for grandpa.
I didn't know what to stay to him as my chinese isn't all that great and vice versa with his english. But we just talked about the most random stuff we could see in the room. For example, there was a senior with a beard and the wife was cutting his beard for him in the flipping room, ugh! unhygienic to the rest of people in the same room D:
After my grandma gave him some rice porridge to eat, I went with her to her bus stop and waited until her bus came; it was nice to just talk to her.
Posted by didi at 19:20 0 comments
Saw IV
Sunday, 8 June 2008
If you haven't seen this film, you would just get yourself confused. So watch it before reading this.
What really confused me with this film is at the beginning of the film, the mastermind was getting cut up and finds a tape in his stomach. The detective listens to the tape. Isn't this the same detective who got trapped in the bolt with the mastermind's dead body along with Amanda's dead body and the other 2 dead bodies? So didn't the tape say that there is someone else continuing his work, so how come he didn't know this when someone closed the door on him in the bolt with the dead bodies? Perhaps I am confusing you but this is my thought of mind about this film.
Posted by didi at 03:30 0 comments
Saturday, 7 June 2008
Is "wah?" or "T_____T" L33T? I don't think it is, but some user on puzzle pirate said "don't speak leet on my ship". What the 'eck? That is so not leet, leet is w007 or 8008135 if you can't read the 2nd word, then you don't know leet that well :P
Been playing puzzle pirates lately, quite addicted to it as I don't go sleep early no more, I now usually sleep at 3am XD hahaha!!!
Posted by didi at 17:16 0 comments
Yesterday, my sister decide to take pictures for her boyfriend's issue.
So in the morning, I woke up like at 11am and I was already shouted at to do practically clean everything at home. So I practically cleaned the 3 bathroom; well 2 bathroom and a toliet room, and the kitchen since we had to make it all nice and clean for my sister. But don't worry, I didn't do it alone, my sister helped clean the living room and ironed some clothes.
So it was almost 2pm when we were planned to meet all to take pictures at Tropical World, not inside as that cost, as well as who wants to take pictures in a place where there is so much bugs and overheated area. So we waited for a while for her boyfriend to come and he was late by 20minutes, grrr. Then my sister decided to try using the hair curlier for the 1st time at that time, I know what the 'eck! Not the time to do it when all is just waiting to go and it was getting late already as well.
So after we told her to not try it and just go, took pictures and heard that my grandpa is going to the hospital or something.
We came home, house was spotless so I went off to my room to play Puzzle Pirates, my parents went off to grandma's and one to my grandpa since he was at the doctors at that time. My sister decide to go out with her boyfriend and her boyfriend's sister to town.
By 6pm, I had to help make some side dish of mixed carrots, cucumber, "some greens forgot what it's called and garlic, with a seasonal sauce of vinegar and salt. Perfect taste. Only trouble is that my hand smells ever so garlic now.
So I helped my mum with the foods and it was getting passed 7pm when my sister told everyone to meet at that time yet no-one came in either did my sister. So eventually everyone came getting ready to eat. It was about 8pm by this time and still no sign of my sister around. So I rang her and stupid her was still at her boyfriend's sister's house when she told everyone to meet at our house at 7pm.
So eventually she came back and just in time to eat some food.
After dinner, many people left to see my grandpa since he was at hospital. I didn't go since I had to help clean up at home, and it would be a bit too crowded at the waiting place if I went also. So anyway, whilst I was cleaning, my sister ask her boyfriend to do something and he goes: "Nah.". I know what the eck? After he said that I was thinking what the eck? Perhaps he's joking and would help my sister. But nope, that's not the case, he still just sat down doing nothing. Whilst me and my sister did the rest of the cleaning. Arsewipe. I so wanted to shout at him at that point but since I am not the girlfriend, I don't think I can.
Now it's 2:15 in the morning and my mum still hasn't come back home about any news on my grandpa. Sigh.
Posted by didi at 02:14 0 comments
Sex and the City Film
Sunday, 1 June 2008
So good I think, it just links to the show. Only main thing I found funny was Charlotte at the holiday ^_^ *fart*. Man, I wish they change the actor for carrie, sorry Jessica but her face is so urm... yack? I kept cringing when I saw her face on screen. My face is not better than hers, but still my eyes was slowly burning when I saw her face.
Posted by didi at 22:59 0 comments
Pink thing
Saturday, 31 May 2008
I have been so lazy after exams has finished but I'm going to watch Sex and the City film tomorrow with my friends... I just saw the timetable and it starts at 7.15 and ends at 10!!! Wah! 3hours?!!?
Posted by didi at 19:51 0 comments
Sitting person
Friday, 30 May 2008
The left leg is totally off ... perhaps this person dislocated their leg or something or just that I can't draw body proportion well.
Don't say anything about the hand.
Posted by didi at 22:35 0 comments
Mannequin girl
I know! You don't have to tell me what's wrong with it. I can see with my eyes that the proportion is totally off and the neck looks way way too thin that it would snap off like in a second with that big head. The style is suppose to be like for this girl.
Posted by didi at 22:20 0 comments
I have finished exams for now!!!! MWAHAHAAA!!! But I bet I have to do some resits :'( I so hate resits, and for all ... "exams" is what I hate the most.
I have been looking at some style of clothes, ones that I would totally love which is rare... well not that rare if consider all the mens clothes that I wear.
I love the style of male clothes compared with the females, as most of them are all pink, glittery and full of pictures on it whilst males are plain and funky style.
Okay, there are some female clothes which are plain and funky style but they cost like an arm and a leg for a decent quality. Whilst males are cheap and quality clothes totally!
I have found one which is my style which is aim for females but cost over my limit.
from: HERE
I would just stick to wearing males which is way cheaper than that... I could probably get 10 more tops for that one nice top.
Posted by didi at 01:12 0 comments
bird view
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Okay, I might have over exaggerate on the size of boobs for this person but probably because I have none so I would not know how big I should do it.
Posted by didi at 22:26 0 comments
Monday, 26 May 2008
Argh! WHy does my aunt have to be so damn stupid!??! I was talking to her on the phone yesrterday and she asks me if I am going to Cornwall with them, and I thought perhaps not as think I might have to resit some modules.
She goes to me: "Why do you have to resit? You don't know".
Of course I don't know the results yet, but I know that I did so crap that I will have to resit something even if I really really don't want to. Which I don't want to duh!
So she goes: "What have you been doing all this time?", What the...? Of course I have been revising my arse off but still doesn't go in my head!
I go to her:" been revising"
She goes: "but your cousin is at lse so it's harder there". Why is she comparing me to her? I am NOT her!!!
*sigh* I just wish I could just be clever to keep things inside without it going away so quickly... abit like a computer database is what I need in my head. Someone build a database for the brain and you can use me to be the first to test it, lol!
I just wish to crawl in a hole and never come out.
Posted by didi at 17:01 0 comments
Ah! the pain hurts! Can't ... stop laughing! HAHAHA!
Sunday, 25 May 2008
I can't believe this malfunctioned at the such a news like that, so funny! Can't stop laughing hahaha! I know bad to laugh but so funny!!!
from: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/
over 60k died.
Posted by didi at 09:49 0 comments
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Argh! I got to revise for 2modules for tomorrow and nowhere near finish revising for any of them :'( But I'm not going to be concentrating on one module even though it's good to try get high grade on it to include into the degree of my course :S
roar! I've been up since 6am revising my arse off. So tired but I can't sleep now, too much to do. I'm just having a tiny break from all the revision I have done so far.
Cute kitty getting owned by a pillow:
Poutie face:

from: http://www.damnfunnypictures.com/
over 40k died.
Posted by didi at 11:00 0 comments
Happy Birthday
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Happy Birthday to my friend, A!!!
She rang me yesterday ... well today very early XD To say thanks for the present lol! I got her a SClub7 album I think it's the greatest hits one.
Posted by didi at 14:58 0 comments
Paper Mario
Friday, 16 May 2008
I finally finished the Pit of 100 Trials and defeated the final Boss with 200HP. I thought it would be harder but with the help of badges I won :) ... Well I died before reaching that level before :S It took me about 3hours to finish the Pit of 100 Trials.
Yes, I know Goombella is looking v.weak, almost all my partners had HP less than 10 ^-^". If you haven't done the Pit of 100 Trials, I would recommend you buying about 5life mushrooms, Mario didn't have to use it at all, just the partners grr. But I had 4 and only 3 been used ^o^ .
I made A a card for her birthday which is tomorrow ^_^
over 20k died.
Posted by didi at 23:10 0 comments
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!!!
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
My urm... distant related cousin (knew him before he became sort of part of the family) came to our house with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!!! Oooh, all the way from Manchester since he works all over this country ^^. My mum says that I tried these doughnuts before but I think I would have remembered if I ate it right? Anyway, so many different choices to munch on. Picture was taken after 2 doughnuts been munched on.
I shall describe what I thought of each doughnut tasted like to me:
1. I can just taste the flavour of the sugar icing, chocolate icing and sprinkles
2. The doughnut itself had enough flavours on it's own. This tasted like sugar doughnuts but with more icing on it D: Ugh! Too sweet!
3. A chocolate sauce in the middle with a tint of medicine cough syrup taste ... its strawberry! With a flavour of chocolates XD
4. A blueberry with tint of cherry, my type of plain yet nice tasty doughnut!
5. A full chocolate icing with sugar icing, ugh!
6. A chocolate doughnut hard with icing as usual, yack!
7. A icing coated doughnut D:
8.A jammy raspberry, yummy!
9. A lemon flavoured with icing on top - too sweet but love how the bun rised flavour :)
10. Well my mum made that, some type of dim sum with a full blast of banana flavour, too much too much!
Posted by didi at 16:45 0 comments
Scamming email D:
Well, I knew sort of that this email address is a scam as:
1. I haven't got a paypal account.
2. Gmail told me so: "Warning: This message may not be from the alleged person or organisation. Beware of following any links in it or of providing the sender with any personal information. " - sweet XD
Too bad paypal can't shut down that email address since it's a real bother to some that do have a paypal account. As it sure looks like a real paypal address. But then again, I doubt they would say "Dear PayPal member:" most obviously the actual Paypal would put your username itself, I think.
Posted by didi at 12:50 0 comments
Blogger Dream poof!
I was dreaming in the morning about 2 bloggers who I spy at: Esther and Jess.
Weird I know! To be dreaming about some people you don't even know know lol!
So I was dreaming I was reading their blog (sad dream isn't it?). I was reading about them both talking under the title "What I love about Boys" in their blogs. They both wrote single words describing what they like about boys, along with pictures of their boyfriend. Then after talking about boys aka their boyfriend lol! I dreamt that I was looking at pictures of them at the beach, and there was several pictures of them:
1. Esther and her boyfriend Kelvin was just in the Sun walking towards Jess and boyfriend James; whom were sitting under the umbrella with picnic set up for 4 of them.
2. Then I saw the second picture which would never happen unless you are some sick b******. That Esther's boyfriend threw a sand-ball at Jess, and Jess was eating a donut (It's a donut because we got some Krispy Kreme Doughnuts at home in real life, and that Jess said that she always constantly eating in a good way ^_^"). The picture captured was Jess had a sand-ball in her face and whilst biting into the doughnut. Jess's boyfriend had a surprised look in his face and Esther was looking surprised too about what just happened lol!
For some reason at this time, I was actually in the event seeing it in action happening. At this point, Jess was finishing her bite of doughnut as none of the sand-ball got on it... don't know how that can happen, I guess in dreams it can woot! Then Jess started running to Esther's boyfriend to get payback. Jess's boyfriend was laughing and Esther was standing away from her boyfriend lol!
3. The picture captured was of Jess running to Esther's boyfriend to get payback, Esther was walking away from her boyfriend and Jess's boyfriend laughing.
I was dreaming that I was reading this, and thinking "I couldn't believe that Esther's boyfriend did that" and I was also thinking that "Wow, 4 of them must be close to allow one to throw sand-ball at one's face" lol!
And that's the end.
Man, I bet no-one else had a dream about bloggers you have never met before... I can't believe I dreamt that XD
Posted by didi at 09:55 0 comments
Monday, 12 May 2008
I am not going to blog for abit because of exams D: I got my first exam today... eep. I think I'm going to fail it as didn't have time to go through all the lecture notes :'(
quake in China.sad.
Posted by didi at 07:52 0 comments
What the ...?!!
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Okay there I was dreaming away this morning even after 3alarms went off to try to wake me up. Suddenly in my dream, I hear a buzzing noise of a wasp dreamt that it was trying to alert me or something and the noise stopped. So still dreaming away can't remember what it was about but it was a good dream, the noise came back again then I definately knew I had to wake up as a wasp was probably on my window trying to spook me out.
Ah, yes I was correct. A flipping wasp was on my window but not inside the room since I had a net on my window. The weird thing was that I semi-closed my window as my window has that setting on it last night, and the wasp squeezed through a gap to get inside the room window D: I think that is the same wasp that keeps coming to haunt me everyday, as always see a wasp with it's buzzing noise near my window whilst I'm revising.
So anyway, it was simple for me to release the wasp outside since the net was protecting me from the mighty wasp sting. I would recommend putting a net over your window if you are scared from all buggy creatures. I would tell you where my dad bought it from but I forgot where. Okay, just found out that if you type "Window net", most websites shown is about Windows OS. So also good idea to type "Mosquito net" instead.
When I get myself a place, I'm definately going to buy myself alot of mosquito net as it can keep bugs out as well ^^ I'm going cover it all over the windows, doors and my bed. It's going to be the mosquito net house/flat or whatever it' going to be.
Anyway ciao for now.
Posted by didi at 13:53 0 comments
Stop adding me!
Argh! My brother's friends who he meets on the internet keeps adding me as their friend on Facebook. I mean, hello? Who are you? I don't like to add people who I haven't seen before, exception to a person who I met on Neopets.
Anyway, back to the case, what is the point in adding people as your friend if you don't talk to them? I have about 40 friends but like almost 3/4 of them just add me even though they don't talk to me after adding me on Facebook. What the 'eck is with that? It's because they want to spy on me isn't that right >.>
Posted by didi at 00:50 0 comments
Module Enrolement
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Wah, I totally forgot that it opens for the online enrolement today until my friend texted me. Love her for that. So decided to stay up as you can see by the time to choose my modules.
I am going to Major in Accounting and Minor in Information Systems in my final year since there isn't anymore modules I can choose from Information Systems except I could choose the specialist project then I would have enough to do 50% of each subject course. But nah, I'm not good at projects and I think I would just overstress myself even more next year, as I am going to join the Badminton team as the sport is fun and it's indoors (my favourite '3'); as not fond of outside grrr. Even though, I did go outside like everyday at High School playing football at lunchtime.
So the split is: Accounting(67%) and Information Systems(33%). Quite abit of the modules is based on Maths, since I'm more interested into problem solving based with an answer at the end I guess.
Posted by didi at 03:06 0 comments
Acne scar be gone
Sunday, 4 May 2008
Since people say on the internet that cucumber is suppose to help acne scars to go away, so I am going to try it for a while. I am mixing cucumber with lemon not whole fruits since I think it might rot. But abit at a time. I will tell you if it works or not.
I just used the cucumber juice and lemon juice mixed together to put it on my face excluding eyes ^^ ouch. Cucumber and a tint of lemon mixed together.
I didn't have to use a blender to mush up the fruits, I used a garlic crusher and a mesh strainer(sieve) to make it. As for some reason, I can't find any blender at home; that probably means that we don't have it or my parents took it to work.
I just apply it at night so instead of using moisturer after using toner, I apply the mixture of cucumber and lemon juice.
Since I just used a tint of lemon juice for it, I tried to suck the rest of the juice of lemon. But if I were you don't try it, as afterwards my stomach felt funny; like wanting to throw up my dinner(which was pizza ^^). Use the lemon for something else, like cleaning the microwave ^^.
Peace out.
Posted by didi at 23:40 0 comments