Oops forgot

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Forgot I had a blog but been dead busy with a load of courseworks and wedding photos and taking care of my sister.

Previously, I said that I had to try photoshop myself into the pictures well not yet and don't think I shall since I wasn't in many pictures so it would be hard to get the right colour and size of me into the photos. As I think I said I photoshopped my dad in my sister's english wedding and that didn't really work out well either.

Yeah, I had to take care of previously ill sister but now right as rain lol! And also she's getting bigger each day I see her lol! So to be Mommy and daddy chosen a name for their soon-to-be-son :D

I have been revising all this Easter holiday with only taking a 3 days off to relax into 2weeks so far into the holiday.

Sometimes, people would not talk to the siblings that are very close to you about stuff. Why? Well perhaps the sibling might not have experienced it? Or they feel embarassed to talk about it? There's no right moment to talk about it?

I know my sister and my mum would talk about whatever I ask them. Don't ask me why they are totally relaxed about talking about things to me. I don't think my sister would ask my mum things as I think my sister is tad scared of mum. I would never ask my dad things as he wouldn't know what to say. As for my brother, hmmm, he doesn't have the courage to tell me things (as most likely he's been up late at night looking at porn or something). Yes, nothing wrong with porn unless you go too extreme whilst having sex at first :O.

I was watching sexperienceuk on channel4 recently on television and something really surprised me, young teenagers look at porn? My sister told me she looked at porn at a young age well not as young as 11(as that's the youngest age according to the programme so far). But I never even considered about porn or felt anything like "horny" until 18 lol! Man, I'm feel so left out for not thinking about it lol! Whilst my fellow students at high school was watching porn, all I was watching only cartoons!!!! LMAO!!!

Okay enough chitchat got to shower as I smell and want to masturbate .... HAHAHA! Only kidding! (Dang, should have thought of writing this blog on April's Fools Day!).