Financial Crisis situation

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

The Government wants the banks to help loan the money out to the public/businesses, to ride out this "to be" recession soon. With B&B and NR are nationalised, this wouldn't do as they are mortgage lenders or something (read it from the FT). They want Lloyds TSB, HBOS and Barclays to help with this. ONE SOLUTION! Bail out HBOS without getting taken over by Lloyds TSB! So they can use HBOS to loan the money to businesses.

I can't wait to see this event ride off and see how it would affect us.

I just recently bought 2ATMT Xseven MP3/radio/recorder for £23 and 5 2GB SD cards for £16, (these are including delivery). I am definately going to keep one for future use even though I have got a 2GB Ipod XD, since my sister doesn't want the other one (as I gave her the other one), might just give it to my mum to give it as a gift.

My mum just recently had a head on collision with a 4by4 car against her mini car (not the "mini"), stupid driver didn't see that the road was a give way road, arse! I'm glad my mum isn't hurt at all! Fucking idiot though, doesn't even slow down as he's not from here, he's from Nottingham. The teenagers saw the fucking driver speeding fast on the road! So so so so glad my mum is not hurt! As he would be so sorry if he did hurt my mum! IN JAIL!


Did you hear about Woolworths share price in the market this morning? It went to 16p per share! 94% worse off! (heard from BBC News). They closed the shares of theirs to be stopped today morning in London. Something about BBC merge or bail out? Who knew it would happen to Woolies out of the blue. That's just a big drop in their shares in this fortnight.

I hope regulators would have some sort of tighter regulation on the banks soon.

I don't know if I'm happy or sad about the tax cut to 15% supposely. Good for time being bad for 2011.

Baby P situation

Thursday, 20 November 2008

The 3 people who made Baby P suffer should have their eternal life in prison, even though that wouldn't justify what they did to poor Baby P. May no-one is ever tortured like that ever! May you rest in peace, Baby P.

I know what the baby's name is, as well as the torturers' names. Abit crazy how easy it was found on google, even the pictures of them too. I would never post pictures of them as against the law as well as why the eck would I want to have pictures of them anywhere associated with me!

I know this news was a while back but still in the news. And how can anyone ever forget about such a news. I can't believe the whole situation how long the torturers got away with their crimes to Baby P. I'm actually glad that this has happened not for Baby P but for the fact that for him, tougher laws are placed on social workers etc.

I saw the news about Brown and Cameron in the Courts talking about Baby P. Cameron was "trying" to be a big shot saying we need to do something about Baby P situation etc. Why don't you state the obvious! I think everyone knows that! I think Cameron is just all talk. That's why I will never vote for them!

He was also talking about we need to reduce tax quick or something like that. When it was Brown who suggested it and needed to go through the process of doing it. Cameron just talks crap! Sorry to say this but it's true! I bet many people believe this too. I would rather vote for Brown as he's probably best person at this current crisis to do something about this. Cameron would probably just doze around, trying to just gain votes even in the Courts about Baby P! I watched and saw that is what happened.

What's up with her?

Friday, 14 November 2008

SORRY There's swearing and alot of it in this post!!!!

I'm going to rant on about friend A so go away if you are bored of reading me ranting all the time!!!

Thursday when we were going to our last lecture, told A to sit in whilst I sit on the edge chair but she kept saying no so I forced her in. Then out of nowhere, she decided to sit away from me. What the heck?

She usually just goes in any lecture without a fuss. What an arse! Since there was A's friend F in the lecture. I was literally stuck in the middle after we moved down to sit next her, and I was shouting her name out to get the fucking notes! But she was just blanking me out! I so wanted to punch her! She's acting worst than a 4year old not getting her way!

I hate people who thinks they can get their way! Well fuck it! I can't be bothered with her fucking same attitude anymore! I'm not even going to say hi if I see her as she's not fucking making the effort! I'll just blank her out, it's not like she gives a fuck about anyone else!

I got alot of work done today at uni, as I had to go in before 9am to give in my coursework. But I had no lecture until 2pm, so alot of work done today in a way. It doesn't seem alot though to me but I tried :S

Do you have a shorter way of spelling certain words?

Saturday, 1 November 2008

I do! I would list a few of them here as you might find it useful to use in lectures when writing notes.

Report = rpt
System = sys
shareholder(s) = shareh('s)
schedule = sched
manager(s) = mger(s)
decision making = DM
decision makers = DMers
decision = decis
high/large/more =
low/small/less =
higher/highest(same with larger/largest = ↑er/↑est
lower/lowest(same with smaller/smallest = ↓er/↓est
increase is similar to High but ...That is the way i draw increase
Decrease = the same as increase but upside down instead.
finance = fin
function = func
Words ending in "ment" = word with m at the end of the word ((e.g. statement = statem)).
Examples of lectures would be = (( whatever the example is ))
material = mat
account(s) = acct(s)
accountant(cy) = acctant/accty
evaluation = evalu
different = diff
difficult = diffi
liability = lia
economy = econ
method = meth
quality = qlty
quantity = qty (standard)
benefit = benef
problem = prob
company(s) = comp('s)
corporation = corp
balance = bal
knowledge = knowl
acknowledge = acknowl OR ack (something learnt in computing)
profit = prof
project = proj
customers = cust
activity = activ
control = ctrl
possible = poss
computers = comp (same as company as don't really use them both in the lectures, if so I would write the whole word)
lecture = lect
objective = obj
(re)present = (re)pres
figure = fig
work(er) = wrk(er)
damage = dmg
(re)place(d) = (re)plc('d)
technology = techno
point = pt
at = @
group = grp
flexible = flex
algorithm = alg
individual = individ
important = import.
establish = estab
people = ppl
technique = techniq
qualified = qlfied
answer = ans

If words include the past tense word of "ed" at the end of the word, usually just put it at the end of the abbrev's of my wrds.
I tend to miss out "the" as general knowl of knowing when to put it in.

dividend = divid
Firm Value = FV
Cash Flow = CF
True and Fair View = T&F View
Credit Rating Agent(s) = CRA(s)

Ernst and Young = EY (known)
Northern Rock = NR
Braford & Bingley = B&B

Will finish this when I have time.