I have lived in West Yorkshire for all my life yet I don't know any yorkshire phrases and wordings. So does it depend on where you live in the county? :/
As where my parents work, my mum has been working there for about 10years now and she uses from phrases and words which I don't even know. :B
Even though that area where she works, isn't all colour-race friendly (mainly caucasians) :S . (nothing against caucasians at all!!! Got friends who are caucasians so don't dis me, ^^!). I don't know but after she talks to someone, she would say: "Ta Love" or "Ta Darling". Ugh! Nasty wordings, but she picked it up from the customers, lol!
Ah, have I already forgotten how to do linear programming?!?? We had to do a question in Linear Optimisation module, and I forgot how to do it! When I have done it in Alevels maths D1 and in 1st year uni in Modelling for Management! Dang! I better look at some notes about that before next lecture ... I can't believe I forgot how to do it already.
D: I was totally confused in what the 'eck our lecturer was saying but least to say, I just wrote down whatever he said at that moment in time for an hour less :S
It was all about a program, MATLAB, we are going to use in our 2 coursework which is worth altogether 30%. Nooooo!!!
A True Yorkshire
Friday, 28 September 2007
Posted by didi at 23:58 0 comments
Bus seats
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Would you move yourself from a seat that you were sitting next to a total stranger to sit in a whole empty seat?
I always find myself in that situation on the bus, I always argue myself with the same question again and again. As it would be good to move away to have more space to yourself, however what would the person think if you did move? Would they question themselves about why you moved? As I would always think that myself if someone moves away from me; about if I smell bad or something. But then I would just remind myself that I get more space now. Sometimes I take so long to think about that question, that my stop has come already, but not always as sometimes I think about it too long that I just can't be arsed to think anymore and stay put.
Pros and Cons about if you should move to a empty seat from sitting next to a stranger:
Pros Not having to sit next to a stranger
:) Having a whole 2 seats to yourself
:) Get away from the smell (sometimes it's true)
:) They get a whole 2 seats to themselves as well
): They might think that there was something wrong with them
): Making them feel bad
): Someone who actually smells bad might sit next to you at the next bus stop
Today, for some reason I had a bad headache after I went on the computers at the computer labs :S .
Database wasn't so bad today even though I got myself confused in what the eck he was on about. However, I think it was because the title of today's lecture was:"Concerning Databases" :S .
Wohoo! To my module that I chosen, "Linear Optimisation" as it's similar to Modelling to Management what I did last year and is about Linear Programming. Also I did Linear Programming in Accounting seminar as well as I did Decision Maths in Alevels, hopefully this wouldn't be too bad :c
>:O Man, I fucking hate this lecture that I had after Linear Optimisation as everyone was being so flipping noisy! >:O It's called a lecture not time to talk dopes! I don't go pay over £3000 of tuition fee to hear people chat! So if you think you are one of those who talks in lectures then don't flipping talk as it's just unfair for others doing that module! >:(
Posted by didi at 22:39 0 comments
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
I am finally 20... do I feel wiser? mature? different? The answer is... no.
I feel exactly the same except for the fact is that I feel so old as I'm away from the teens age and entering the 20s stage.
This year has been good in a way, I met new friends, experienced exams and resits exams in the same year as a 1st year university student.
As well as experiencing having exams:
& having 4hour exams and still thinking it's not enough time to do the exam
That's something people don't usually achieve in one year... well unless you are a student yourself :3
I wish I would buy/have something meaningful for my 20th Birthday but still I have no idea what that present that I could give myself. Perhaps a new life? Or a new clean room? Move away from home? I can't think of anything that would change my life for the best as I enter the 20s.
Today, had to be one of the longest days even though it is my birthday and it's better if your birthday last longer so everyone treats you well. I had lecture starting at 9am AI module which wasn't too bad comparing to Computer Operating Systems. It looks very interesting about locating how many circles there are in a picture by the computer only (you don't have to understand this part :>)
Database module wasn't all that great since the lecturer was the same who did database last year, and lecture slideshow is similar to the last year's database module... which isn't all that great at all. :<
Yesterday night, E texted me to ask me for a pub lunch and I thought since it's just a one-off thing, might as well try for once. Since Year7 in high school I've never bought a lunch, only made from home.
So we went to pub, it was okay in there, we just hung out there for like 2hours plus whilst having our lunch inbetween that time.
I thought my friends forgot my birthday since it's like at the beginning of the year and no-one really has the time to remember birthdays in September. Unless they keep mentioning it but they didn't since didn't really see them before lectures started.
So when they went to get some juice for themselves, I decided not to get any since I wanted to just drink my water XD lol! After they came back to the sofas we were sat at, they gave me a present and a card D: ?!?! I was totally shocked, didn't think they would remember at all. They gave me a mouse with a mousemat from Octopus shop which is quite expensive there, I think I remembered it costing about £15 or so :S .
After all that fuss about birthday, we decided to get some food.. which is a big thing for me, since I don't usually buy food for lunch *.* . Decided to try the Chicken Wrap which costed me £4.50 D: but boi, it was filling to make me burst! I couldn't even eat the salad bit on the plate as I was too full eating the 2 part chicken wraps. It also took me the longest to eat for some reason :/ .
Man, we had 2hours to kill after lunch we could have like done a threesome of us 3 girls and still there would have been plenty of time to kill for our lecture at 4 for 2hours about Accounting. So when the actual lecture started at 4... that was like the longest 2hours ever... I was like so sleepy, I wanted to drop off asleep even though she was a good lecturer... but one of those with the droning same voices. Yack, someone behind me or nearly behind me kept sneezing and I bet some of that nasty snot went on me >:o
Finally, got out of the lecture just before 6ish and had dashed walked it to my bus stop. Man, the queue went for miles long, but the good thing about this queue was that the bus just came about a minute after I waited at the bus stop queue. But I was like one of the last people to go on, as the upstairs was jam packed full, so I had to stablise myself from falling onto people's lap whilst bus was turning corners. I wonder if I did fall on someone's lap would they get turned on... or just embarrassed and shocked about it happening.
This has to be one of the longest blogs I have ever done... there you go, one more achievement as I am 20 ^-^"
Ah, forgot to write down the presents I got from my friends and family ^_^:
^-^ My parents > money
^-^ My grandparents > money
^-^ Aunt/uncle > money
^-^ "Fai lo" uncle > money
^-^ A > perfume
^-^ E and L > Comp mouse, mouse mat, a cutie chain for mobile phones
Thanks all ^^
Posted by didi at 23:01 0 comments
Lectures starting 1st day!
Monday, 24 September 2007
Today, is the officially the first day as a Second Year student, which is a pretty good feeling considering that first years getting lost in the buildings, mwahahaha!!! >:)
I had like only one lecture today, Management Accounting which was pretty okay so far even though it was like 2hours lecture supposely but we only stayed there for 1 hr 30mins :)
I decided to go to a computing lecture which was straight after Mgt Accounting, about Computer Operating Systems. As I might choose this module instead of AI module. But after the lecture I have decided that I do not want to do that module at all! D: I was confused all the way through the lecture... what the eck are Monolithic?!? Don't tell me what that means as the word was used in the lecture :/
My family decided to go today since it's going to be Chinese Moon Festival tomorrow on my birthday :) , we went with aunt/uncle, my grandparents, aunt's family and "fay low suk" aka translated as fat, old uncle lol! But he isn't even fat... but he is old and known as a uncle as traditional chinese way ^.^ .
It was a good event and filling too this time... as usually when I get back home I would snack on more food ^-^". They also sort of celebrated my birthday as it's tomorrow as well as Moon Festival day :3 Perfect timing, aint it?
Fay Low uncle gave me £20 for my birthday even though I don't even know him well enough ... :O .
1 day to go...
Posted by didi at 23:48 0 comments
5th day of Fresher's Week
Friday, 21 September 2007
Why don't people pee before going out?
Home toilet is much cleaner than public toliet, so why don't people think to pee at home before having to go pee in public ones. I so hate using public toliets they make me cringe with all the dirty which people leave behind after using it, especially in the female toliets! I only use it if I'm desperate to use it and can't hold it in any longer.
I have never used high school toilets only to put sanitary pads on it in private. I just think high school toilets are the worst as you never know what all the brats at school might do to it. I remember once when I was so desperate to use the toilets that I left school at lunchtime to pee at home, but home wasn't that far from school only about 10minutes walk ^-^" .
I don't know if you guys do this but I always do this but even though it takes slight longer time in the toilets. I put a whole 2layers of tissue around the toilet seat, so my bum doesn't ever touch the toliet seat itself.
The best toilets are probably the "Squatting" toilets since you don't have to put your butt on the seat to use it, but the only problem with the squat toilets is that it might squirt on your underwear, ugh! Only if you pee too fast and your privates push your urine up, *squirt*. So you have to pee slowly otherwise it would be: "Shit! I got no other pants! D:".
Could the weather get any worst then today?!? It was chucking it down with rain T3T
There wasn't anything good at uni... :/
Posted by didi at 22:30 0 comments
4th day of Fresher's Week
Thursday, 20 September 2007
I had to go in for a meeting today, and guess what since I was waiting for A to go to the meeting... we were late for it *o* eep. But at least there was quite alot of people who was there, but the funny thing was that I didn't recognise anyone there at all :S .
After going to that meeting which was on about placement for next year, which is one thing I am considering to do for sure... if I succeed in getting into one accountancy firm in my town, as I'm a lazy piece of crap who can't be arsed to travel further XD .
I went with E to the union to look at posters as there was a poster sale and she spent quite abit there... £17 D: , 4posters which was quite prettie each one and it was for her plain dull room in the accomodation, as she says that :3 .
There was another meeting I went to with A since it was about Computing. Wah!!! I can't do a industrial placement in Information Systems since the whole course is being dropped at uni, so we are the last year to do Information Systems course at this uni D: . Unfair, uncalled for!
Posted by didi at 23:22 0 comments
3rd day of Fresher's Week
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
A finally came to the Fresher's week at uni. She was fasting too so it's harder for her to cope with it, especially when she lives in a different town from uni; so all the travelling she does would make it harder for her to cope with no water :S
So we went straight for the tombola and I won something again :3 10 CDs, I didn't know what type of CD this was but assumed it was going to be music CD since I'm so into music c: . When I did collect my CDs from a certain place at uni, I was wrong about what type of CDs it was :/ . But it was much better in a way, it was 10 CD RWs sweet! ^3^ . When I was going to the union shop, I found the exact 10CD RWs on the shelf and it was just under £5 so I won myself a £5 gift, woot! :o
There was a BBC Society thing going on near the union but I didn't know anyone... so I just left them. My sister wanted to stay with them to play Big 2 card game, I didn't know what the Big 2 card game was, but now I realise that it is infact "Choy Die Zee" in cantonese. It's like the funniest yet competitive game ever! Me, my sister and my 2 older cousins always use to play it all the time. It was like a tradition, hopefully this year it would be the same when we see each other at Christmas Day ^-^ . Just found a link which explains the "Big 2" game,. even though I hate that name... cantonese wording is better lol! ;P
Posted by didi at 21:57 0 comments
2nd day of Fresher's Week
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Second day wasn't all that great of the fresher's as it was similar stuff. But still it was good to see my uni friends, E and L. They so look the same but then again it's only been 3months ago since I saw them last, lol! ^-^
I tried the lucky tombola and I won a "Sshhh...!" Bag!!! Woot, they cost £2.50 at uni, as it's their own type made bag; this bag is like so kool!!! :o Since this bag is made of "Jute" and when discard this bag it will decompose leaving only valuable nutrients. Only trouble with this bag is that it smells funny at the moment :S
Nothing that great happened today... :B
Oh, I did join the BBC Society aka British Born Chinese Society lol! ^_^ Costed me £3.50 to join it. Hopefully I will be active with them :D Only problem is I don't want to drink at all with them as I don't want to be a drinker!
Posted by didi at 23:20 0 comments
1st day of Fresher's Week
Monday, 17 September 2007
Today, was the first day of fresher's week.
MY sister and I first when to town to meet up with my sister's friend, we both had a stomach ache from an unknown thing. But after we realised that we are both eating, Trident Splash so after I spat it out into the bin, my stomach felt better :) . So perhaps it was the chewing gum that gave us the stomach ache :O ... so beware of the chewing gum!
After a long wait for my sister's friend, V. Off we go, to the yellow brick road to the Fresher's place. We got quite abit of free stuff but the only problem is that it wasn't all that great. Fortunately, I did get one great thing I got was a T-shirt which says "Knowledge". Whist I was getting a free t-shirt, I said I wanted XL size since female clothes are tiny and even if it was big, I would have luved it even more :3 . When I said that I wanted XL, V was like: "Wah?!???". Who cares, what size I get :B .
My sister did get one more good thing than I, she won herself a 512mb usb stick from a lucky dip thing, lol! :O Lucky girl, ain't she?... for some things.
I can't really be arsed to write what else happened today during the morning/afternoon of fresher's place... so lets say, it was some long arse journey :U
After my sister and I went back home, my aunt went into a frenzy of cooking Yorkshire pudding as she said we were having an English meal tonight, that's why we could smell joint of pork in the oven cooking away. The pork goes: "Please don't eat me... ARGH!!! It BURRRRNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSS!!!". Where's that line from: "It BURRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNSSSSS!!!". A funny video on the internet ^_^".
It was like a full house today, my aunt's family, ours and grandparents :3
We ate: Joint of pork, Yorkshire Pudding, Mashed Potatoes, corn on a cob sliced runner beans and well known Gravy! HAHAHA! Whilst eating it, we didnt use the big plates as there wasn't enough room on the table for both the food and the plates. The only person that used a plate was my aunt haha! But we didn't really eat it the traditional way of Knife and Forks; my grandma was like making a sandwich of the English meals. So she used Yorkshire Pudding as the bread, slice of Joint of pork as the meal, runner beans as the lettuce and the gravy as the sauce. It was funny seeing my grandma do that, but the everyone did that as well, since it's easier to eat it all, Hahaha!
The best thing to eat was the corn on the cob not because of the taste but because as I was eating, since it was juicy with water; it kept squirting juicy out onto the family members that sat next to me lol!
Today, was such a busy yet good day overall :)
Posted by didi at 23:42 0 comments
Ugh! It's true!
Yea, it was true about what happened with my sister and her boyfriend D: *puke*
Whilst I was asking her about the situation on what really happened downstairs whilst me and my brother was in our room. She was like "yes, we did the nasty thing downstairs". I was gobsmacked to the face! D:
But I did tell her not to ever do it again in the house especially when there are other people in the house! Would you guys do it with your boyfriend/girlfriend whilst your siblings was in the house?!? I certainly hope not! If you would, then you are just addicted to sex! I think my sister is pretty addicted to sex, as everytime she saw her ex-boyfriend, she would just have sex with him at his place. Once, she lied about feeling ill so I had to work and no-one was at home except for her and her boyfriend K... yes, she also had sex that time at my home too. *more puke*.
But bloody eck in the toliet room?!?? That's just plain gross, I'm never going into that room again even if I need the toliet desperately and the others are being used! D:
Posted by didi at 17:30 0 comments
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Oh My Gosh! I think the grossest thing happened in the house just now!!! D:
I think my sister and her offical boyfriend, K was doing it in the house D: whilst me and my brothter was upstairs!!! EEEEEEEewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
I just realised this as because the television was on like abit loud for them to watch it at that volume and also when the phone rang, if there were in the living room watching tv, my sister would have able to get the phone. Also when I was searching for my sister as my dad wanted to speak to her, I couldn't find her in the living room. I think they did it in the toliet room downstairs since when my sister finally came out from a place I don't know, I heard the downstairs toliet room tap being used by the only person left in the house, K. D: D: D:
So I might ask her the question when K goes home as I bet I'm right as there's no reason to go away from the living room if so. Also now they are watching tv downstairs and the volume seems to be quieter now.
So eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!
D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: *pukes until it hurts v.bad*
Posted by didi at 20:02 0 comments
Be Happy
Eep, hope it would be a better year than last year for me. As I wasn't all that happy with university last year. I shall try to join the BBC Society, but I hope I will go out with my friends away from uni and do something that is fun and not always drinking and dancing (as I do not know how to dance at all :S ). If someone showed me the way to dance in a club then I might consider going but only if so. But I don't want to drink the alcohol as that's just no fun at all, I want to be happy and not cover it up by drinking! :3
I tried to cut my hair yesterday to make a fringe but then again, I don't really care if my forehead is big. I recently looked at images of all these people with big forehead without much hair near the front head, and I'm pleased with it. So what if I got a big head! So after cutting the hairs slightly shorter, I stopped cutting it and left it on it's own. :)
Been on a cleaning frenzy lately and almost finished tidying my room ready for university as a 2nd year student. XD
:) :) :) So I shall try to be more active and be happy :) :) :)
Posted by didi at 16:36 0 comments
Happy Birthday Brother!
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER!!! Who is now 17years old!
Today, I went out to meet up with my friends, S and R. But before meeting up at 12ish, S wanted to go out early to buy some stuff for her sister. Man, the Argos in my town is quite unorganised in a way, but lucky enough S got her cd player in like after 10minutes wait.
So we went to meet R at our meeting place, guess what the meeting place use to be Toyworld but the place got replaced by Game :c Boo! But anyway, it's not like I ever bought anything from ToyWorld... but that's probably why Game took over the space though :3 . So R was like 10minutes late (as typical of her), we decided to go to our normal routine that we usually do when we go out, so we went bowling for abit that was so good it was so relaxed and how everyone was just talking in general but that's only in my opinion though (I bet they thought I was being quiet as usual lol! :/ .
After lunch, we went to watch The Bourne Ultimatum even though we haven't watched the first 2 of the series lol! But it wasn't like you needed to watch the first two to understand the basic story of this film. It was okay, but I'm not really into the action type of films. It was getting confusing in the middle about all these people attacking each other etc. But I think I'm going to DL the first two films of the series from somewhere. >:)
I decided to buy Big Mac with my brother's voucher for 2 for 1 deal, for his birthday.
Whilst walking home, I realised a 2cars were parked at my front yard... Oh my gosh, is it? Really?!? Okay, my sister's ex/potential future boyfriend K's car was parked in front of my yard :O . Which is quite surprising since I thought he worked 7days per week. So whilst going into our home, it seems very busy... with K and the kids watching tv. Whilst my sister was helping aunt/uncle make food and my brother was just upstairs in his room as usual.
Before anyone could see that I bought McDonald stuff especially the kids, I ran it upstairs and hid it in my room lol! I know it's going to be abit off if I leave it there but I can't do anything about it, since my aunt/uncle are both in the kitchen. Whilst helping the aunt/uncle set up the table to eat, I saw that K was like totally addicted to the film that the kids was watching, Spirited Away.
So after dinner which was Chicken wings and dumplings, everyone left. Me and my brother was still hungry after eating dinner so we ate the Big Mac whilst my brother had the fries as extra lol! V.bad if we are still hungry after eating dinner :S
Posted by didi at 23:40 0 comments
Wah! Money all gone now T3T
Monday, 10 September 2007
I found out yesterday night, that my Levis jeans that I bought about 3years ago is getting too old as it started having threads loosing up the jeans in the crotch area. :c So if I don't buy any jeans soon, I would rely too much on my only pair of jeans left and that's no good.
So I decided to go shopping today, at first I thought I would go shopping with my parents but they decided to go elsewhere; but they did drop me off at town. :S
I bought the First Student Term bus ticket which cost £119 :O Yea, skint out of cash but at least it's cheaper than buying a monthly or a dayrider each day ^_^
Okay, fine you caught me red-handed I didn't actually pay for it, since I'm only down to my last £60 and I need those to buy some jeans, ( :o I'm not spending that much! It's just incase if jeans do cost that much).
:/ Hmm, I'm not a shopping type of person and so I don't know where to go to shop for clothes... I went to the retail where my older cousin use to work at, Debenhams. Gesh, the stuff there is way over my budget for jeans; the jeans there are like £30+ D: . Only rich people are able to buy such expensive clothes! But found jeans which is like £15 and seems to be a comfortable fit to me.
Okay, I didn't know what other shops to buy from after going to Debenhams. Oh, I did realise that there is Primark that is so well known as cheap. So when I went in there, gesh it is cheap... :> . I found jeans that were like half the price less than the ones that I bought in Debenhams, (£6).
Man, I felt satisfied after shopping for jeans in town today. Now I don't have to buy anything for the next 3/4 years... well unless all my tops are too small for me :B
Posted by didi at 22:41 0 comments
Is this correct ... ?
Friday, 7 September 2007
Today is the day to see if I get to stay into this university with the same degree course. I decided to wait for A to get my result, which was about 11ish or so when we got to the business school to look up our score on the board.
When we looked on the board of people who resat, not that many people did resit but still quite abit. 1st year had a whole side of board, whilst 2nd and 3rd had shared one side of a board. A found her result first and she passed her business exam!. I eventually found my result.... is this correct? ... I PASSED my economics exam!!! WOHOO!!! :D :D :D
I had to find my other friend JJ's result, she gave me her student id to look it up... is it correct? Okay, I looked again to make sure. Crap! D: Okay, that must be a wrong student id number, I decided to ring her to make sure it is correct student id number. The number is ********* ... Ah, crap... JJ failed in the Accounting exam... crap D: She said she did better in the previous exam. She had 38% and this time she got 37% :x
Hmm, I think she thought she passed as she's very clever and always help me in the homework we get. When I heard her tone in voice from the phone that is.
:c I hope she decides to carry on.
But Wohoo! to me and A for passing our business modules :D At least, these resits doesn't count to our degree
:3 Hopefully, I will do much better next year trying to achieve no resits.
Posted by didi at 17:29 0 comments
Woot woot!
Thursday, 6 September 2007
After I slept after seeing my unsure result, I had like several miscalls from A in the morning. At first, I thought they were like my alarm clock but realised afterwards when looking at the time on my mobile phone, eep. So she calls my phone again, I thought it was my alarm so I click on "ignore", :X ?!? Oops! But she called again anyway, she just rang me to see if I've checked the results of computing yet. I told her about how I checked it at midnight and it said 40% for the resit modules.
Whilst she was on the phone, I did check it again on the website; still the same result as midnight. I told her my situation what I saw, and she couldn't check her's since she didn't have the internet plugged into her computer. So after she dialled this other girl who also did resit exams and getting her result, she told me that it is automatically updated today ... so does this mean... I PASSED my computing modules!!!
So it's offical that I passed my computing modules!!!
So the result I found like at midnight was automatically updated XD
... only problem is tomorrow I get my economics result... and that's the only thing keeping me to this university :S
Posted by didi at 20:43 0 comments
Is this correct?
Okay, I did not sleep early as I'm too anxious to know my computing modules. But I looked on the website where I get my results, but I ain't sure if I passed or if the results are wrong... since it says this:
module | credits | % marks |
Database | 10 | 40 |
Programming | 20 | 40 |
I know that the highest mark I can get if I resit is only 40% but I ain't sure if this is correct or not. Since I didn't check it before when I got less than 40% on the computing modules =S So I guess I'll wait until the morning to make sure that it is correct or something.. eep! Help!
Posted by didi at 00:07 0 comments
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
ARGH!!! I'm totally stressing on what I got for my computing modules. I get them tomorrow but I dunno what time. I kept texting A about it and boi, I'm getting totally scared about them now!!! Hmm should I check it in about half an hour? But don't think they are actually up though...
ARGH! ARGH!! I could go to sleep and wait until tomorrow morning to check so I won't be feeling this way. EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
It is just the computing modules I get tomorrow as you can get them all the result next Monday but I want to know the results asap lol! They put it on the computing newsgroup, that we can get our results online on the 6th Sept. So lucky for me, I got broadband at home so I can check it :)
Wish me luck for tomorrow! As it's 2/3 of the exam results I will be getting lol! Also it's 3/5 importance of me to carry on Accounting - Information Systems in 2nd year, eep!
Posted by didi at 19:43 0 comments
Time Machine/ Cirque Surreal
Saturday, 1 September 2007
Today, I went with the kids to go to the older of the 2 younger cousin's friend's party which was held at Harrogate, The Time Machine. That place isn't as big as I thought it would be but then again it's for kids not like almost 20year old people. There are different sections to play in: one main soft playarea, a wendy house area with cars, a soft building big blocks and a baby soft playarea.
At first, my aunt dropped me and the kids off at the Time Machine and said to try and sneak the younger kids of the 2 in since she wasn't really invited to the party. So I was like eep, lets hope they don't say anything to me. So when I had to sign in the kids in as their guardian I was totally unsure about younger cousin after my aunt said that. :x But lucky enough, they said nothing. So we all went in, they gave the present to the birthday girl, Mia. The place was like quite huge for a point of kids. I went to sit down but was really unsure since I didn't know any of the parents/guardian as my sister usually goes to these things with the kids (but she had to work today grr). But after like 30seconds less, younger of the 2 cousins runs back to me... O.o? I was like go play but she just waited for me, fuck. I had to go play with her I think. So I took my converses off and left my bag and stuff at the side... I doubt any of the adults there would steal my stuff; even if they did there's nothing there but packet of tissues and water. I'm glad that the kids dragged me away from the adult area, since I was abit unsure to talk to them lol!
So I went with the younger cousin of 2 to guide her way through it, at first I thought I wouldn't fit through the obstacle stuff but I was able to fit through all, lol! After a long play with the kids, about just less than an hour; the adults called all the kids for food. Man, it was crazy during the feeding time. Alot more kids was at the party than I expected, I thought there was 20ish kids but actually there was like 30 odd kids there lol!
After they sang Happy Birthday and finish eating their lunch, everyone played on the playareas again. Then after about 2ish the party ended, so the kids got goodie bags from the birthday girl. The younger of the 2 cousins even got one even though she wasn't really invited lol!
About 7.30ish, me and my brother went out to go meet the kids, my other aunt and 2 older cousins and "fay lo" uncle (lol XD ) to watch some performers called: Cirque Surreal at 8pm. Which has a bunch of different types of performers in one show.
It wasn't really my cup of tea, it was kinda dullish I only liked like one or two performers.
The lady with the sword doing martial arts is boring.
The dude with footballs was okay, he did different types of juggling with about 4/5 balls at the same time.
The slightly overweighted dude was funny for like a second, but just found it dum-funny.
The dude with conkers was boring, just different ways of making noises/spinning it with the conkers. (Soz for getting bored with an act which probably takes years to master).
The dudes with the spinning equipment was the best act of the show. They made the thing spin whilst being inside the hole. Then they went on the outer side of the hole and walked on it. They also did it with blindfolds. Brill act of the whole show.

Can't remember the rest of the performers, tell me the rest of them then I might remember lol! I think I got Short term memory, lol!
I would rate the show about 5/10, as seen chinese circus and that was way better than this one. Sorry to say that but it's the truth. So go to the show and see if I'm wrong or not about the show, Cirque Surreal.
After the show, the uncle who was going to drive the kids with my aunt's home decided to drive me and my brother home too. Whilst we were in the car, my aunt direct the uncle to go to our home by talking very loud (since they say that he's gone abit deaf because of the age thing). We were talking how it was loud in there, then the uncle says "I didn't hear it all because of these". *At this point, he takes out something which looks like earplugs from his ears and then puts it back in*. Then the oldest cousin there said: "Ugh! Did you see that?" to me and to her sister. I was just totally gobsmacked that she said that out loud! I would really just laugh it off if the kids said that but a 21year old?!? Don't think so, that's just plain rude! Especially when he's driving her home! I just hope her attitude would somehow change, as I'm just sick of it!
Posted by didi at 23:51 0 comments