Do you have a shorter way of spelling certain words?

Saturday, 1 November 2008

I do! I would list a few of them here as you might find it useful to use in lectures when writing notes.

Report = rpt
System = sys
shareholder(s) = shareh('s)
schedule = sched
manager(s) = mger(s)
decision making = DM
decision makers = DMers
decision = decis
high/large/more =
low/small/less =
higher/highest(same with larger/largest = ↑er/↑est
lower/lowest(same with smaller/smallest = ↓er/↓est
increase is similar to High but ...That is the way i draw increase
Decrease = the same as increase but upside down instead.
finance = fin
function = func
Words ending in "ment" = word with m at the end of the word ((e.g. statement = statem)).
Examples of lectures would be = (( whatever the example is ))
material = mat
account(s) = acct(s)
accountant(cy) = acctant/accty
evaluation = evalu
different = diff
difficult = diffi
liability = lia
economy = econ
method = meth
quality = qlty
quantity = qty (standard)
benefit = benef
problem = prob
company(s) = comp('s)
corporation = corp
balance = bal
knowledge = knowl
acknowledge = acknowl OR ack (something learnt in computing)
profit = prof
project = proj
customers = cust
activity = activ
control = ctrl
possible = poss
computers = comp (same as company as don't really use them both in the lectures, if so I would write the whole word)
lecture = lect
objective = obj
(re)present = (re)pres
figure = fig
work(er) = wrk(er)
damage = dmg
(re)place(d) = (re)plc('d)
technology = techno
point = pt
at = @
group = grp
flexible = flex
algorithm = alg
individual = individ
important = import.
establish = estab
people = ppl
technique = techniq
qualified = qlfied
answer = ans

If words include the past tense word of "ed" at the end of the word, usually just put it at the end of the abbrev's of my wrds.
I tend to miss out "the" as general knowl of knowing when to put it in.

dividend = divid
Firm Value = FV
Cash Flow = CF
True and Fair View = T&F View
Credit Rating Agent(s) = CRA(s)

Ernst and Young = EY (known)
Northern Rock = NR
Braford & Bingley = B&B

Will finish this when I have time.