What's up with her?

Friday, 14 November 2008

SORRY There's swearing and alot of it in this post!!!!

I'm going to rant on about friend A so go away if you are bored of reading me ranting all the time!!!

Thursday when we were going to our last lecture, told A to sit in whilst I sit on the edge chair but she kept saying no so I forced her in. Then out of nowhere, she decided to sit away from me. What the heck?

She usually just goes in any lecture without a fuss. What an arse! Since there was A's friend F in the lecture. I was literally stuck in the middle after we moved down to sit next her, and I was shouting her name out to get the fucking notes! But she was just blanking me out! I so wanted to punch her! She's acting worst than a 4year old not getting her way!

I hate people who thinks they can get their way! Well fuck it! I can't be bothered with her fucking same attitude anymore! I'm not even going to say hi if I see her as she's not fucking making the effort! I'll just blank her out, it's not like she gives a fuck about anyone else!

I got alot of work done today at uni, as I had to go in before 9am to give in my coursework. But I had no lecture until 2pm, so alot of work done today in a way. It doesn't seem alot though to me but I tried :S