Programming Exam

Thursday, 16 August 2007

Second exam of the three exams.

This exam was too hard and not enough time to do it all D: But I think I did much better this time, in the coding than my first attempt. However, I'm unsure about the written part of the exam, as it was too wordy and took too much time than I expected.

The exam had 2 questions: 50marks Written and 50marks Coding. The exam was 4hours (it didn't feel like 4hours, more like 1 hour); however my belly was grumbling for food in during the last hour T3T.

The written part had about 14questions, questions getting harder by each part like all exams are.

The coding part was based on Carpet sales, there was 3 files that we had to do: Carpets, Dimensions and CarpetSales. All the coding was done in Drjava.

2 down, 1 to go.