Rolley Polley

Thursday, 15 October 2009

My nephew rolled over by himself for the first time yesterday! I taped it but it is not for non-relatives to see :P It was so good to see him roll over for the first time! So clever, I am hoping to teach him sign language to tell us what he wants/needs as sometimes it is difficult to know what he wants to do. I shall follow what this lady wrote which is ever so good and her child is so intelligent!

Comment to give me advice to teach to my nephew if you want.

Massage the baby daily, very good for babies. A health visitor recently came to our house to check up on my nephew and my sister, and ask us if we massaged him as he looks glossy cheeks. :3 My doing for the massaging my nephew's cheeks. I did not read up that it is good for the baby to massage them. I just wants to massage his adorable cute cheeks and every time I do it he just loves it with a big smile.