Why ringing me? I'm not "home"

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Can a Database module be anymore harder than it is?
I thought I would be going to university early to revise but no such luck, I hardly did any revision at all. But I think it was because of mainly my friend A sort of distracting me with her non-productivity at the labs whilst I was doing database module; however I can't just go blaming someone for my lack of revision done today.


I don't know about if this has happened to you and found it quite silly in a sense, but I find it annoying if someone rings me to tell me that they are going to my house when they know I'm not there. What do they expect me to do? Go home and accompany them when they are at my home. Why don't they just ring my home to see who's there since they are going to there instead of university with me. It's not like they are scared of anyone in my household, we all bloody lived together under the same roof for over 10years! If that doesn't get you to know each other well enough to not be frightened to talk to them, nothing else will! Gesh!


Well after not doing anything productive at university, went home and yes, the kids were there. They were playing at my front yard with a cardboard box for some strange reason, whilst my 2 older cousins was inside on my computer. It was such a nice day too, I'm surprised they didn't go biking or play tennis before going straight on my computer.

Why can't people know that you shouldn't play on the road especially with a 3 and 5 year old kids when they don't even know how to cross the road?!! Our road isn't busy at all but there are some cars driving on our road like there's no tomorrow. That just makes me mad about the whole situation, I might sound like no fun cousin to them but at least I'm not giving them wrong judgement about the road. My sister was playing racing across the road with them 2!!! She should at least teach them to look both ways and whether they can hear any engine nearby before crossing it.

Friends or Strangers?

Monday, 30 July 2007

After my morning session of revising, starting at 9.30 at the university for my dreaded resits with A, I went to meet my so so friends (S, M, Sa). It was just the typical event that we do when we meet each other - Bowling. Always with the bowling and nothing else, it's like we just have the regular routine when we go see each other. The weird thing about that is that we don't even see each other often since everyone is at different universities, the last time I saw them was like back in September! Almost a whole year!!! As I was saying, why is it always bowling, why can't we just do like different events like ice-skating or just out for a cuppa of tea. Not just the same old, same bowling. Well hopefully, I will organise the next event with my friends and that just be something different to the boring routine.

Usually bowling isn't awkward with my friends, but this time it was. It was like we didn't know each other at all; it was just talks about who's up next and who's going to win. I tried to bring in the conversation but it didn't go well; everything I said went wrong when saying it out, sounded like a stuck-up cow. It was okay when talking to one of the friends there (S), but with the other 2; it was weird weird.

I also think I need to get my ears checked; as everytime my friends talked, I was like "what did you say?". That's just bad hearing or what?


Coming back home and already had to look after the kids. The bad thing about kids is that they don't tend to finish their food; so that concludes food wasted. They were eating our ice-cream, and whilst eating it, the oldest of the 2 cousins goes I don't want this no more :O What a waste!

After the ice-cream situation, my youngest cousin said that she wants to stay outside so someone had to stay outside with her; yes, it had to be me. At the toddler age is so hilarious, they don't know they are silly. The conversation went something like this but in cantonese:

youngest: "Why is the grass long?"
Me: "Because we can't be bothered to cut it."
youngest: "Why?"
Me: "Just because, you want to help cut it?"
youngest: "Yeah"
Me: "Okay ..."

At this point, the youngest goes into our home and grabs a scissors. Yeah, she's cutting the grass with a scissors. We just got a new lawnmower kid.

So funny, she wanted to stay outside cutting the grass! But she eventually came in because I told her to give the flowers to her family; when that happened I quickly locked the door, mwahahahaha!


I was about to do some revision but then again it's rare to see my grandparents at our home. So decided that this is going to be a rest day from revision. Tonight, it was a full house of all the relatives from my mum's side: With my mum's family(me, sister, brother and dad), my grandparents and my aunt's family. Usually it's just us family and my aunt's family, that's why.

After filling our bellies with goodies of food, everyone decided to act crazy by playing a foot game that my dad told us about. Yes, it isn't good to play after eating since bellies might turn for the worst. But we didn't play straight after our meal about good 30minutes afterwards ^3^. Below is the game that we played:

Foot Game:
1. 2 players per game
2. Both only using their right hand and foot only. But could be the left instead ^_^"
3. Both player's foot must align against the other
4. Both player's hand must clench the other

1. Not to lift the right foot off the ground
2. Hands must not be apart from opponent

The Game:
1. To try and knock off the opponent's foot from the position at the start, by only using the right hand to manuvore anywhere.

It's a hard game, I lost always against my dad... but then again he's much stronger than me. I'm just too weak, just like a man not abling to hold for long. Pictures of some of us playing the Foot Game is on the link at the bottom of this post.


Funny thing happened after singing "Happy Birthday" song to the youngest (even though it isn't her birthday just yet). After the youngest saw the cake, nothing could keep her temptations from grabbing it. So we took pictures of the event because it's the tradition to do take a photos of the cake with people there before munching it. So whilst taking pictures near the cake, the youngest wasn't really concentrating on the camera but concentrating more on the cake so the images didn't come out well of her. XD