
Wednesday, 1 August 2007

I just found out that my exams are like all together, with day after the other D: (15/16/17th of August). I better get my head down with revision as I want to stay at the same university as it's cheaper for me to stay home.

Weird thing I found out at university today is that most of the people I have met at university (but not all), have failed similar exams in the computing side of the course. Does this mean that the exams are too hard or that we are all dumb?


I just finished a book that I was reading and boi, it's so good!!! It's called "Shopaholic & Sister", but I don't think they were as good as the other 3 books of the series. The book series is called "Shopaholic" by Sophie Kinsella. I just realised by looking at the offical site of Kinsella that there's a fifth book called "Shopaholic & Baby"!!! ARGH!!! I must get that book! ... after the exams that is 0:)