I have been so lazy after exams has finished but I'm going to watch Sex and the City film tomorrow with my friends... I just saw the timetable and it starts at 7.15 and ends at 10!!! Wah! 3hours?!!?
Pink thing
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Posted by didi at 19:51 0 comments
Sitting person
Friday, 30 May 2008
The left leg is totally off ... perhaps this person dislocated their leg or something or just that I can't draw body proportion well.
Don't say anything about the hand.
Posted by didi at 22:35 0 comments
Mannequin girl
I know! You don't have to tell me what's wrong with it. I can see with my eyes that the proportion is totally off and the neck looks way way too thin that it would snap off like in a second with that big head. The style is suppose to be like for this girl.
Posted by didi at 22:20 0 comments
I have finished exams for now!!!! MWAHAHAAA!!! But I bet I have to do some resits :'( I so hate resits, and for all ... "exams" is what I hate the most.
I have been looking at some style of clothes, ones that I would totally love which is rare... well not that rare if consider all the mens clothes that I wear.
I love the style of male clothes compared with the females, as most of them are all pink, glittery and full of pictures on it whilst males are plain and funky style.
Okay, there are some female clothes which are plain and funky style but they cost like an arm and a leg for a decent quality. Whilst males are cheap and quality clothes totally!
I have found one which is my style which is aim for females but cost over my limit.
from: HERE
I would just stick to wearing males which is way cheaper than that... I could probably get 10 more tops for that one nice top.
Posted by didi at 01:12 0 comments
bird view
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Okay, I might have over exaggerate on the size of boobs for this person but probably because I have none so I would not know how big I should do it.
Posted by didi at 22:26 0 comments
Monday, 26 May 2008
Argh! WHy does my aunt have to be so damn stupid!??! I was talking to her on the phone yesrterday and she asks me if I am going to Cornwall with them, and I thought perhaps not as think I might have to resit some modules.
She goes to me: "Why do you have to resit? You don't know".
Of course I don't know the results yet, but I know that I did so crap that I will have to resit something even if I really really don't want to. Which I don't want to duh!
So she goes: "What have you been doing all this time?", What the...? Of course I have been revising my arse off but still doesn't go in my head!
I go to her:" been revising"
She goes: "but your cousin is at lse so it's harder there". Why is she comparing me to her? I am NOT her!!!
*sigh* I just wish I could just be clever to keep things inside without it going away so quickly... abit like a computer database is what I need in my head. Someone build a database for the brain and you can use me to be the first to test it, lol!
I just wish to crawl in a hole and never come out.
Posted by didi at 17:01 0 comments
Ah! the pain hurts! Can't ... stop laughing! HAHAHA!
Sunday, 25 May 2008
I can't believe this malfunctioned at the such a news like that, so funny! Can't stop laughing hahaha! I know bad to laugh but so funny!!!
over 60k died.
Posted by didi at 09:49 0 comments
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Argh! I got to revise for 2modules for tomorrow and nowhere near finish revising for any of them :'( But I'm not going to be concentrating on one module even though it's good to try get high grade on it to include into the degree of my course :S
roar! I've been up since 6am revising my arse off. So tired but I can't sleep now, too much to do. I'm just having a tiny break from all the revision I have done so far.
Cute kitty getting owned by a pillow:
Poutie face:

over 40k died.
Posted by didi at 11:00 0 comments
Happy Birthday
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Happy Birthday to my friend, A!!!
She rang me yesterday ... well today very early XD To say thanks for the present lol! I got her a SClub7 album I think it's the greatest hits one.
Posted by didi at 14:58 0 comments
Paper Mario
Friday, 16 May 2008
I finally finished the Pit of 100 Trials and defeated the final Boss with 200HP. I thought it would be harder but with the help of badges I won :) ... Well I died before reaching that level before :S It took me about 3hours to finish the Pit of 100 Trials.
Yes, I know Goombella is looking v.weak, almost all my partners had HP less than 10 ^-^". If you haven't done the Pit of 100 Trials, I would recommend you buying about 5life mushrooms, Mario didn't have to use it at all, just the partners grr. But I had 4 and only 3 been used ^o^ .
I made A a card for her birthday which is tomorrow ^_^
over 20k died.
Posted by didi at 23:10 0 comments
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!!!
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
My urm... distant related cousin (knew him before he became sort of part of the family) came to our house with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!!! Oooh, all the way from Manchester since he works all over this country ^^. My mum says that I tried these doughnuts before but I think I would have remembered if I ate it right? Anyway, so many different choices to munch on. Picture was taken after 2 doughnuts been munched on.
I shall describe what I thought of each doughnut tasted like to me:
1. I can just taste the flavour of the sugar icing, chocolate icing and sprinkles
2. The doughnut itself had enough flavours on it's own. This tasted like sugar doughnuts but with more icing on it D: Ugh! Too sweet!
3. A chocolate sauce in the middle with a tint of medicine cough syrup taste ... its strawberry! With a flavour of chocolates XD
4. A blueberry with tint of cherry, my type of plain yet nice tasty doughnut!
5. A full chocolate icing with sugar icing, ugh!
6. A chocolate doughnut hard with icing as usual, yack!
7. A icing coated doughnut D:
8.A jammy raspberry, yummy!
9. A lemon flavoured with icing on top - too sweet but love how the bun rised flavour :)
10. Well my mum made that, some type of dim sum with a full blast of banana flavour, too much too much!
Posted by didi at 16:45 0 comments
Scamming email D:
Well, I knew sort of that this email address is a scam as:
1. I haven't got a paypal account.
2. Gmail told me so: "Warning: This message may not be from the alleged person or organisation. Beware of following any links in it or of providing the sender with any personal information. " - sweet XD
Too bad paypal can't shut down that email address since it's a real bother to some that do have a paypal account. As it sure looks like a real paypal address. But then again, I doubt they would say "Dear PayPal member:" most obviously the actual Paypal would put your username itself, I think.
Posted by didi at 12:50 0 comments
Blogger Dream poof!
I was dreaming in the morning about 2 bloggers who I spy at: Esther and Jess.
Weird I know! To be dreaming about some people you don't even know know lol!
So I was dreaming I was reading their blog (sad dream isn't it?). I was reading about them both talking under the title "What I love about Boys" in their blogs. They both wrote single words describing what they like about boys, along with pictures of their boyfriend. Then after talking about boys aka their boyfriend lol! I dreamt that I was looking at pictures of them at the beach, and there was several pictures of them:
1. Esther and her boyfriend Kelvin was just in the Sun walking towards Jess and boyfriend James; whom were sitting under the umbrella with picnic set up for 4 of them.
2. Then I saw the second picture which would never happen unless you are some sick b******. That Esther's boyfriend threw a sand-ball at Jess, and Jess was eating a donut (It's a donut because we got some Krispy Kreme Doughnuts at home in real life, and that Jess said that she always constantly eating in a good way ^_^"). The picture captured was Jess had a sand-ball in her face and whilst biting into the doughnut. Jess's boyfriend had a surprised look in his face and Esther was looking surprised too about what just happened lol!
For some reason at this time, I was actually in the event seeing it in action happening. At this point, Jess was finishing her bite of doughnut as none of the sand-ball got on it... don't know how that can happen, I guess in dreams it can woot! Then Jess started running to Esther's boyfriend to get payback. Jess's boyfriend was laughing and Esther was standing away from her boyfriend lol!
3. The picture captured was of Jess running to Esther's boyfriend to get payback, Esther was walking away from her boyfriend and Jess's boyfriend laughing.
I was dreaming that I was reading this, and thinking "I couldn't believe that Esther's boyfriend did that" and I was also thinking that "Wow, 4 of them must be close to allow one to throw sand-ball at one's face" lol!
And that's the end.
Man, I bet no-one else had a dream about bloggers you have never met before... I can't believe I dreamt that XD
Posted by didi at 09:55 0 comments
Monday, 12 May 2008
I am not going to blog for abit because of exams D: I got my first exam today... eep. I think I'm going to fail it as didn't have time to go through all the lecture notes :'(
quake in China.sad.
Posted by didi at 07:52 0 comments
What the ...?!!
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Okay there I was dreaming away this morning even after 3alarms went off to try to wake me up. Suddenly in my dream, I hear a buzzing noise of a wasp dreamt that it was trying to alert me or something and the noise stopped. So still dreaming away can't remember what it was about but it was a good dream, the noise came back again then I definately knew I had to wake up as a wasp was probably on my window trying to spook me out.
Ah, yes I was correct. A flipping wasp was on my window but not inside the room since I had a net on my window. The weird thing was that I semi-closed my window as my window has that setting on it last night, and the wasp squeezed through a gap to get inside the room window D: I think that is the same wasp that keeps coming to haunt me everyday, as always see a wasp with it's buzzing noise near my window whilst I'm revising.
So anyway, it was simple for me to release the wasp outside since the net was protecting me from the mighty wasp sting. I would recommend putting a net over your window if you are scared from all buggy creatures. I would tell you where my dad bought it from but I forgot where. Okay, just found out that if you type "Window net", most websites shown is about Windows OS. So also good idea to type "Mosquito net" instead.
When I get myself a place, I'm definately going to buy myself alot of mosquito net as it can keep bugs out as well ^^ I'm going cover it all over the windows, doors and my bed. It's going to be the mosquito net house/flat or whatever it' going to be.
Anyway ciao for now.
Posted by didi at 13:53 0 comments
Stop adding me!
Argh! My brother's friends who he meets on the internet keeps adding me as their friend on Facebook. I mean, hello? Who are you? I don't like to add people who I haven't seen before, exception to a person who I met on Neopets.
Anyway, back to the case, what is the point in adding people as your friend if you don't talk to them? I have about 40 friends but like almost 3/4 of them just add me even though they don't talk to me after adding me on Facebook. What the 'eck is with that? It's because they want to spy on me isn't that right >.>
Posted by didi at 00:50 0 comments
Module Enrolement
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Wah, I totally forgot that it opens for the online enrolement today until my friend texted me. Love her for that. So decided to stay up as you can see by the time to choose my modules.
I am going to Major in Accounting and Minor in Information Systems in my final year since there isn't anymore modules I can choose from Information Systems except I could choose the specialist project then I would have enough to do 50% of each subject course. But nah, I'm not good at projects and I think I would just overstress myself even more next year, as I am going to join the Badminton team as the sport is fun and it's indoors (my favourite '3'); as not fond of outside grrr. Even though, I did go outside like everyday at High School playing football at lunchtime.
So the split is: Accounting(67%) and Information Systems(33%). Quite abit of the modules is based on Maths, since I'm more interested into problem solving based with an answer at the end I guess.
Posted by didi at 03:06 0 comments
Acne scar be gone
Sunday, 4 May 2008
Since people say on the internet that cucumber is suppose to help acne scars to go away, so I am going to try it for a while. I am mixing cucumber with lemon not whole fruits since I think it might rot. But abit at a time. I will tell you if it works or not.
I just used the cucumber juice and lemon juice mixed together to put it on my face excluding eyes ^^ ouch. Cucumber and a tint of lemon mixed together.
I didn't have to use a blender to mush up the fruits, I used a garlic crusher and a mesh strainer(sieve) to make it. As for some reason, I can't find any blender at home; that probably means that we don't have it or my parents took it to work.
I just apply it at night so instead of using moisturer after using toner, I apply the mixture of cucumber and lemon juice.
Since I just used a tint of lemon juice for it, I tried to suck the rest of the juice of lemon. But if I were you don't try it, as afterwards my stomach felt funny; like wanting to throw up my dinner(which was pizza ^^). Use the lemon for something else, like cleaning the microwave ^^.
Peace out.
Posted by didi at 23:40 0 comments
Fun or Work?
Saturday, 3 May 2008
I had to make a choice yesterday for today, as I had a choice to go to uni to revise on Saturday with A or to go to Castleford Xscape to celebrate L's bday.
Hmm, I bet most people would choose having fun. Except me. Yes, I chose to revise at uni on a Saturday, bah! So arrived there about 10.30 and started revising straight away and didn't stop until 2.30 so v.happy with myself :) But only trouble is that during that time, I only managed to do one lecture day of notes. Grrr.
I was lazy after going to uni and revising my arse off, was playing Paper Mario. Now I have just finished a Chapter 7 of defeating Xnaut dude. Now I'm on the final part of going to defeat the final Thousand Year Door Monster. I haven't entered the doors yet though.
That's all I've done today, bah!
Posted by didi at 22:39 0 comments
Happy Birthday L!
Friday, 2 May 2008
Happy Birthday L! Who is now 20 finally! Now I'm same age as all the younger peeps lol!... Not for long though :S
She just had some very happy news just recently so she should be celebrating her arse off ;)
Posted by didi at 22:31 0 comments