Boiling egg is simple

Friday, 21 December 2007

Why do people think boiling an egg is simple?
It's simple to "boiling an egg", is it? Just because you are just leaving it in the hot water, it's hard to know when the egg is boiled enough. As people usually say boil the egg for 10-15minutes, however everytime I do that the egg is still quite runny which is nasty to eat. I have to boil my egg for over half an hour just so it's cooked boiled hard egg. Sometimes I don't trust that the egg is boiled enough so I leave it in the boiled water for 40minutes plus. So don't always think eggs are easy to boil! It's like toasting a bread isn't all that easy if your toaster is not big enough, as I always have to flip my bread around just so it will get toasted on the one side of the bread too.


Today was probably the most jinxed thing that happened to me in my life.

Yesterday, I told A that I couldn't go see her at university tomorrow as I might have to work, which was supposedly a lie. But about 3ish, my dad called home to tell my sister and brother to get ready for work since they both said they were going to work today. So when my dad came, my sister wasn't ready at no-state.

The tutor came to our home to teach her certain stuff on the computer had come late today, wouldn't the tutor have to apologise and re-schedule since she came late, instead of just staying there; she should have said something. Since people have other appointments to commit with.

So whilst I was busy doing revision as usual, my dad told me to go instead. So I was forced to go instead of my sister, when I told them that I'm going tomorrow a while back. I worked for a couple of hours with my brother. Before the shop opened, whilst I was packing the prawn crackers, my back kept giving me pains. It was hard to move my head and move.

When my sister finally came which was about 1930. I thought I was going straight away but I am glad I didn't since I didn't see no bus going pass the shop whilst I was at the front of the shop; since about that time it's usually the busy hour. After 15minutes or so, my dad told me that I could go home, which was good timing. Since I walked up to the bus stop and the bus was there about 2 minutes later.

I guess no-one really takes the buses at 7-9pm since the buses were going pretty fast with no-one getting off or on the bus regularly. I had to take 2buses to get from my dad's shop to home; Arriva bus from Gildersome to Leeds town, then another one from town to home. Whilst I was getting my ticket to town, since the bus sign did say to Leeds, I told the bus driver "to town please". He goes: "pardon?". "to Leeds town". That's when he understood me, but I don't get this, there isn't any other towns in the journey except to just to go to Leeds town.

When I got off the bus near Next Outlet store on Boar Lane, walking to near Corn Exchange to catch my bus home, I walked as fast as the woman who was on the same Arriva bus but got off the bus which stopped near Corn Exchange. I must walk pretty fast or that the woman is a very slow walker.

It only took me an hour to get home with 2buses with about a distance of 10.6miles difference (checked on google map). It was very cold outside about 0 degree, I was practically frozen fat! I didn't bring any gloves nor scarf with me since I was forced out of the home to work as my dad had to go asap.

It's midnight almost and still I am trying to cure my back/neck as it's giving me so much pain. I got my sister after taking a shower to try massage me but still doesn't help. She kept massaging me so hard that I was constantly screaming pain out.

Anyone got any idea how a 20year old could have back pains already?