
Sunday, 12 August 2007

If you are like a heavy nosebleeder like me; who just gets them out of the blue, have you ever had a nosebleed happen during your sleep? So you are required to wake up and stop the bleeding. Or too lazy (like me) and just sniff up the blood to go through your mouth instead?

As this happened this morning, and you get this blood clot in your mouth and you just have spit it out onto a tissue... or swallow it. Well I spat it all out this time since it was too large ^_^ After falling back asleep and properly waking up .. weird how the blood was stuck onto my lips, and I thought it was just me with redder lips mwahahaa!!! (If only that was true).

The weird thing when I get nosebleeds in the middle of the night is that I have never bleed onto my duvets or pillow. Is that an automatic reaction to do when you get a nosebleed during your sleep, having to wake up?

Tell me your situations that you have with nosebleeds in the morning? I would be so happy to hear if anyone gets nosebleeds occasionally too, so I don't have to feel like the odd ball. As during primary school, use to get them alot and so I was sorta known as the girl who always have a nosebleeds. There was this dude who always had nosebleeds too, but we think it's because he picks his nose alot in class D: Yuck!