On Tuesday my dad rang me to check up some stuff for his takeaway menus; as my dad decided to get a printing business to print out all the menus.
As my sister was doing the menu adjustments and such so she would print it out on our home printer to save money. But my dad just decided to go with a business as it's similar price to all the printer inks and paper cost.
So the printing business faxed me a copy to check if it's okay to be printed. I had to check it all through to each word and prices. I didn't think there would be any mistakes since my sister had already did the adjustments of price for them. All they had to do was set it up on a page and print.
However I was wrong about having no mistakes, as there were a couple of mistakes; one mistake that would totally make us lose money in my dad's takeaway. These were the mistakes made:
1. One of the price of the food was 10p lower than it should be.
2. A missing "&" sign between the words.
3. A missing ")" closing bracket.
I guess the business doesn't check for mistakes but only create more mistakes than it should. Okay, the 2nd and 3rd mistake can be made by accident but the 1st mistake is totally unacceptable.
So next time you go to print something off, check ever SINGLE detail!
Are you for real?
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Posted by didi at 20:12 0 comments
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Why couldn't I be on holiday instead of being at home revising :(
Suppose to be a picture of me poofing air out for a sigh - don't ask me why I drew the eyes on like that.
Posted by didi at 09:36 0 comments
What's with players wanting to be "gf" + "bf"?
Monday, 28 July 2008
I find it so annoying just because I am a person playing the game with players, doesn't mean I am going to want to be your gf?
I guess they want to have a gf/bf who has something in common but you don't even know the REAL details of the person, so how can you be gf/bf? They might be some old dude/lady wanting to just "do it" with random people they meet in games.
I was just recently asked as I was logging off a game so I didn't ahve to reply to this question to me. "gf?". I only went on the game to play and saw them and they already asked that question?
It is always asked in any game you play, I have been asked in all the games I have played so I always log off as I just want to be friends with people I play online with. Games such as Puzzle pirates, AsdaStory, Flyff and Dofus. These are (or use to be) the games I play for now.
I guess if you are that desperate you could hook up with them on an online game. But BEWARE could be PEDOPHILES! EEEEEEW! *throws up!*
I might be a girl but it's called chill you have your whole life ahead of you to get gf/bf. If you don't have your whole life ahead of you, you could always achieve being happy rather than want a bf/gf, all I hear is complains.
If you really that desperate to want a bf/gf, go on an online dating websites but not on a gaming websites to ask, especially when there are kids there playing the game.
Posted by didi at 22:01 2 comments
Family holiday
Minus me. sad icon.
I didn't go since I have to revise for my exams except I am on blogging now :S
I'm so bummed that I couldn't go on holiday with my family, I so wanted to go last year with my parents to China but noooo I had to do exams *pouts*.
They all went to Cornwall, whilst I am stuck at home revising supposely like a madman geek.
Posted by didi at 17:17 0 comments
Brown bins NOT for RUBBISH
Don't kids know that Brown bins are not for rubbish but only for garden waste?
Just this morning, I saw our brown bin had 2 ice-cream wrappers. I thought everyone knew that grey bins are for any waste NOT the brown bins.
Man, kids do not know how to respect the street property and people's properties. Yesterday, I saw outside our parkway, a flipping used chewing gum! Argh! LITTERING IS NOT GOOD TO THE ENVIRONMENT!
I am not all that environment type where I would go all hippy-style, but I do try recycle what I can and keep the streets clean. As you don't want to walk on someone's chewing gum.
I thought the kids on our street understands about littering and bin colours. I guess not, our street seems to be a clean street but yet if you look closer they dump their litter anywhere especially in our garden.
Posted by didi at 13:18 0 comments
Do I spot Creepy Crawlies Faster Than I spot People I know?
Just yesterday, I spotted a moth blending with my flowery curtains. I spotted instantly and quickly grabbed by trustly fan to swat it to death.
Another time a while back, whilst I was about to drift off to sleep in the dark. I felt a disturbance in my room, so I called my sister in to help something. It was a spider on my wall. Weird or what, a 6th sense for Creepy Crawlies, ugh!
Even thought I put a net on my window to prevent creepy crawlies from coming into my room, they seem to love my room by coming in from my door or something. Grr.
I know there is a way to prevent crawlies from coming into your room with an ultrasonic sound plug. But the only trouble with that when we tried it a while back was it gave me a flipping headache :( If only my ears couldn't hear the ultrasound I would be set for life to apply a ultrasound on my body ;)
Well I would really spot a creepy crawlies way faster than spot people on street or something - because I don't look around when I go anywhere. I find it distrubing, as what will I do when I spot them?
I don't speak to them as I hardly know anyone, sad I know. What a LONER! **** who cares! Boo hoo hoo!
Posted by didi at 10:52 0 comments
Oval VS Heart?
Sunday, 27 July 2008
I always thought I was a heart-shaped head. But just took a picture of my head when I was doing to the spot post and realised that I could be an oval shaped head? Really?
My forehead is excruciating large! My forehead it probably larger than Tyra Banks! I can fit 4fingers and half my thumb on my forehead alone.
So what am I? Oval VS Heart?
Yes, that is my real head and that's where my face features are about minus the hundreds of spots and scars.
Posted by didi at 17:27 0 comments
Ugh Gross!
Thursday, 17 July 2008
My posting a blog post about Spots - yes the acne spots. I am showing you what happens when you totally leave the big, fat acne spot alone without getting podded until the puss comes out. (Ok, that just sounds mighty gross and dirty ... eep).
Day 1 of big spot:
Of course it hurts when I even pressed it by accident. This shall be treated with my 3step of Clinique.
Day 2:
Yes, it's deflating onto itself abit like a deflated souffle.
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
[NOTE]The white fluff on my hair is not dandruff! It's from the cotton wool as I take a picture after I have used the 3step of Clinique[/NOTE]
If you don't dare to go anyway with a huge spot on your face, use a plaster on it. So it prevents looks on your big, fat, ugly spot and keeps you from squeezing it to death; so it will stain your face scars.
If you going to put a plaster over the spot, choose a plaster which isn't colour skin. As everytime I looked at myself in the mirror(vain!) I thought my plaster was my shine on my head. So yea, a different colour or a cartoon one :D
This was used for a different spot, as I didn't want my family to see the flipping big, fat, ugly spot that would stare at my family.
Posted by didi at 22:21 0 comments
Still kids?
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
My cousins came over to our home after they did some ticket selling at some school for a charity event my cousin is organising.
My mum made food for lunchtime for the whole family including for my cousins too. My mum also made some soup which had some greens which is suppose to "help your eyes".
So I grabbed the soup for my cousins to drink, they did drink the soup but one of them is so picky that one of them didn't want to eat the greens of it, she through it away into the bin. What a waste of food!
She did this yesterday too; my mum cut some papaya's for her to eat. So she ate one, didn't like it and guess what she did after that. Yes, correct. She threw away it all away! I asked her, why you throwing it away and she said "She's full". So don't eat it instead of wasting a perfect fresh papaya!
It's called, you could have waited for your stomach to feel less full so you don't have to WASTE FOOD! Food is expensive or don't you understand that food cost MONEY?
If you were at someone's house and they gave you food, would you have chucked it away or tried to eat it all for POLITENESS for the host of the event?
They lived with my family for over 12years in 2 different house (even when we moved houses), under the same roof. They do usually keep coming over to our house.
So they would know how to get their own cup if they want to drink and know where the toliets are etc.
So why don't they wash their own dishes nor cups after using them? All they did was leave the dirty dishes and cups by the sink today. Hello! We are not a flipping resturant or servants to you! ARGH!
I know for sure that if I was at someone's house, I would definately wash it even if I have lived there for over a decade. I think they are too use to their mum doing every little thing for them, that they(mainly the oldest one) wouldn't wash their own filth after themselves.
The younger of the two does wash up after herself usually, but for some reason today she didn't (I bet it's because of her sister).
Posted by didi at 22:36 0 comments
What? Second film of this?!??
As if HellBoy wasn't bad enough, they release a second film of HellBoy? Me and my friends watched it, boy it was probably one of the worst films we have ever, ever watched. One of my friends slept during the film as it was that boring.
So what's with a second film of Dullsville?
And what's more surprising is that it's number one film in US? How is that possible?
Or was Hellboy a good film but me and my friends are the only ones who thought it was crap?
I would like to kick the one who made the film Hellboy as what the 'eck were they thinking? What a waste of £4 and my time on this film.
If anyone is wanting to watch this film, you are the FOOL who wants to watch it. Period.
Posted by didi at 21:10 0 comments
3rd time lucky
Monday, 14 July 2008
My sister passed her driving licence 3rd time lucky. Congrats to her.
I didn't know this until she was about to catch the bus to town, whilst me and my friends were walking back home from a nice talk at Starbucks.
She only got one mistake too in the whole test.
Funny thing she told me was that during her driving test, she was told to reverse park in a parking spot but someone nicked the parking space from behind, what the 'eck?
[note]Don't mind me spacing my sentences quite large, as it makes it easier for my eyes to see it.[/note]
So my mum held a dinner thing at home to celebrate my sister's pass in driving test. It was quite crazy and we had to use 2 tables as we couldn't fit all on one table, what the 'eck? But then again there was 17people eating at our house. Yes, a chaotic situation.
It was good to see my friends again, it was suppose to be a big-ish event for me and my friends to see everyone again, but only 3people in the end.
Anyway, no point complaining as I don't really like so many people as hard to talk to them all and it would get divided up into smaller groups which I hate the most!
Gesh, my friends sure wants to meet up again that's why so many people came up to meet. That shows the real friends who actually turn up or text/ring if they can't with a real reason. Not those, who says "Hmmm I'll get back to you" or "It's this week not last week?"(when they wouldn't have turned up last week anyway).
What's with my friends and excuses? Perhaps they aren't my friends. Oh well, I don't care for those who doesn't even keep in contact with me when I try.
Posted by didi at 22:45 0 comments
Thursday, 10 July 2008
What is up with people who keep using "..." so often that it replaces "," commas?
I know I use it but not that often that is literally replaces commas full stop. I only use it when it's appropiate to use it.
For example, "Sigh ... blah blah blah and so" .
I do not use it so often that it is used like I'm taking a breather.
For example, "I went swimming ... with my friend ... it was so great ... however ... ".
I mean gesh! Hello? No-one taught you how to use "ellipsis" that you use it every single flipping second?!? Gesh! I think people only use it so often because they want to fill their blog pages so much that it looks like they had a flipping interesting day.
If you don't have anything to blog about, don't blog anything at that moment! As it's more annoying to see someone write " ... " every flipping 3words! You might as well have a whole blog post based on " ... " if you really obsessed about it!
ARGH! So frustrating how people destroy to nice use of ellipsis. Especially teens! Ugh!
Posted by didi at 21:39 0 comments