Today, I went with the kids to go to the older of the 2 younger cousin's friend's party which was held at Harrogate, The Time Machine. That place isn't as big as I thought it would be but then again it's for kids not like almost 20year old people. There are different sections to play in: one main soft playarea, a wendy house area with cars, a soft building big blocks and a baby soft playarea.
At first, my aunt dropped me and the kids off at the Time Machine and said to try and sneak the younger kids of the 2 in since she wasn't really invited to the party. So I was like eep, lets hope they don't say anything to me. So when I had to sign in the kids in as their guardian I was totally unsure about younger cousin after my aunt said that. :x But lucky enough, they said nothing. So we all went in, they gave the present to the birthday girl, Mia. The place was like quite huge for a point of kids. I went to sit down but was really unsure since I didn't know any of the parents/guardian as my sister usually goes to these things with the kids (but she had to work today grr). But after like 30seconds less, younger of the 2 cousins runs back to me... O.o? I was like go play but she just waited for me, fuck. I had to go play with her I think. So I took my converses off and left my bag and stuff at the side... I doubt any of the adults there would steal my stuff; even if they did there's nothing there but packet of tissues and water. I'm glad that the kids dragged me away from the adult area, since I was abit unsure to talk to them lol!
So I went with the younger cousin of 2 to guide her way through it, at first I thought I wouldn't fit through the obstacle stuff but I was able to fit through all, lol! After a long play with the kids, about just less than an hour; the adults called all the kids for food. Man, it was crazy during the feeding time. Alot more kids was at the party than I expected, I thought there was 20ish kids but actually there was like 30 odd kids there lol!
After they sang Happy Birthday and finish eating their lunch, everyone played on the playareas again. Then after about 2ish the party ended, so the kids got goodie bags from the birthday girl. The younger of the 2 cousins even got one even though she wasn't really invited lol!
About 7.30ish, me and my brother went out to go meet the kids, my other aunt and 2 older cousins and "fay lo" uncle (lol XD ) to watch some performers called: Cirque Surreal at 8pm. Which has a bunch of different types of performers in one show.
It wasn't really my cup of tea, it was kinda dullish I only liked like one or two performers.
The lady with the sword doing martial arts is boring.
The dude with footballs was okay, he did different types of juggling with about 4/5 balls at the same time.
The slightly overweighted dude was funny for like a second, but just found it dum-funny.
The dude with conkers was boring, just different ways of making noises/spinning it with the conkers. (Soz for getting bored with an act which probably takes years to master).
The dudes with the spinning equipment was the best act of the show. They made the thing spin whilst being inside the hole. Then they went on the outer side of the hole and walked on it. They also did it with blindfolds. Brill act of the whole show.

Can't remember the rest of the performers, tell me the rest of them then I might remember lol! I think I got Short term memory, lol!
I would rate the show about 5/10, as seen chinese circus and that was way better than this one. Sorry to say that but it's the truth. So go to the show and see if I'm wrong or not about the show, Cirque Surreal.
After the show, the uncle who was going to drive the kids with my aunt's home decided to drive me and my brother home too. Whilst we were in the car, my aunt direct the uncle to go to our home by talking very loud (since they say that he's gone abit deaf because of the age thing). We were talking how it was loud in there, then the uncle says "I didn't hear it all because of these". *At this point, he takes out something which looks like earplugs from his ears and then puts it back in*. Then the oldest cousin there said: "Ugh! Did you see that?" to me and to her sister. I was just totally gobsmacked that she said that out loud! I would really just laugh it off if the kids said that but a 21year old?!? Don't think so, that's just plain rude! Especially when he's driving her home! I just hope her attitude would somehow change, as I'm just sick of it!
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