Stealers no more

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Stealers no more
If you want your ideas to be secured and stop people from stealing the idea. This is the way how to prevent that happening:
1. Put it all in an envelope after finalising your idea and put the date on top of the idea papers
2. Post it to yourself.

Done. But when you receive it, DO NOT OPEN IT! Only IF you want to sue someone that they stole your idea, hahaha! If you do open it, record it with the time too or let some lawyer open it instead so you got yourself an eye witness... you got yourself the idea of what I mean.

That is what my teacher in high school told my class in D&T Graphics, he was one of the best teacher ever in that school.

The idea of posting to yourself, could be used on those would thinks they have some sort of psychic ability as that would mean that your prediction is true if it does ever come true.

I haven't ever sent myself any ideas to myself yet since I don't even have any good ideas on paper yet, or do I? Even if I do, I don't think it's good enough anyway and I think of them all as doodles.