What's the point of make-up to attract people to you?

Saturday, 8 December 2007

What's the point of make-up to attract people to you?

Isn't that a false idea of what the person looks like? As how is one suppose to know the true you if you wear make-up? Some say make up doesn't change the way you look, yes it does! They say it enhances their look, more likely to say it changes their look. As my friends tried putting make-up on my other friend, and it made her look like a prostitute and made another one look like a doll even though that wasn't the task to do to their face. Make-up can change the way people feel about themselves much better but that isn't being true to yourself though.

Today, was the day when I go out with my friends away from university ever since I met them in Year 1 of university. Quite crap isn't it, but I'm not the type of person who likes to go out late and go clubbing nor drinking. I am not a good dancer nor want to ever get too drunk to stop me from remembering, as what's the point of forgetting what you do only that it's funny for that moment.

So I went to meet E supposedly at 1.30pm at the train station to get our ticket to Glasshoughton to Xscape. But E wasn't even ready at that time so I had plenty of time in town, so I went to the Leeds Art Gallery since I haven't been there in a long time since I did my A-level Art in 6th form. Some of the contemporary art wasn't to my liking as it's landscape but there was some nice watercolour pieces. I'm more into watercolour art and portrait & people art, that's why all my art work from school and 6th form is mainly people or portrait, there is a few still-life and landscape only because I had to do those though to try it out.

Anyway, eventually I went to Wetherspoons to meet everyone at 2pm, as a surprise to L's bf, M. M didn't know about the surprise party event only he saw us at Wetherspoons. E and Su (E's roomie) finally came after minutes after M came in.

The journey to Xscape was half an hour on the train, you should have seen how cramped the train was, no space to move but it isn't like China where that is even worse. (Not to dis China as I have been there and it was like that in certain areas). When the carriages were packed full to the doors, the train operator goes to the people outside, "Sorry, can't let any more on as it's unsafe?" What!??! Isn't it unsafe already since there was people on the steps of the carriages? So we had to stand for a good half an hour, surprising when we got off the train, the Xscape was just next to the train. Sweet.

So we had to wait for a while before we could play on the laser quasar, so we went to the arcade to play. I'm not into bumper cars whilst the rest went on it, I just think it's a waste of money just to bump each other. I guess it's to get your frustration out on bumping a car in a cheap form. So we went to play the laser quasar with 12 people in the group. We wasn't on our own in there, there was other people in there too. When we went into this booth, it was dark with a sort of light showing a glow to white, on my jacket/ cardigan there was a lot of white stuff on it; I was trying to swipe it off but didn't work :S

It was fun playing in there, even though I wasn't that good playing it. I didn't score that great in the first one, since I kept getting hit every single second when I got charged up. But second round of game, was better. Me, L and Su stayed in our base to warn off the other teams, I didn't know that it was our base in the first game we played. I'll point out who is who in the sheet we got at the end of the games. Whilst we was playing, there was a lot of mini brats around it was so so annoying! They just stay next to you and shoot you, they left our base only when we shot them down.

First Game: You can tell that I didn't do that great.

Second Game:

Hermione is L
Mad-Eye Moody is Su
Krusty is E
Sirius Black is me
I didn't know what other people in our group was.

After our laser quasar game we played mini-golf, I have never played that before in my life. When I told Su and E they were totally shocked out of their minds, it was so funny when I told them that. They were saying "What?!?? What did you do in your childhood then??" Well, I just laughed it off as no point telling that my parents didn't have enough time to go out all the time, hahaha!

We played two rounds of mini-golf as there are two different areas. It was hard to play at first since I didn't know how to play it. Only time I used a stick like a golf was playing hockey in high school. E was saying that I hold the stick like one would hold a hockey stick, hahaha! I think high school has affected me too much.

Hahahaha! They were surprised that I did quite well, they thought that I lied about never playing mini-golf before! Lol! Funny. I won overall out of them, Su and then E ^^" Mwahahaha!

After we ate at Nando's, I chose Large Chips which I shouldn't have, as it wasn't worth the amount even though I was full. But I would have benefit my money if I got it at university's bar. Me, E and Su tried to get the train back to Leeds but it left 1minute before we got there, grrr. So we stayed at Xscape for another hour with the others, we just walked around in there. Some of them played the air hockey game in the arcade and boi, they play violently as the puck kept flying off the table.

Whilst we were waiting for the train to Leeds, we played a game; where one says a name of a film then the next person would have to say a name which begins with the last letter from the previous person's film. It was hard, every time, it landed with thinking of a name beginning with N or Y or V, hahaha! But M's friend Chris was funny when giving hints of the films beginning with "G". He was acting out Godzilla and Ghostbusters. After his acts, Su said something totally different, "Gothika" Chris said "What the? You got Gothika from what I acted out??". She goes: "No, thought of that ages ago, just thought I'll let you act that all out first?". Hahaa! Meany Su ;)

Today, I have spent:
Bus ticket: none (since the term pass still valid until this day)
Train ticket: £4.30(out and return).
Laser Quasar: £10.00 for 2games
Mini-golf: £9.50 (minus 49p off from playing Laser Quasar first)
Nandos: £3.25
Total: £27.05 (Woh, this is some expensive dayout)

But after we arrived in Leeds, I departed away from the rest as the bus was supposedly coming to my bus stop soon (checked on the internet to prepare ^_^). I took only 8minutes to walk from train station to Corn Exchange, there was a different bus but not the one I wanted. But no complaining there, as it was freezing cold outside. The bus journey only took less than 15minutes to arrive to my destination then walking the rest to my home, from 22:05 taking the bus to 22:30 arriving inside my home. Woot