Finished yet?
Is this good or bad? No, not me stopping my menstrual cycle yet but my mum is soon. Would this mean my parents would have more active sex life without a worry of getting pregnant whilst no-one is awake or in the house? I wonder if my mum is thinking about this or not, or even my dad.
Recently, my mum had to wake up extra early to go for her appointment to check her "area" every 2weeks, how annoying. When I get that age, I will be jumping for joy for no more pads for me. But until then, constant checking since my cycle doesn't start at a fixed date. Sigh. I wish my breast would stop feeling so bruised and just finish growing, but I doubt it would stop any time soon.
The only problem with menopause with some people is that they would think they feel old now they can't have babies. But who wants babies when they are many up for adoptions and why want the pain of pushing the babie out? I wonder if a woman who has stopped their cycle can get pregnant with someone else's sperms and ovaries? Abit like Phoebe from FRIENDS.
So rock on with Menopause!
Oh Happy Val Day to all who are sucked into the commercial sickness. You should have seen how many people in town who were carrying flowers, I just thought you sick b****** who just to get laid.
This is the simple pattern I used for the female's dress.

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