Grrr, I am not happy. I'm frustrated with A again!
I didn't see her yesterday since I didn't have to go to university today since my lecture was cancelled. So when I came in today, waiting for lecture to start, saw L and E so talk to them. When I saw A walk into the lecture room, I said out loud "Hey A!". You would not believe what she did next. No, she didn't just ignore me and walked in, it was worse. She says "Hey." and walks in. There's no point of me saying hey if it means go away from me. E thought that was weird too. Tsk! Gesh, a talk on Wednesday goes down a treat, doesn't it?
Friday, 29 February 2008
Posted by didi at 22:54 0 comments
Earthquake part2
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
It was unreal that an earthquake happened. L thought the shaking was her bf was farting, lol! One friend, didn't even notice the fact there was an earthquake.
After my lecture, I went to the labs and saw A; didn't know what to do but thought since we are in the same room, just sit next to her. We just our own work, then we went together for lunch and we talked about what the 'eck has happened for several weeks about our situation. She blames me that I was the one ignoring her, and I was blaming her for the same reason. She thought I always ignore her when I don't see her whilst I walk. I don't know how many times I have to tell her that I don't look around as it's creepy. So I told her that I will try to look around if she promises to just come to me if she sees me instead of assuming that I'm ignoring her.
Posted by didi at 22:54 0 comments
I just felt earthquake in UK where I live, quite scary. At first, I thought it was my sister moving the floor and when it had the aftershock, that was more rapid and thought it's abit crazy for my sister to tidy up so rough. Lol! After I thought a second longer, I was thinking perhaps it's the wind blowing so hard that it's making the house move; But thought that must mean our house is unstable eep.
My dad came out of the bathroom without flushing the toliet after the earthquake incident and boi, it stank bad. My sister thought it was me and my dad moving around and jumping on the floorboards. My mum didn't feel it, well wouldn't surprise me since she was driving home and you wouldn't really feel the earthquake.
Posted by didi at 01:00 0 comments
Monday, 25 February 2008
I had to get the bus at 7.30 but surprising me, I got into town by 8am and if I take a bus at 7.45 I would get to town by 8.30am, weird.
Today's lectures were all good, but I am getting confused with A. I went to lecture to do notes for a module and was leaving for my lecture at 4pm, when A texted me saying she got me the notes. Are we friends then? Or not? I was trying to act normal but I was abit unsure with her and her attitude.
It was good today at home, we had so many people to just hang out at home. The only trouble was that the kids kept coming into my room whilst I was trying to do my other coursework, grr. So I made a deal with them that if they stay downstairs until after dinner, I would make stars with them and such. What a reasonable kids, they agreed. Of course, I kept with my promise. But the stars looked horrible out of paper, so I just showed them other stuff.
Posted by didi at 21:54 0 comments
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Man, I practically did my coursework for my module, Internet Systems Technologies all weekend. It was very difficult to make a website from scratch; since I forgot how I did my coursework website in my 1st year. I had to base it on a University club/society. I didn’t really know what to do it about, at first I did it about fruits since I do love them so but haven’t really eaten them lately. But I decided to base my coursework theme on the society I joined this year, British Born Chinese Society. The main part of the coursework was to do a validation code for the form, for the potential member had to fill in. That was hard but in luck for me, I sort of cheated; as I used someone else’s code that they had up on their website coursework ^_^”. But we weren’t taught about making our own validation code only the very basic of regular expression.
I do like how my website turned out since when the user doesn’t know what to type in the form, they just roll their mouse pointer on certain characters and some word examples would appear.
I have to wake up extra early tomorrow to give in this coursework since I got a lecture at 9am too.
Posted by didi at 22:27 0 comments
Ignoring me still?
Friday, 22 February 2008
Friend A is still ignoring me when she clearly saw me before the lecture today. What the eck? She says hi to me yesterday and yet still clearly still ignores me the next morning. That's just wrong. It was okay today, just had one lecture as one lecture is based on Python workshop in the labs, yack.
Posted by didi at 22:27 0 comments
Thursday, 21 February 2008
My sister found out that her potential future husband is liar and might be just using her. As he isn't legally suppose to live here in this country as he was declined to be an asylum seeker. So lately, all his friends and workers were taken back to their country as they also aren't legally suppose to be in UK. So he could be sent back to his country, so the only way he could stay here is to marry my sister.
But he didn't tell my sister that he is illegally staying in UK. My sister asked him, could he go abroad and he said "Yes". His sister lied to aunt who knows my mum about if he is legally allow to stay in UK, to introduce my sister to him.
So what an arse! I would so dump him. As I would not want a husband, who doesn't tell the truth! My sister only knew that he lied from my parents, so the potential husband doesn't tell her but tell to my parents first. Now that is not a good sign of relationship at all!
My parents are totally open with each other and they got married 2months after meeting each other. Don't worry, it's still very strong and perfect match in heaven. I hope I have a great relationship like my parents.
Posted by didi at 22:53 0 comments
"I don't know why."
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
In the morning of today before arriving at uni, A texted me saying "morning", "how are you", "its snowin here" and of course I texted her back.
Before the lecture started, I was waiting outside the lecture room with E. A comes along and we say Hi to each other. But when it was almost time to go in, A just went off to the lecture room by herself. I was thinking, "Wow what a friend to not go with other friends to the lecture! Especially when she texted me just this morning like all is well!". E noticed too. E asked me why me and A don't sit next to each other anymore, and basically told her the truth, "I don't know why.".
I did nothing but just a miss a couple of useless forward text messages and didn't reply to them. When I texted her saying: "Soz, didn't text you back. Been busy doing cwk" and she goes: "dont remember txting u, neway its kool". What? How the eck do you not know when you text someone? Or is that a sign for me to leave her alone?
Posted by didi at 22:35 0 comments
Good day minus minor problem
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Whilst I was waiting for lecture to start, A comes into the front of the lecture to get notes. I know she saw me and I saw her but not in the eye. I thought she was try become friends again by sitting next to me, but instead she just went out of the lecture and sat elsewhere. I think I know what type of friendship this is: None. So there's no point trying to talk to her ever again.
After lecture, A was going the direction I was going but I didn't want to pass her but I knew I had to. So I just talked to her about coursework and I just left her for my workshop class. She didn't even try make any conversation with me, so why shall I do it next time. I don't get her, I don't even like using my phone to text people. I am more of internet, email/ messenger based. I don't want to waste my money on phone when I have internet for free at university and fixed rate at home.
It was good at my workshop class, I talked out for the first time in front of all my peers. Even though I don't even know the full answer; I only knew the figure but not why it is that figure, hahaha! After that, my friends E and L decide to get stir-fry for lunch and it was a queue to get there and out since it was the busy hour of 1pm at the canteen. We had to rush to eat and then we had to go to our next seminar. I could smell the strong scent of their food during the seminar.
After our last lecture at 4pm which lasted for 1.25hours which isn't that bad, since it's usually for 2hours. I didn't do anything after I got home, all I did was watch television. I watched about the girl with extra 4limbs. I was thinking, "Man, her mother must have been in pain whilst giving birth to them both. She must be thinking whilst pushing them out, "How fucking long is this baby?! It's non-stop pushing out!"."
I also watched "Find Me the face" on BBC Three, it was good how they would go on the street to find themselves mummy look.
Posted by didi at 23:05 0 comments
Monday, 18 February 2008
Today, it wasn't that bad for me. Even if it is 9'o clock lecture for 2hours straight.
After my lectures with L and E, I had 2hours to stay in university for my final lecture for the day. So I went to the labs to do my coursework, I saw A but I didn't know what to do. So I pretended that I didn't see her, since she's been distant with me lately.
Okay, so what if I don't text her first during the weekend, anyway why do I have to text her first? Anyway, I was so busy with my coursework that I left my phone in the bag the entire weekend except on Sunday night when I had to charge it for Monday.
After my last lecture for today, A goes up to me, "Thought you were going to be late." and puts the lecture notes in front of me and went; I didn't know what to do, I said thanks but then she just went. She didn't even wait for me, so what type of friendship is this? One where we text each other but not talk in person?
When I was walking home, I saw A walking the route that I usually go on, which kind of confused me. Since she never goes this way ever, so I just decide to avoid her moodiness by crossing the road, opposite from where she was walking. I didn't see her after I crossed the road, incase of a moment of she sees me and I see at her across the road.
I am so pleased with myself by doing some homework which I did know how to do for abit, it's a rare occasion to happen for me.
Posted by didi at 22:58 0 comments
HTML,CSS,XHTML,Javascript ...
Saturday, 16 February 2008
There's too much to learn in Internet Systems Technology module. I don't even know what half of what our lecturer said in the lectures.
I have been busy writing up codes for a fake university student club, and making it XHTML 1.0 Strict is so annoying but yet very organised coding. It took me ages to make my 3 htm pages XHTML 1.0 Strict with a validator on Sometimes it would be the stupidest character to make it all much better; it took me 15minutes to find out that to make 5errors correct, all I had to do is put a dash(/) at my tag.
I wish I could more than one onmouseover javascript but that would mean I would have to put more codes in that I don't understand already. I used the onmouseover for my map which would circle the location on the map image. It's so good but I want to use another onmouseover to highlight some words. Ah, can't have it all, can I?
I am still not finished with my website and getting pretty late and I'm getting hungry. I would go eat but there's literally nothing in the house, that isn't dinner; leftovers, juice, lettuce, tofu, butter. Sigh.
Posted by didi at 23:37 0 comments
Friday, 15 February 2008
My sister told me the weirdest thing ever yesterday night. She's engaged to K. It wasn't that surprising since they have been going out for a while now about urm 2years less minor breakup and now they are working side by side together with my dad.
It just seems abit too fast though since she decided to quit her university course for K in mid-January and work full time. Her life could be written into a book since it's very exciting compared to most people.
Her fiancee was looking at rings with her on Valentine's day, the ring he wants is £1700 or so. My sister is so silly sometimes, she wants to use her own money to do the whole sha-bang of wedding, rings and house etc. She doesn't want to use my parent's money either. You'll rather borrow parent's money rather loan the money from the bank since interest rates are dear. But the only problem with the wedding I think is that she's going to be losing weight unhealthy way like before.
But I will like to say Congratulations to my sister for she is now engaged.
Posted by didi at 18:06 0 comments
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Is this good or bad? No, not me stopping my menstrual cycle yet but my mum is soon. Would this mean my parents would have more active sex life without a worry of getting pregnant whilst no-one is awake or in the house? I wonder if my mum is thinking about this or not, or even my dad.
Recently, my mum had to wake up extra early to go for her appointment to check her "area" every 2weeks, how annoying. When I get that age, I will be jumping for joy for no more pads for me. But until then, constant checking since my cycle doesn't start at a fixed date. Sigh. I wish my breast would stop feeling so bruised and just finish growing, but I doubt it would stop any time soon.
The only problem with menopause with some people is that they would think they feel old now they can't have babies. But who wants babies when they are many up for adoptions and why want the pain of pushing the babie out? I wonder if a woman who has stopped their cycle can get pregnant with someone else's sperms and ovaries? Abit like Phoebe from FRIENDS.
So rock on with Menopause!
Oh Happy Val Day to all who are sucked into the commercial sickness. You should have seen how many people in town who were carrying flowers, I just thought you sick b****** who just to get laid.
This is the simple pattern I used for the female's dress.

Posted by didi at 21:30 0 comments
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Happy Belated Chinese New Year to all that celebrate it!
I could have blogged this earlier but my family doesn't celebrate CNY on the day of 7th February since they have to work. So we celebrate it usually on Mondays since all relatives don't work on that day too.
It was a pleasant day I guess. I had lectures all morning: 2 x 2hours lectures, awful isn't it? But I'm glad to do it earlier the week since I get too tired by Friday like all students.
But when everyone came home from going out to Manchester and work experience placement. I asked my brother how was work experience at LGI, he goes: "okay". Okay, what did you do? "Standing all day". Did you look at the doctors do their job? "can't say.". I was thinking What?!!!? I can't believe he wouldn't tell me whatever he's doing at LGI, apparently he said "I can't say".
OMGosh, it's not like I'm going to take over the world if he did look over the doctors etc, I'm trying to become an Accountant not some evil mastermind! If I was, I would not choose a course like Accounting, I would have chosen Physics or Mechanics or Engineering since then I could use those skills to help the evil plots hahaha!
We went out to eat about 7ish at Lucky Dragon Restaurant. I wasn't really loving the food at all, too much of the same flavour. There was 3 meals which had a weird taste in all the 3 dishes and I didn't like it much. The worst was probably when the flipping waiter spilled the food juice on my new coat, grr! They don't even apologise to the actual person who it has effected. So angry! I had to wash it asap when I got home since I had lectures next at 11.
I would only give it 2.5 stars out of 5. As it was okay atmosphere this time round I went but boi, there was this couple of caucasian staring at us whilst we munch on our food, we are not animals for you to stare at.
Posted by didi at 00:46 0 comments
Pink Girl
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Nasty very quick picture of a girl with bandages on her breasts. I think it would have been better to not have the bandage but just her hair covering them instead.
Posted by didi at 15:50 0 comments
Friday, 8 February 2008
I feel like I want to be alone lately.
I put on a fake smile at uni, but yet inside it's just sad.
I think I'm drowning in the sorrow within me.
I don't know how to get out of it.
Perhaps if I do all my notes by this weekend, I can get out.
I don't even want to reply to any messages on my mobile as I want to be left alone.
Forever perhaps.
I hope I can leave this pool of sorrow by this weekend.
Posted by didi at 01:00 0 comments
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Lately, I have been feeling very depressed because I don't think I am talking to my friend,A who use to text alot to me; it's not as if I'm a real friend to her, she uses me when no-one else is around and I think I do it back to her but I ain't sure if it's true in my situation. I just found out that my life is totally dull, so I have to spice it up with volunteers and activities and need work experience at accountancy firms.
I found out my results on Tuesday, my friend,A said that she will be waiting for me to get the results together. However, she did not tell me this, so I got my results early since I got into university half an hour earlier before my lecture started. If you involve someone, TELL them. Don't just say "oh I told someone else but not you that we are getting results together". How the eck would they know UNLESS you tell them also!
My results are disappointing, even though it was predicted by myself that I did crap in it. But the worst is that I didn't want to tell people my results including my friend but just did as she was bugging me. I got 56% in Database, 45 in Linear Programming and 65% in Image Processing, Audio and Speech. I hope I will get higher in next exams I have in Summer since I do not like the 45% and it's counting towards my degree.
Coursework is depressing me too. Too hard and too much based on programming which I totally forgot about.
And just about half an hour ago, kids were playing on our lawn next to the car. I don't care for the lawn but I do care for the car. So yea, very depressed in my life at the moment.
Posted by didi at 21:01 0 comments
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Does the stages in your life inter-link together?
Since university started, I have found some people in my course who act similar to the people I knew in high school. I wonder if my friends found someone like me in their university. I hope they don't forget me in their life as I will never forget them, even though there is nothing that my friends could remember me by. The only thing I can think that my friends will only remember me by is either my big forehead, my phrase: “Gross!” or “Eew!” and that's it.
All my friends are kind so don't need to repeat that throughout.
Actually, I don't know what I will remember my friends by...
Friend-1 she's crazy in the head and acts out bravely.
Friend-2 he acts gay but isn't, has a fetish of wanting a girlfriend ever since I knew him.
Friend-3 he is not a good friend but only one who acts very gay and some day will probably become one even if he doesn't think so.
Friend-4 she bitches about others but willing to listen and keep secrets depending on who it is.
Friend-5 I had always admired her, because she's talkative to make friends but I don't ever want to be her anymore. She is stupid to be going out with someone who she met on the internet at the age of 17 and not go with a friend on the first time meeting him. She doesn't keep one's promise.
Friend-6 she's kind to me and she's crazy in a good way. I will never forget her, we always mess around in English lessons but get down to it when need to.
Friend-7 she is a kind person and into Bollywood movies. She had a “stalker” in sixth form. I knew it from the start about the stalker but no-one believed me.
Friend-8 she isn't really my friend, she's more of wanting to get into the problems of people and be in with all the problems that occurs. I think the main thing I will remember her is because she smells really bad (I know that's bad to remember her by).
Friend-9 she use to be my best friend, we would just do everything together; join orchestra, after-school activities. But now we aren't so close but we still speak on msn messenger.
Friend-10 I forgot about this one until I looked at my past pictures. I don't think I will remember her since I didn't really get to know her, we didn't do any subjects together in sixth form.
Friend-11 Aww I haven't seen her so long that I forgot about this friend. I only knew her really for one year. She was so good, we talked for ages about anything and boi I so miss her talks and her laughs about dum things.
I am not against gays, my dude friends just all acted like a girl? Okay, not all gays act all girly but some do and my friends do.
Posted by didi at 21:25 0 comments
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Argh! How many times do I have to tell one before they listen to what I have to say? I told my friend so many times that I do NOT look around to see who's around me. I am more of those if my friends are there with me - okay and if not - okay. I don't care for my friends to be in the lecture with me or not. It's not like you talk to them during the lecture nor in a seminar.
My friend told me that I passed her whilst going into lecture hall and assumed that I was ignoring her. So still I had to keep telling her I do NOT look around! My cousin totally understands that, as she always sees me but I don't notice her until she calls me or pats me.
I would not even notice the Queen if I walked pass her. Unless she decides to pat me and even if so, I doubt I will even recognise her. As she would just look like any other senior person to me. It must be crap to not recognise the Queen of England but what can I say, I really doubt I will ever see her in person in my life, so why would I need to know what she looks like. I know some news about her, that's good enough for me.
Posted by didi at 22:45 0 comments
Friday, 1 February 2008
Lately, ever since my sister drew a picture for me on my Facebook profile on the Graffiti application, I have become addicted to it. It's a bad addiction since I would takes ages to draw just one picture or draw several pictures in one day and that would take up most of my day. Therefore my day would be gone to waste.
All my pictures that I have done is not specific type of drawing. There are realistic, cartoon, anime, dots and etc.
Here are some of the graffiti pictures that I have done (aka which I liked out of the bunch).

Posted by didi at 23:29 0 comments