Financial Crisis situation

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

The Government wants the banks to help loan the money out to the public/businesses, to ride out this "to be" recession soon. With B&B and NR are nationalised, this wouldn't do as they are mortgage lenders or something (read it from the FT). They want Lloyds TSB, HBOS and Barclays to help with this. ONE SOLUTION! Bail out HBOS without getting taken over by Lloyds TSB! So they can use HBOS to loan the money to businesses.

I can't wait to see this event ride off and see how it would affect us.

I just recently bought 2ATMT Xseven MP3/radio/recorder for £23 and 5 2GB SD cards for £16, (these are including delivery). I am definately going to keep one for future use even though I have got a 2GB Ipod XD, since my sister doesn't want the other one (as I gave her the other one), might just give it to my mum to give it as a gift.

My mum just recently had a head on collision with a 4by4 car against her mini car (not the "mini"), stupid driver didn't see that the road was a give way road, arse! I'm glad my mum isn't hurt at all! Fucking idiot though, doesn't even slow down as he's not from here, he's from Nottingham. The teenagers saw the fucking driver speeding fast on the road! So so so so glad my mum is not hurt! As he would be so sorry if he did hurt my mum! IN JAIL!


Did you hear about Woolworths share price in the market this morning? It went to 16p per share! 94% worse off! (heard from BBC News). They closed the shares of theirs to be stopped today morning in London. Something about BBC merge or bail out? Who knew it would happen to Woolies out of the blue. That's just a big drop in their shares in this fortnight.

I hope regulators would have some sort of tighter regulation on the banks soon.

I don't know if I'm happy or sad about the tax cut to 15% supposely. Good for time being bad for 2011.