Do I spot Creepy Crawlies Faster Than I spot People I know?

Monday, 28 July 2008

Just yesterday, I spotted a moth blending with my flowery curtains. I spotted instantly and quickly grabbed by trustly fan to swat it to death.

Another time a while back, whilst I was about to drift off to sleep in the dark. I felt a disturbance in my room, so I called my sister in to help something. It was a spider on my wall. Weird or what, a 6th sense for Creepy Crawlies, ugh!

Even thought I put a net on my window to prevent creepy crawlies from coming into my room, they seem to love my room by coming in from my door or something. Grr.

I know there is a way to prevent crawlies from coming into your room with an ultrasonic sound plug. But the only trouble with that when we tried it a while back was it gave me a flipping headache :( If only my ears couldn't hear the ultrasound I would be set for life to apply a ultrasound on my body ;)

Well I would really spot a creepy crawlies way faster than spot people on street or something - because I don't look around when I go anywhere. I find it distrubing, as what will I do when I spot them?

I don't speak to them as I hardly know anyone, sad I know. What a LONER! **** who cares! Boo hoo hoo!