Well today my sister is going to be married at the age of 22 (almost).
I had to shave and wash my hair for her big day; so much hassle that why females can't have their armpit hair left alone when they wear a clothes which shows their armpit open. I don't even shave properly! So messy and cuts my skin D:
So my sister had to get her hair done at the hairdressers which costed her over £50!!!?!! For a try out before this day and for this day hair. I'll post up pictures of her hairstyle below. But this was just taken at night instead of when she got it done since we just remembered to take photos for something she would only do once ... get her hair styled.

She had her nails done at Debenhams with Nail inc (BOOOOO!!!!), there's no picture of that as they f***ed up her nails. She went there a couple of weeks before to ask the "supposely" nail expert if she can get fake nails on her nails done even though it had infection in them before; they said yes. She asked again to make sure before she made a £10 deposit to them to make an appointment a day before the wedding day; they said yes again.
What happens? This is what happened yesterday, she went to get her nails done. The nail expert who was doing her nails told her she CAN'T get her nails, as they are too thin nails! So they counter person who is supposely a NAIL EXPERT is someone who ISN'T a nail expert or SCAMS people for their money!
So all that girl did for my sister yesterday is to buffer her nails to make it less bumpy; however it started bleeding when the girl filed abit of my sister's nails and paint the nails pink. She paid another £7 for that!
When the girl finished painting my sister's nail, my sister asked if there was something to cover her nails from getting damage, the girl gave my sister white gloves to protect the nails. What happens when she comes back home... the painted nails ruined! So she basically wasted her petrol, time and money on Nails inc!
Don't think my sister didn't try to contact the manager of Debenhams Nails inc to ask for her money back because she tried! And all they told her was deposit money can't be returned! The flipping "NAIL EXPERT" said it was okay for her to get fake nails on her nails!
Only thing my sister learnt from this is NEVER get anything from NAILS INC!
Of course I'm flipping pissed off with NAILS INC! They took my sister's money, time and petrol to get nothing done for her WEDDING DAY!
ADVICE TO ALL: Go to your doctors to check what type of nails you have and ask if you are able to get fake nails done to your nails before you get them done!
Anyway, back to my sister's wedding day.
I got my make up done for the first time in my life by my aunt, I looked fake. 100% fake!
I did my hair curly with Argos Styling Tongs, it worked very good! You need to buy yourself a heat protection for your hair. My sister bought it from Tesco, it works well :)
I didn't take pictures of my hair since I wasn't really caring about my hair, only caring mainly for taking pictures and carrying everything for my sister and K's wedding day. You should have seen how much stuff I had to carry; about 3 big bags! My sister wanted my oldest cousin help carry something that her friend gave to her as a wedding gift, but my sister told me that she had a face on that she doesn't want to carry anything! But I told my sister that I'll carry it.
So we took very good pictures; all of us, with my dad's professional camera. This family's sort of friend took pictures too with his professional camera however didn't come out as great as I thought it was, very blurry and people blinking at the wrong time.
Wouldn't you take another picture again just incase that happens?
He didn't take it again though. I did though just incase that did happen to our photos, so I could edit it in Serif Photoshop; to make it so everyone's eyes is opened. No, I'm no expert at photoshop I don't even know that much about editting photos. I just know blur paintbrush and layers :D
I would show you pictures but I don't want all know who I am nor my family nor friends. Shame. Oh well.
We went to Manchester to eat afterwards, it was okay food. K found a screw-nail in one of our dishes! Ugh!
That's how the english wedding went. Stay tooned for the chinese wedding in February. Hahahaa!
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