Relationship all about sex

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Today, my sister went to see her boyfriend in another City as usual. It was obvious as usual that she would not really just spend time hanging out with her boyfriend; it's always doing something like watching a film then afterwards a casual sex.

Is that what a relationship is? Always with the sex? I just hope when I go out with someone that it wouldn't always just concern with sex, as that's just not a real relationship if that's all you do!

Anyway, I just stayed home as usual doing abit of revision =/ boring my life, I think my sister would have alot to talk about if she has a blog ^_^". (However, you might not understand her phrasing of words though, as sometimes I don't get it either but it gives you a laugh about how she writes her sentences sometimes ;) It would probably be the funniest blog ever even if it's not suppose to be funny, lol!)